Category: General Guidance

June spread

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June spread - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The energy of this month

Ace of Pentacles: This card in reverse means that I will feel out of luck and in lack … ugh 😣

Keywords (reversed card):
Lack of abundance, Missed opportunities, Lack of growth, Financial insecurity

I am open to receiving abundant blessings and opportunities for prosperity in all areas of my life.

Meaning (reversed card):
In reverse, Ace of Pentacles' meaning can indicate missed opportunities, financial setbacks, or a lack of stability. It may suggest a need to reassess your approach or expectations regarding material matters. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any limiting beliefs or behaviors that may be hindering your financial growth. It encourages you to focus on building a strong foundation, seek out alternative opportunities, and take practical steps towards achieving financial stability.

The lesson i have to learn this month

Seven of Swords: This probably means the have to learn to keep my energy for myself and not let anyone use my energy… I am generally too generous

Seven of Swords signifies a time of caution, cunning, or a need to be aware of potential deception. It represents a period when you may encounter situations where not everything is as it seems. The card suggests that you should be vigilant and careful of others' intentions, as there may be hidden agendas or manipulation at play. It encourages you to trust your instincts, use your intellect to assess situations, and make strategic decisions to protect yourself and your interests. The Seven of Swords brings a sense of caution, self-preservation, and the potential for finding ways to navigate challenging situations.

The challenge of this month

Nine of Cups: The challenge will be to keep feelling abundant despite what’s going on.

Contentment, Satisfaction, Emotional fulfillment, Wishes come true

I am filled with gratitude and contentment, knowing that I deserve and attract all forms of abundance.

The attitude I must have this month

Queen of Wands: I must keep my head up and strong to my ideals, keep my fiery energy.

Confidence, Leadership, Creativity, Warmth, Influence

Queen of Wands signifies a time of personal empowerment, self-assurance, and the ability to lead with confidence. It represents your natural charisma, strong presence, and ability to inspire and influence those around you. The card suggests that you have a deep connection with your passions and are willing to take charge and make things happen. It encourages you to embrace your strengths, trust your intuition, and lead with authenticity and warmth. The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.

The skill I must develop this month

Four of Wands: Although times are difficult, I must keep up and celebrate every single achievement

Four of Wands signifies a time of celebration, harmony, and stability. It represents the successful completion of a project or the achievement of a significant milestone. The card suggests a period of joy, harmony, and coming together with loved ones to celebrate your accomplishments. It encourages you to appreciate the beauty and stability in your life and to take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The Four of Wands brings a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and a strong foundation.

June spread - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Universal celtic tarot
Spread: June 2023 spread by M-C Turgeon

What do i need to know today?

Published by m-c on

What do i need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

1 – The Magician


Eight of Cups


Knight of Swords

What do i need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
What do i need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Past present future

Prydwen’s anchor

Published by m-c on

Prydwen’s anchor - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The present situation, the issue itself

21 – The World

Your current path in life

Three of Swords

What is blocking your way

Five of Pentacles

What opportunities open your way

11 – Justice

Your home and family

Five of Cups

Your job and vocation

Six of Swords

Your relationship

Two of Swords

What do you need to be aware of

Ace of Swords

The roots of this situation in the past

Ace of Cups

The route that will enable you to sail on towards the future

Six of Pentacles

Card under the deck, general advice

Knight of Pentacles

My analysis will come later…
Prydwen’s anchor - tarot reading by m-c
Prydwen’s anchor - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Prydwen’s anchor by The Arthurian tarot by Caitlin and John Mattews

Today’s message

Published by m-c on

Loving this deck 💜
Today’s message - blog post by m-c

What do I need to know right now

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Nine of Pentacles: Entrepreneur
independent woman
creating a life according to my vision
successful but lonely


Ten of Wands: A burden
the last push


Ten of Pentacles: Fulfillment
home and family

What do I need to know right now?

Coming to the realization that loneliness is a burden… I must connect with family.

Another view for this reading is that fulfillment is really hard to reach for me, but I’m not far from it

One 9 and 2 10 means there is a last push energy in this reading,

2 pentacles refer to material matters, home health and family.
What do I need to know right now - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Spirit keepers Tarot
Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Oct 2022
Hi and welcome to my tarot journal!

Here you will find my daily tarot + Lenormand readings, and my favorite decks and spreads.

I love tarot and oracles. I use the tarot since 2016 and started to learn Lenormand in 2020.

I love to do tarot readings by moonlight 🌙 with my cats by my side… ✨🔮🐈🃏

I believe Everything is interrelated, interconnected, sumptuously taken care of ~
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