Category: General Guidance

What do I need to know right now?

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The past

Queen of Pentacles

The present

Eight of Swords

The future

Five of Cups

The querent

Seven of Swords

Other information

Six of Pentacles

The challenge

Ten of Pentacles

The outcome

4 – The Emperor


Nine of Wands

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 7 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 3 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Eight
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Ten
  • 1 Queen
Ouch, what a journey…

Almost all characters are looking left, except the emperor and 7 of swords…

Then the numbers: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Mystical Cats tarot
Spread: Horseshoe spread

What do I need to know right now?

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The past

Nine of Pentacles

The present

Five of Swords: Keywords: Conflict, Defeat, Unfairness, Betrayal, Hostility

Affirmation: I choose my battles wisely and release the need for conflict, seeking resolution and harmony instead.

Meaning: Five of Swords signifies a time of conflict, disagreement, or a power struggle. It represents a period when you may find yourself in a situation where personal interests clash, and there is a sense of hostility or tension. The card suggests that you may be engaging in or witnessing conflicts that could lead to hurt feelings or damaged relationships. It encourages you to consider the consequences of your actions, seek resolution through communication and understanding, and choose cooperation over confrontation. The Five of Swords brings a sense of caution, the potential for self-reflection, and the opportunity to learn from conflicts.

The future

Seven of Wands: Keywords: Defense, Resilience, Courage, Standing tall, Confidence

Affirmation: I stand tall in the face of challenges, knowing my resilience and courage will lead me to victory.

Meaning: Seven of Wands signifies a time of challenge, competition, or resistance. It represents the need to assert yourself, maintain your position, and defend your beliefs or values. The card suggests that you have the strength, courage, and determination to overcome obstacles or opposition. It encourages you to stand your ground, have confidence in your abilities, and assert yourself in order to maintain control and achieve your goals. The Seven of Wands brings a sense of resilience, bravery, and the potential for triumph.

The querent

Four of Cups: Keywords: Contemplation, Discontentment, Emotional apathy, Soul-searching

Affirmation: I embrace gratitude and openness to the blessings and opportunities that surround me each day.

Meaning: Four of Cups signifies a period of introspection and contemplation. It represents a time when you may feel emotionally withdrawn, uninterested, or dissatisfied with the options presented to you. The card suggests that you are in a state of reflection, seeking deeper meaning or fulfillment. It encourages you to explore your inner world, reassess your priorities, and consider new perspectives or opportunities that may be arising. The Four of Cups brings a sense of self-reflection, contemplation, and the potential for new insights and possibilities.

Other information

Page of Cups: Keywords: Emotional exploration, Intuition, Creative inspiration, New possibilities

Affirmation: I open myself to the wonders of life, embracing my intuition and allowing my creative gifts to flourish.

Meaning: Page of Cups signifies a time of emotional exploration, artistic inspiration, and the awakening of intuitive abilities. It represents a period when you are open to new emotional experiences and willing to explore your creative side. The card suggests that you are in touch with your emotions, have a heightened sense of intuition, and are receptive to the beauty and magic of the world. It encourages you to embrace your creativity, listen to your intuition, and express your emotions in a healthy and authentic way. The Page of Cups brings a sense of curiosity, emotional depth, and the potential for creative and intuitive growth.

The challenge

18 – The Moon: Keywords: Intuition, Emotions, Subconscious, Reflection, Illusion

Meaning: The Moon signifies intuition, dreams, and the exploration of the subconscious mind. It represents a time of heightened sensitivity, psychic insights, and intuitive guidance. The card suggests that there may be hidden truths or emotions at play that need to be acknowledged and embraced. It encourages you to trust your intuition, listen to your inner voice, and pay attention to the messages from your subconscious. The Moon card also indicates the need for patience, as clarity may come in its own time.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and navigate through the unknown with grace and inner knowing.

The outcome

Two of Wands: Keywords: Planning, Future vision, Personal power, Expansion, Partnership

Affirmation: I confidently make decisions that align with my long-term goals, knowing I have the power to create my desired future.

