Archive: December 2023

Answer the call spread

Published by m-c on

Answer the call spread - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Calling : the nature of the call, this is the heart of the matter. The focus of change the major energy being communicated.

King of Swords: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, King of Swords' meaning can indicate misuse of power, manipulation, or an abuse of authority. It may suggest a need to reassess your approach to leadership or the way you communicate with others. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be too rigid, overly critical, or lacking empathy in your interactions. It encourages you to seek a balance between assertiveness and compassion, and to use your intellectual abilities in a responsible and ethical manner.

Spiritual response : this is how you are being asked to respond, spiritually to this call. it can show a shift in spiritual beliefs or practices

Queen of Swords: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Swords' meaning can indicate emotional detachment, harshness, or a tendency to use intellect as a shield against vulnerability. It may suggest a need to balance your rationality with emotional intelligence and empathy. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be too critical or dismissive of others' emotions, or where you may be suppressing your own emotions. It encourages you to cultivate compassion, consider different perspectives, and find a balance between your head and your heart.

Intellectual response : this is how you are being asked to respond intellectually to this called it may be about learning, syncing or communicating

Ace of Wands: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ace of Wands' meaning can indicate a delay or a temporary blockage in the expression of your creative energy or the initiation of new projects. It may suggest a lack of motivation or a feeling of being stuck. Reversed, the card advises you to assess any internal or external obstacles that may be hindering your progress. It encourages you to rekindle your passion, find alternative avenues for creative expression, and overcome any setbacks or challenges.

Emotional response : this is how you are being asked to respond emotionally to this call. It can tell you about feelings or relationships.

21 – The World: Keywords: Completion, Fulfillment, Wholeness, Success, Integration

Meaning: The World signifies a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and completion of a significant cycle or goal. It represents a state of harmony, unity, and wholeness. The card suggests that you have reached a point of mastery or a significant milestone in your journey. It signifies the integration of various aspects of your life and the recognition of your interconnectedness with the world. The World card brings a sense of fulfillment, celebration, and a feeling of being in alignment with your true self.

Physical response : this is, how are you are being asked to respond physically to this call it can tell you about what you can do or election to take

20 – Judgement: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, the Judgement card's meaning can indicate a resistance to self-reflection or a reluctance to confront past actions. It may suggest a fear of change, denial, or avoidance of necessary transformation. Reversed, the card advises you to face any unresolved issues, release guilt or self-judgment, and embrace the opportunities for growth and renewal. It encourages you to listen to your inner voice and take steps towards personal evolution and self-acceptance.

Keywords (reversed card): Self-doubt, Lack of reflection, Resisting change, Stagnation, Ignoring inner calling

Answer the call spread - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Free-form spread


Published by m-c on

Daily - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Six of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Setbacks, Lack of recognition, Failure, Egoism

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Six of Wands' meaning can indicate a temporary setback, lack of recognition, or a feeling of disappointment despite your efforts. It may suggest a delay in receiving the praise or success you were anticipating. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any factors that may be hindering the recognition you deserve. It encourages you to maintain confidence in your abilities, reassess your goals, and find alternative paths towards success. It reminds you that setbacks are temporary and that perseverance is key.

Something from the past that influence the current situation

Knight of Pentacles: Keywords: Hard work, Responsibility, Reliability, Perseverance, Efficiency

Meaning: Knight of Pentacles signifies patience, dedication, and a steady progress towards your goals. It represents a time when you are willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have a strong work ethic and a focus on practical matters. It encourages you to stay committed, be reliable, and pay attention to the details of your work. The Knight of Pentacles brings a sense of responsibility, stability, and the potential for long-term success.

Other important information needed to understand the situation

Knight of Swords: Keywords: Ambition, Action, Determination, Assertiveness, Clear thinking

Meaning: Knight of Swords signifies a time of swift action, ambition, and assertive behavior. It represents a period when you are driven to achieve your goals and are willing to take decisive action to make them a reality. The card suggests that you possess a strong will, intellectual acuity, and a sense of urgency to accomplish what you set out to do. It encourages you to be bold, assertive, and confident in pursuing your ambitions. The Knight of Swords brings a sense of determination, courage, and the potential for rapid progress.

A description of the present situation

Five of Cups: Keywords (reversed card): Acceptance, Healing, Emotional recovery, Moving on, Finding joy

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Five of Cups' meaning can indicate acceptance, emotional healing, or the ability to find solace and renewal after a period of grief or disappointment. It may suggest a shift in perspective, a release of negative emotions, or the realization that there is still hope and potential for positive change. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may have already begun the process of healing or where you are finding the strength to move on from past disappointments. It encourages you to embrace the lessons learned from your experiences and to focus on the possibilities for emotional renewal and growth.

The main obstacle problem or challenge

21 – The World: Keywords (reversed card): Incompletion, Stagnation, Lack of fulfillment, Disconnection, Lack of integration

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The World card's meaning can indicate a temporary delay or a sense of being unfulfilled despite external achievements. It may suggest a need for further integration or a feeling of being disconnected from your purpose or the world around you. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas of your life that may require further attention or alignment. It encourages you to explore what may be holding you back from fully embracing the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents.

The immediate future

16 – The Tower: Keywords (reversed card): Disaster, Personal crisis, Resistance to change, Avoiding truth, Stagnation

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Tower may indicate personal transformation, realization, breaking free from limiting situations, or avoiding disaster. It suggests a willingness to embrace change, learn from past experiences, and actively participate in the process of personal evolution. It calls for resilience, adaptability, and a proactive approach to navigate through challenges and emerge stronger. It reminds us that sometimes, breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs and that embracing change can lead to profound personal growth.

The probable outcome

Four of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Discord, Lack of harmony, Delayed celebration, Unresolved conflicts, Lack of stability

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Four of Wands' meaning can indicate disruptions in harmony or a delay in celebrating or reaping the rewards of your efforts. It may suggest a lack of stability or challenges in maintaining a sense of balance. Reversed, the card advises you to assess any areas in your life that may need attention to restore harmony and stability. It encourages you to address any underlying issues, seek resolution, and remain patient as you work towards creating a solid foundation.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 5 Minors
  • 5 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Six
  • 2 Knights
Daily - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Free-form spread

My Guides’s message

Published by m-c on

This reading was almost scary… first, I did not order this deck, it was sent to me by mistake,

so I decided to give it a try.

the two cards I picked talk about freedom. The message is crystal clear.

I don’t like this deck so much, but the message was very strong.
My Guides’s message - blog post by m-c
My Guides’s message - blog post by m-c
My Guides’s message - blog post by m-c
Deck: Voices of the souls Oracle
Joined Oct 2022
Hi and welcome to my tarot journal!

Here you will find my daily tarot + Lenormand readings, and my favorite decks and spreads.

I love tarot and oracles. I use the tarot since 2016 and started to learn Lenormand in 2020.

I love to do tarot readings by moonlight 🌙 with my cats by my side… ✨🔮🐈🃏

I believe Everything is interrelated, interconnected, sumptuously taken care of ~
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