Archive: January 2024

Stats for the first 2 days of 2024

Published by m-c on

Call me crazy, but the TJ tarot stats fascinate me. They were my main focus while building TJ. I first asked Chris to build a tarot stats tool, which then became a tarot journal as well.

Look at the cards that were pulled the most in the last two days,

don’t they reflect what’s happening in the world right now ?

are they giving us a message about what will happen overall this year?

Heartbreak, fleeing, men of power…

What do you think?
Stats for the first 2 days of 2024 - tarot statistics by m-c

What will 2024 look like

Published by m-c on

What will 2024 look like - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The guiding light for this new year: use my power

King of Wands: Keywords: Power, Influence, Strength, Inspiration, Leadership

Affirmation: I wield my power and influence with integrity, using my strength and leadership to create positive change.

Meaning: King of Wands signifies a time of strong leadership, ambition, and the ability to take charge of situations. It represents your assertiveness, entrepreneurial spirit, and the confidence to pursue your goals with determination. The card suggests that you possess natural leadership qualities and are capable of inspiring others to follow your vision. It encourages you to embrace your passion, assert your authority, and use your influence to create positive change. The King of Wands brings a sense of personal power, influence, and the potential for success.

Qualities I must develop This year: have faith

Nine of Swords: Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.

Meaning: Nine of Swords signifies a time of deep anxiety, nightmares, or emotional turmoil. It represents a period when you may be plagued by excessive worry, negative thoughts, or fear-driven imagination. The card suggests that you may be experiencing mental distress, feeling overwhelmed by concerns, or unable to find peace of mind. It encourages you to confront your fears, seek support from others, and practice self-compassion and self-care. The Nine of Swords brings a sense of acknowledging and addressing your anxieties, seeking assistance if needed, and finding ways to alleviate mental distress.

Tools given to me by the universe: healing past wounds Through challenges

Three of Swords: Keywords: Heartbreak, Sorrow, Loss, Pain, Emotional upheaval

Meaning: Three of Swords signifies a time of emotional turmoil, heartbreak, or the experience of deep sorrow. It represents a period when you may be going through a painful separation, loss, or disappointment. The card suggests that you are experiencing intense emotions and may be feeling hurt or betrayed. It encourages you to allow yourself to grieve, acknowledge your pain, and seek support to heal and recover. The Three of Swords brings a sense of emotional release, the potential for catharsis, and the opportunity for personal growth through the process of healing.

Affirmation: I release pain and sorrow, allowing my heart to heal and find emotional liberation.

Obstacles on my way: wanting to succeed

Six of Wands: Meaning: Six of Wands signifies a time of triumph, recognition, and accomplishment. It represents the successful completion of a project or the attainment of a goal. The card suggests that your efforts and hard work are being acknowledged and celebrated by others. It encourages you to embrace your achievements, bask in the limelight, and enjoy the sense of victory and validation. The Six of Wands brings a sense of confidence, pride, and public acclaim.

Affirmation: I celebrate my victories and embrace the recognition and success that come from my hard work and determination.

Gift from the universe: having faith in my power, my intuition in my personal power

Queen of Wands: Keywords: Confidence, Leadership, Creativity, Warmth, Influence

Meaning: Queen of Wands signifies a time of personal empowerment, self-assurance, and the ability to lead with confidence. It represents your natural charisma, strong presence, and ability to inspire and influence those around you. The card suggests that you have a deep connection with your passions and are willing to take charge and make things happen. It encourages you to embrace your strengths, trust your intuition, and lead with authenticity and warmth. The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.

Card at the end of the deck it gives a general overview of the energy of the year: being grateful, even in the hard times

Four of Cups: Keywords: Contemplation, Discontentment, Emotional apathy, Soul-searching

Affirmation: I embrace gratitude and openness to the blessings and opportunities that surround me each day.

Meaning: Four of Cups signifies a period of introspection and contemplation. It represents a time when you may feel emotionally withdrawn, uninterested, or dissatisfied with the options presented to you. The card suggests that you are in a state of reflection, seeking deeper meaning or fulfillment. It encourages you to explore your inner world, reassess your priorities, and consider new perspectives or opportunities that may be arising. The Four of Cups brings a sense of self-reflection, contemplation, and the potential for new insights and possibilities.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 0 Majors
  • 6 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 3 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Queen
  • 1 King
My yearly spread of the tree gift of the Magicians… still editing…

i’m still wondering about the meaning of the six of wands, but overall 3 wands and 2 swords, 2 court, It will be a year of controlling my thoughts and using my will power, not letting my thoughts, or the past running me down.

air and fire will be predominant this year.
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Position 1: King of Wands
The King of Wands as the guiding light for 2024 indicates a year to assertively embrace ambition and take charge in your situations. This card, symbolizing leadership and determination, encourages us to step up and take the reins. It's a call to be confident, to use personal power for positive change, and to influence circumstances beneficially.