Meaning: Two of Wands signifies the need for planning, strategizing, and making decisions that will shape your future. It represents the initial stages of a new venture or project. The card suggests that you have a clear vision and a sense of personal power. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace opportunities for growth, and take calculated risks. The Two of Wands brings a sense of confidence, ambition, and the potential for success.

Card at the back of the deck

21 – The World: Keywords: Completion, Fulfillment, Wholeness, Success, Integration

Affirmation: I have achieved wholeness and completion, and I embrace the infinite possibilities before me.

Meaning: The World signifies a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and completion of a significant cycle or goal. It represents a state of harmony, unity, and wholeness. The card suggests that you have reached a point of mastery or a significant milestone in your journey. It signifies the integration of various aspects of your life and the recognition of your interconnectedness with the world. The World card brings a sense of fulfillment, celebration, and a feeling of being in alignment with your true self.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 6 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 2 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Page
Gosh, I love this deck so much…. I just used it two or three times for now. Visuals are beautiful and yeah, the reading is just a continuation of my reading of last month about what’s going on right now. Complicated and difficult times leading to depression and a lot of work has to be done on my subconscious and envisioning my future. No need for a I robot for this reading.😉

🤖 AI Interpretation:

In summary, the reading reveals a journey from financial stability and comfort to navigating current conflicts, positioning yourself for future challenges, and exploring deep emotional insights. You are encouraged to delve into your creative and intuitive side while overcoming hidden fears and planning strategically for future success. Ultimately, you are on the brink of a significant accomplishment and a sense of completion, with underlying themes of emotional fulfillment and personal growth guiding your path.

I trust that my intuition will guide me through conflicts and toward fu...
Gosh, I love this deck so much…. I just used it two or three times for now. Visuals are beautiful and yeah, the reading is just a continuation of my reading of last month about what’s going on right now. Complicated and difficult times leading to depression and a lot of work has to be done on my subconscious and envisioning my future. No need for a I robot for this reading.😉

🤖 AI Interpretation:

In summary, the reading reveals a journey from financial stability and comfort to navigating current conflicts, positioning yourself for future challenges, and exploring deep emotional insights. You are encouraged to delve into your creative and intuitive side while overcoming hidden fears and planning strategically for future success. Ultimately, you are on the brink of a significant accomplishment and a sense of completion, with underlying themes of emotional fulfillment and personal growth guiding your path.

I trust that my intuition will guide me through conflicts and toward fulfillment.

Position 1: Nine of Pentacles
In the past, I experienced a significant level of financial stability and independence. I achieved a level of material abundance that allowed me to enjoy the rewards of my efforts. This period of prosperity enabled me to savor the luxuries of life, appreciate my accomplishments, and practice self-care.

Position 2: Five of Swords
Currently, I find myself in a situation riddled with conflict and power struggles. There’s a palpable tension as personal interests clash, potentially leading to hurt feelings and damaged relationships. This card encourages me to seek resolution through open communication, understanding, and cooperation rather than confrontation.

Position 3: Seven of Wands
Looking ahead, I must prepare for challenges and competition that will require me to assert myself. This time will test my strength, courage, and determination to defend my beliefs and values. I am encouraged to stand my ground with confidence, knowing that resilience and bravery will lead to triumph.

Position 4: Four of Cups
I am currently in a state of introspection and contemplation, feeling emotionally withdrawn and perhaps dissatisfied with the options available to me. This period of reflection is crucial for seeking deeper meaning and fulfillment in my life. By exploring my inner world and reassessing my priorities, I may discover new perspectives and opportunities.

Position 5: Page of Cups
Other information reveals that I am in a phase of emotional exploration and artistic inspiration. My intuitive abilities are awakening, and I am open to new emotional experiences and creative expressions. I should embrace my creativity, listen to my intuition, and express my emotions authentically to foster growth.

Position 6: The Moon
The challenge I face involves navigating hidden truths and exploring my subconscious mind. This period of heightened sensitivity and psychic insights requires me to trust my intuition and pay attention to inner messages. Patience is necessary, as clarity will emerge in due time.

