Category: General Guidance

What do I need to know right now : solstice reading

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What do I need to know right now : solstice reading - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

7 – The Chariot: Keywords: Willpower, Determination, Control, Victory, Progress

Affirmation: I am focused, determined, and capable of overcoming any obstacles in my path.


Two of Swords: Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom to guide me through challenging decisions with grace and confidence.


Ten of Cups: Keywords: Harmony, Happiness, Emotional fulfillment, Love, Family

Affirmation: I create a harmonious and loving environment for myself and my loved ones, where joy and happiness abound.

This was the card at the back of the deck

Ten of Pentacles: Keywords: Wealth, Legacy, Family, Stability, Prosperity

Overall a very good reading… I’m on my way to good things if i can make a decision and stick to it.
What do I need to know right now : solstice reading - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Free-form spread

What do I need to know right now part two

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What do I need to know right now part two - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Dondorf Lenormand (Images scanned and donated by Petra Gilbert)
Card Notes
Card Notes

36 - Cross


1 - Rider (aka Horseman, Cavalier)


26 - Book


18 - Dog


31 - Sun


21 - Mountain


28 - Man (aka Gentleman)


6 - Clouds


4 - House

What do I need to know right now part two - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Lenormand box spread

What do I need to know right now

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Dondorf Lenormand (Images scanned and donated by Petra Gilbert)
Card Notes
Card Notes

18 - Dog: Keywords:
loyalty, companionship, friendship, support, trust, protection, faithfulness, guidance, socializing, intuition

It represents loyalty, friendship, companionship, and trust. It symbolizes a faithful and supportive relationship, whether it's with a person or an animal. The Dog card often suggests the presence of a loyal friend, a reliable ally, or a trustworthy individual in one's life. It can represent friendship, teamwork, and a sense of camaraderie. The card can also symbolize qualities such as loyalty, protection, and devotion. It can signify a need for companionship, a positive social connection, or the importance of building and nurturing relationships.


26 - Book: Keywords:
knowledge, secrets, hidden, learning, education, mystery, study, information, discovery, occult

It represents knowledge, secrets, hidden information, and learning. It symbolizes a concealed aspect, something that is yet to be discovered or revealed. The Book card often suggests the presence of hidden knowledge, esoteric wisdom, or the need for deeper understanding. It can represent the pursuit of knowledge, education, or the exploration of new subjects. The card can also symbolize secrets, mysteries, or the uncovering of hidden truths. It carries an energy of curiosity, study, and the potential for personal growth through acquiring new knowledge.


19 - Tower: Keywords:
isolation, authority, institution, solitude, confinement, boundaries, structure, detachment, observation, power

It represents isolation, solitude, authority, and structure. It symbolizes a sense of detachment, boundaries, or a need for independence. The Tower card often suggests a period of introspection, self-reflection, or a focus on personal boundaries. It can represent a sense of being alone, seeking solitude, or retreating from the outside world. The card can also symbolize authority figures, institutions, or the need for structure and discipline. It can signify a desire for security, a need for organization, or a reflection on one's own personal power and influence.

Overall meaning of these cards :
There will be helpful knowledge coming from the authorities
What do I need to know right now - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Free-form spread

Past present future

Published by m-c on

Past present future - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Aquatic Tarot (Watercolors by Andreas Schröter 1995-2004, CC License)
Card Notes
Card Notes

King of Pentacles: Keywords:
Financial stability, Security, Mastery, Success, Leadership


11 – Justice: Keywords:
Fairness, Balance, Truth, Accountability, Integrity

The Justice card signifies a fair and just outcome. It represents the need for truth, integrity, and moral principles in your life. It suggests that you will be held accountable for your actions and that justice will prevail. The card encourages you to seek balance, make unbiased judgments, and act with fairness in your dealings. It also signifies the potential for legal matters or resolutions to be resolved fairly.


Knight of Pentacles: Keywords:
Hard work, Responsibility, Reliability, Perseverance, Efficiency

I am diligent, responsible, and focused on my goals, taking practical steps towards success.

Knight of Pentacles signifies patience, dedication, and a steady progress towards your goals. It represents a time when you are willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have a strong work ethic and a focus on practical matters. It encourages you to stay committed, be reliable, and pay attention to the details of your work. The Knight of Pentacles brings a sense of responsibility, stability, and the potential for long-term success.

This was the card under the deck at the end of the reading, it gives me clarification about the overall message of the reading.

Five of Pentacles: Keywords:
Financial struggle, Poverty, Isolation, Hardship, Loss

I am resilient, and I trust that even in times of struggle, I am supported and guided towards abundance.

Five of Pentacles signifies a time of financial or material hardship, feeling excluded, or experiencing a sense of loss. It represents a period when you may be going through financial struggles, health issues, or a feeling of being left out or rejected. The card suggests that it's important to seek support, whether it's financial assistance, emotional comfort, or practical help. It encourages you to remember that even in challenging times, there are resources and people who can offer assistance. The Five of Pentacles brings a sense of resilience, perseverance, and the potential for finding solace and support.