Position 2: Nine of Swords
In the realm of qualities to develop this year, the Nine of Swords suggests that it may be time to confront deep-seated anxieties or worries. Although this card typically represents emotional distress, in the context of this rea...
My yearly spread of the tree gift of the Magicians… still editing…

i’m still wondering about the meaning of the six of wands, but overall 3 wands and 2 swords, 2 court, It will be a year of controlling my thoughts and using my will power, not letting my thoughts, or the past running me down.

air and fire will be predominant this year.
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Position 1: King of Wands
The King of Wands as the guiding light for 2024 indicates a year to assertively embrace ambition and take charge in your situations. This card, symbolizing leadership and determination, encourages us to step up and take the reins. It's a call to be confident, to use personal power for positive change, and to influence circumstances beneficially.

Position 2: Nine of Swords
In the realm of qualities to develop this year, the Nine of Swords suggests that it may be time to confront deep-seated anxieties or worries. Although this card typically represents emotional distress, in the context of this reading, it encourages developing compassion and self-care to handle life's stresses better. It's a call to address and mitigate mental distress actively, seeking help if needed.

Position 3: Three of Swords
The Three of Swords in the position of tools gifted by the universe indicates that healing past wounds may come through confronting challenges. This card is a powerful symbol of emotional release and self-growth. It encourages us to acknowledge our pain and use it fuel our journey towards healing and recovery.

Position 4: Six of Wands
The obstacle shown by the Six of Wands is the desire to succeed. It warns against being overly absorbed in achieving recognition and validation to the extent that it distracts from genuinely rewarding experiences. The key is to find balance and not let the focus on success overshadow the value of the journey.

Position 5: Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands as the gift from the universe represents personal empowerment and self-assurance. It encourages complete trust in our intuition and leadership skills. It's an affirmation of personal power and proof that we have what it takes to make things happen.

Position 6: Four of Cups
The Four of Cups gives an overview of the year’s energy, indicating a period of introspection and contemplation. Although it may seem challenging, it's essential to look inward and assess priorities. It nudges us to consider new perspectives and opportunities.

The cards suggest a year of leadership and self-assertiveness, underlined with introspection and confronting anxieties. It's a year for healing, balance, and developing emotional resilience. The year may present obstacles in the form of an over-focus on success, but the universe gifts personal empowerment and confidence. Energy-wise, introspection and contemplation will play a crucial role in personal growth and spiritual evolution. Embrace your power, trust your intuition, and remember to stay grateful, even through the hard times.
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What will 2024 look like - tarot reading by m-c
What will 2024 look like - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: Cosmic Tarot
Spread: “3 gifts of the magi” Tarot spread

What do I need to know right now?

Published by m-c on

What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What do I need to know right now?

Ten of Cups: Keywords: Harmony, Happiness, Emotional fulfillment, Love, Family

Affirmation: I create a harmonious and loving environment for myself and my loved ones, where joy and happiness abound.

Meaning: Ten of Cups signifies a time of emotional fulfillment, harmony, and deep happiness within relationships. It represents a period when you experience a sense of unity, love, and support within your family or close connections. The card suggests that you have cultivated strong and meaningful relationships, and you feel a deep sense of contentment and emotional well-being. It encourages you to appreciate and nurture the love and support that you have in your life, fostering a sense of harmony and emotional fulfillment. The Ten of Cups brings a sense of joy, love, and the potential for lasting happiness in relationships and family life.

First card of the year!

To me, the card represent what I’ve gained in the last 12 months, stronger family connections, reconnection and happiness with my family, which is something that did not happen since many many years. It was a long painful and difficult 10 years process to go through.

the rest of the year was mostly shit, challenging and very dark. But the light always wins. I think that’s the message of the card. Reunion, peace and family happiness at last.
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
What do I need to know right now? - tarot reading by m-c
Spread: Free-form spread

My stats for 2023

Published by m-c on

My stats for 2023 - tarot statistics by m-c

TJ community stats for the year 2023

Published by m-c on

Very interesting to see the most drawn cards of the year 2023 by all members of the TarotJournal community… in total about 3000 cards were pulled since we launched in April.

anyone feels like giving an interpretation?
TJ community stats for the year 2023 - tarot statistics by m-c
Joined Oct 2022
Hi and welcome to my tarot journal!

Here you will find my daily tarot + Lenormand readings, and my favorite decks and spreads.

I love tarot and oracles. I use the tarot since 2016 and started to learn Lenormand in 2020.

I love to do tarot readings by moonlight 🌙 with my cats by my side… ✨🔮🐈🃏

I believe Everything is interrelated, interconnected, sumptuously taken care of ~
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