Position 7: Two of Wands
The outcome suggests the need for planning and strategizing to shape my future. I am at the initial stages of a new venture that requires a clear vision and personal power. By stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing opportunities, and taking calculated risks, I set the stage for success.

Position 8: The World
The card at the back of the deck signifies a forthcoming sense of accomplishment and completion of a significant cycle. This stage will bring harmony, unity, and a sense of wholeness as I reach a crucial milestone. It highlights the integration of various aspects of my life, celebrating the alignment with my true self.
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What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Old style tarot
Spread: Horseshoe spread

What do I need to know today?

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The challenge: the nature of the challenge, what you need to know about it

Queen of Wands: I need to be in my power in my femininity and my sexual energy

I need to take action, be in the feminine water and the fire element

Your strength: your greatest strength to use when facing this challenge

Eight of Wands: I can change fast

Your weakness: your biggest weakness to be careful of regarding this challenge

2 – The High Priestess: Being too much in a state of meditation, and waiting for clarity and answers to come when I should be into action

Keywords: Intuition, Mystery, Inner wisdom, Spirituality, Divine feminine

Meaning: The High Priestess signifies deep inner knowing, intuition, and a connection with the divine feminine. It represents accessing hidden knowledge, trusting your instincts, and delving into the realms of the subconscious. The card suggests the need to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, and explore the depths of your psyche. It encourages you to embrace the mysteries of life, seek spiritual guidance, and tap into your innate wisdom.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and connect with the wisdom of the universe.

Advice: interpret this card as advice for using your strength to counterbalance your weakness and thereby successfully face a challenge

Ace of Swords: I must change my thinking, my mentality

Keywords: Mental clarity, New ideas, Truth, Mental breakthrough, Intellectual power

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Meaning: Ace of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, breakthroughs, and the potential for new perspectives and ideas. It represents a period when you have the mental strength and clarity to see through illusions, uncover the truth, and make decisions based on rationality and logic. The card suggests that you have the power of insight and the ability to communicate your thoughts effectively. It encourages you to embrace new ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and harness the power of your mind to overcome challenges. The Ace of Swords brings a sense of mental clarity, truth, and the potential for victory in intellectual or analytical endeavors.


13 – Death: This is obviously about the transition

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 3 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Eight
  • 1 Queen
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Today presents a dynamic challenge rooted in my leadership and personal charisma, urging me to harness swift action as a strength while managing my intuitive depths. This journey involves embracing mental clarity as advice to counterbalance the delicate dance between intuition and rapid momentum. Transformation is at play, marking a profound shift that asks me to let go of what no longer serves me.

I embrace change and transformation, knowing that clarity and swift action empower my leadership journey.

Position 1: The challenge: Queen of Wands
The challenge I face today is deeply intertwined with my sense of personal empowerment and leadership. The Queen of Wands signifies that the nature of my obstacle is about stepping into my own power with confidence and warmth. I must lead authentically, trust my intuition, and inspire those around me, even if this role feels intimidating or overwhelming at times.

Position 2: Your strength: Eight of Wands
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Today presents a dynamic challenge rooted in my leadership and personal charisma, urging me to harness swift action as a strength while managing my intuitive depths. This journey involves embracing mental clarity as advice to counterbalance the delicate dance between intuition and rapid momentum. Transformation is at play, marking a profound shift that asks me to let go of what no longer serves me.

I embrace change and transformation, knowing that clarity and swift action empower my leadership journey.

Position 1: The challenge: Queen of Wands
The challenge I face today is deeply intertwined with my sense of personal empowerment and leadership. The Queen of Wands signifies that the nature of my obstacle is about stepping into my own power with confidence and warmth. I must lead authentically, trust my intuition, and inspire those around me, even if this role feels intimidating or overwhelming at times.

Position 2: Your strength: Eight of Wands
My greatest strength in facing this challenge is my ability to act swiftly and decisively. The Eight of Wands highlights that rapid progress and the ability to remove obstacles are my key assets. I have the momentum and energy to make significant strides forward, and embracing this can propel me towards success as I navigate the challenges of leadership and empowerment.