Past present future - tarot reading by m-c
Past present future - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Past present future

Horseshoe spread

Published by m-c on

Horseshoe spread - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The past

15 – The Devil: I’m very happy to see this card showing up as past..!

Temptation, Materialism, Bondage, Addictions, Shadow self

I release negative attachments and embrace my freedom and inner light.

The Devil card signifies the presence of unhealthy attachments, addictions, or patterns that are holding you back. It represents a sense of being trapped or controlled by external influences or negative behaviors. It serves as a reminder to examine your attachments and habits to determine whether they are serving your highest good or inhibiting your growth. It encourages you to break free from these patterns and regain control over your life.

The present

Two of Cups: Keywords:
Connection, Partnership, Love, Harmony, Mutual attraction

I attract and nurture harmonious relationships filled with love, understanding, and joy.

Two of Cups signifies a deep connection and mutual affection between two individuals. It represents the potential for a loving partnership, whether romantic, friendship, or a significant emotional bond. The card suggests that there is harmony and balance in the relationship, and both parties are committed to supporting and nurturing one another. It encourages open communication, vulnerability, and the sharing of emotions. The Two of Cups brings a sense of love, unity, and the potential for a fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

The future

Eight of Swords: This card confirm that I really need to change my thought pattern …

I release self-imposed limitations and embrace the power of my thoughts to create freedom and liberation.

Eight of Swords signifies a time of feeling trapped or confined by external circumstances or limiting beliefs. It represents a period when you may perceive yourself as being unable to see a way out or make progress in a particular situation. The card suggests that you may be experiencing self-imposed restrictions or holding onto negative thoughts that are preventing you from taking action or making positive changes. It encourages you to challenge your beliefs, question your assumptions, and seek new perspectives to break free from the perceived limitations. The Eight of Swords brings a sense of self-awareness, the potential for empowerment, and the opportunity to release yourself from self-imposed constraints.

Self-imposed restrictions, Feeling trapped, Negative thoughts, Limitations

The querent

Queen of Wands: This card confirm that I have power and that I must use it especially my creative power…I have fire inside me that is stronger every day

Confidence, Leadership, Creativity, Warmth, Influence

Queen of Wands signifies a time of personal empowerment, self-assurance, and the ability to lead with confidence. It represents your natural charisma, strong presence, and ability to inspire and influence those around you. The card suggests that you have a deep connection with your passions and are willing to take charge and make things happen. It encourages you to embrace your strengths, trust your intuition, and lead with authenticity and warmth. The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.

I embody confidence, leadership, and creativity, utilizing my inner fire to inspire and nurture those around me.

Other information

4 – The Emperor: Keywords:
Authority, Structure, Leadership, Stability, Control

I take charge of my life and create stability and order.

The challenge

Seven of Cups: This card confirms that I must focus my thoughts with all of my strength to stop them going in the wrong direction

Keywords (reversed card):
Lack of focus, Illusion, Overwhelm, Confusion, Lack of clarity

I focus my imagination and desires on manifesting my highest dreams and aspirations with clarity.

Meaning (reversed card):
In reverse, Seven of Cups' meaning can indicate confusion, indecision, or a tendency to be unrealistic or easily swayed by illusions. It may suggest a need to bring clarity to your thoughts, be more discerning in your choices, or ground your dreams and aspirations in practicality. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be caught up in fantasies or unrealistic expectations. It encourages you to prioritize and focus on what truly matters, rather than being pulled in too many directions.

The outcome

Four of Swords: Keywords:
Rest, Retreat, Contemplation, Solitude, Regeneration

I prioritize my mental well-being and find solace in rest, rejuvenation, and inner peace.

Four of Swords signifies a time of rest, recuperation, and self-care. It represents a period when you may be feeling mentally or physically exhausted and in need of a break. The card suggests that it is important to prioritize your well-being, allowing yourself time and space for relaxation, reflection, and healing. It encourages you to create a peaceful environment, set healthy boundaries, and engage in practices that nurture your mind, body, and spirit. The Four of Swords brings a sense of calm, rejuvenation, and the potential for finding clarity and renewed energy.

This is the card that was at the back of the deck, it gives me a general overview and clarify the messages sent to me.

1 – The Magician: It just confirms again that I must use my power, my creative power in visualization, use my thoughts power to create my life, use the force and dont let my energy slips away.

Manifestation, Personal power, Creativity, Willpower, Skill

I have the power to manifest my desires and create positive change in my life.

It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Gemini.

Horseshoe spread - tarot reading by m-c
Horseshoe spread - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Horseshoe spread by Barbara Moore
Joined Oct 2022
Hi and welcome to my tarot journal!

Here you will find my daily tarot + Lenormand readings, and my favorite decks and spreads.

I love tarot and oracles. I use the tarot since 2016 and started to learn Lenormand in 2020.

I love to do tarot readings by moonlight 🌙 with my cats by my side… ✨🔮🐈🃏

I believe Everything is interrelated, interconnected, sumptuously taken care of ~
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