Position 3: Your weakness: The High Priestess
However, my biggest weakness lies in over-relying on my intuition and inner knowing without balancing it with action. The High Priestess warns that I might become too introspective or hesitant, losing valuable time in the process. It's important to avoid getting lost in the depths of my subconscious and instead trust myself to act when necessary.

Position 4: Advice: Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords advises me to use my mental clarity and rational thinking to balance my intuition and swift action. This card suggests that I need to harness breakthrough ideas and new perspectives to navigate through any illusions and uncover the truth. By applying logic and clear communication, I can effectively merge my strengths and address my weaknesses, leading to a successful resolution of my challenge.

Position 5: Jumper: Death
The Death card, having jumped out, signifies a transformational shift that I must embrace. This card indicates that I need to let go of old beliefs, patterns, or attachments that no longer serve my growth. By accepting the endings and making room for new beginnings, I can fully integrate the changes and emerge stronger in my journey of personal empowerment and leadership.
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What do I need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know today? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Old style tarot
Spread: Facing a challenge spread

What do I need to know right now?

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What is hidden? : this is the key to solving your problem or resolving your situation. it is what you need to acknowledge and use and it’s likely something that you’re overlooked or discounted.

Ace of Pentacles

The gift : this is what you can use or do right away to improve the situation.

Four of Swords

The challenge : this is the sticking point in the situation. it will be the hardest part of solving the problem.

Eight of Wands: Meaning: Eight of Wands signifies rapid progress, action, and the resolution of obstacles. It represents a time of swift movement and the removal of any delays or stagnation. The card suggests that things are moving quickly and that you may experience a surge of energy and momentum in your life. It encourages you to seize the opportunities that come your way, maintain focus, and embrace the changes with open arms. The Eight of Wands brings a sense of excitement, progress, and the potential for significant developments.

The reward : this is the outcome if you are able to overcome the challenge successfully.

18 – The Moon: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Moon card's meaning can indicate confusion, deception, or illusions. It may suggest a struggle to trust your intuition or to navigate through a period of uncertainty. Reversed, the card advises you to be cautious of false perceptions or hidden agendas. It encourages you to seek clarity, question assumptions, and bring light to the shadows within yourself or a situation. It may also indicate the need to confront fears or unresolved emotions.

Card at the back of the deck

Five of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Collaboration, Harmony, Resolution, Unity

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Five of Wands' meaning can indicate a decrease in conflict or the easing of tensions. It may suggest finding common ground, reaching a compromise, or a resolution to the conflicts that were previously present. Reversed, the card advises you to learn from past challenges, let go of unnecessary competition, and foster a more collaborative and cooperative approach. It encourages you to seek harmony and understanding in your interactions with others.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 3 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Eight
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The cards reveal that you have a golden opportunity before you, but you may be neglecting self-care in your pursuit. Tackling the rapid changes and maintaining clarity amidst the chaos will be your greatest challenges, but confronting these hurdles will lead to unveiling deeper truths and a clearer path forward.

I trust in my ability to see clearly and act wisely.

Position 1: What is hidden? : Ace of Pentacles
Hidden within your current situation is a potent opportunity for growth and material success. This Ace of Pentacles suggests you’ve overlooked or discounted a seed of prosperity that is ready to grow, provided you can recognize and nurture it. This could be a new project, a financial opportunity, or an important resource available to you right now. It's crucial to acknowledge and use this opportunity as it holds the key to resolving your situation and building a stable future.

Position 2: The gift : Four of Swords (reversed)
The Four of Swo...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The cards reveal that you have a golden opportunity before you, but you may be neglecting self-care in your pursuit. Tackling the rapid changes and maintaining clarity amidst the chaos will be your greatest challenges, but confronting these hurdles will lead to unveiling deeper truths and a clearer path forward.

I trust in my ability to see clearly and act wisely.

Position 1: What is hidden? : Ace of Pentacles
Hidden within your current situation is a potent opportunity for growth and material success. This Ace of Pentacles suggests you’ve overlooked or discounted a seed of prosperity that is ready to grow, provided you can recognize and nurture it. This could be a new project, a financial opportunity, or an important resource available to you right now. It's crucial to acknowledge and use this opportunity as it holds the key to resolving your situation and building a stable future.

Position 2: The gift : Four of Swords (reversed)
The Four of Swords in reverse highlights a pressing need for self-care and rest, which you’ve been neglecting. Despite the urge to push through fatigue or burnout, it's clear you must prioritize relaxation and rejuvenation to improve your situation. Consider this your immediate action step: give yourself permission to take breaks, delegate tasks if possible, and restore your energy to regain balance and clarity in your endeavors.

Position 3: The challenge : Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands signifies the whirlwind of rapid progress and the challenge of staying focused amid swift changes. The pace at which events are unfolding may feel overwhelming, making it difficult to keep up. This card warns that your biggest hurdle will be managing this intense energy and maintaining a clear direction. You must embrace the speed and momentum, remain adaptable, and seize opportunities as they arise, even amidst the chaos.

Position 4: The reward : The Moon (reversed)
If you can successfully overcome your challenges, The Moon reversed promises a reward of unmasking illusions and gaining clarity. This card suggests that by navigating through the confusion and confronting any hidden fears or unresolved emotions, you will bring light to the shadows. This journey will ultimately lead to a clearer understanding of your path and a stronger connection to your inner wisdom, dispelling any deceptive influences that have clouded your vision.
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What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: What is hidden? spread

General reading

Published by m-c on

General reading - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

21 – The World


Queen of Pentacles


Seven of Pentacles

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Queen
This reading serves as a reminder for me to see and enjoy how much work as been through the relationship with my mom… the relationship feels complete now ❤️

🤖 AI Interpretation:

The cards reveal a journey of accomplishments, grounded stability, and thoughtful reflection. They suggest that I am in a period of significant completion, enjoying the fruits of my efforts, yet also pausing to evaluate and plan for the future.

I celebrate my achievements and trust in the journey ahead.

Position 1: 21 – The World

The presence of The World signifies that I have achieved a major milestone in my life. This card indicates a culmination of my efforts, where I have brought various aspects of my life into harmony and unity. It's a time to acknowledge my accomplishments, feel a sense of fulfillment, and appreciate how interconnected I am with the world around me. The completion of this cycle brings a deep sense of satisfaction and alignment with my true self.

Position 2: Queen of Penta...
This reading serves as a reminder for me to see and enjoy how much work as been through the relationship with my mom… the relationship feels complete now ❤️

🤖 AI Interpretation:

The cards reveal a journey of accomplishments, grounded stability, and thoughtful reflection. They suggest that I am in a period of significant completion, enjoying the fruits of my efforts, yet also pausing to evaluate and plan for the future.

I celebrate my achievements and trust in the journey ahead.

Position 1: 21 – The World

The presence of The World signifies that I have achieved a major milestone in my life. This card indicates a culmination of my efforts, where I have brought various aspects of my life into harmony and unity. It's a time to acknowledge my accomplishments, feel a sense of fulfillment, and appreciate how interconnected I am with the world around me. The completion of this cycle brings a deep sense of satisfaction and alignment with my true self.

Position 2: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles reminds me of the importance of stability and nurturance in my life. I am in a position where I can provide for others and myself, creating a harmonious and secure home environment. This card encourages me to continue taking a practical approach to life, maintaining financial security while also nurturing my emotional well-being. It calls for prioritizing self-care and cultivating abundance in all aspects, reaffirming that my grounded nature will sustain me.

Position 3: Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a moment of reflection and assessment. Now is the time to evaluate the progress I have made and consider any necessary adjustments to ensure long-term success. Patience and trust in the process are paramount; I must have faith in my abilities and be open to making changes if needed. This period of anticipation might bring fruitful outcomes, rewarding my diligence and strategic planning.
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General reading - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Erenberg tarot
Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Oct 2022
Hi and welcome to my tarot journal!

Here you will find my daily tarot + Lenormand readings, and my favorite decks and spreads.

I love tarot and oracles. I use the tarot since 2016 and started to learn Lenormand in 2020.

I love to do tarot readings by moonlight 🌙 with my cats by my side… ✨🔮🐈🃏

I believe Everything is interrelated, interconnected, sumptuously taken care of ~
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