Archive: July 2024

The Pneuma Crossing: Eleven-Card Spread

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This spread provides a glimpse into the intersection where past, present, possible future, universal qi, personal qi, and the Seeker's personality all come together for one holistic collage.
The Pneuma Crossing: Eleven-Card Spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
The far removed past, providing context for the Seeker's present trajectory.
The recent past, or what has already come to pass and is still having an impact on the present and probable future.
The present.
Known issues and what occupies the Seeker's consciousness.
Latent issue and what occupies the Seeker's unconscious, what needs to be raised to the surface, or what the Seeker must confront and reconcile with in order to progress.
The most probable outcome for the Seeker's situation, base on current variables.
Force majeure: Overriding superior forces that profoundly affect the Seeker's life trajectory.
Karma: The chain of cause and effect that represents the Seeker's narrative cycle.
Disposition: the Seeker's fundamental character.
Education: the Seeker's body of knowledge and experiences.
Action: the Seeker's expressions by conduct and words that most often determine the Seeker's success or failure.
Spread author: Benebell Wen

Cycle of Healing Spread

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This is a spread to help you look within yourself, find where you are in pain, and develop avenues towards restoration. We are all at different points in the cycle of healing and being hurt. While shuffling, think about your life in this current moment. What brings you joy, and what brings you pain? What do you need to let go of so that you can move forward? No need to think about a specific time period: the cards will point you towards what parts of you are ready to heal, and it will take as long as it needs to take.
The goal and the current-self card represent the same person at different points in the cycle.
Cycle of Healing Spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
Current self: Where are you now?
Hurt: What parts of you, physical or mental, are in pain?
Heal: What parts of you are ready to heal? These may not be the same parts that are causing pain.
The Path: How do you heal and move forward?
Obstacle: What blocks your path? Ask how this obstacle could be released, avoided, or worked with.
Goal: Where you need to go, what you need to do, or be. Where does this path lead? If a negative card appears here, it may be a painful thing that needs to happen on your greater journey, not a final point. If this car appears reversed, often the 'goal' is to remove what is blocking the energy.
Spread author: Isabella Rotman


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If you're wondering whether you should “stick it out,” whatever that long-term “it” is: a career, a friendship, a project, or partnership. At these times it’s useful to get a reality check because sometimes the thing that has us ready to toss away all our hard work to start fresh, or the thing we think is enough to keep us going, turns out to be bullshit and fleeting.
EXPLORING POTENTIAL SHIFTS - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
Primary Forcast: What can I expect from where I am in this situation? The current trajectory for the way things are now, generally speaking.
Primary Forcast: What to expect from a slight pivot. Would I benefit from a shift in mindset? A change in routine? A new way to do something? A reality check slap in the face to quit whining?
Primary Forcast: What can I expect from a whole new path?
Primary Forcast: What do I really want from the change?
Current State: What’s really missing from my current state?
How can I make the most of continuing as is? opportunities to explore and places where I might get that inspiration for something new. It was less about making the most of the situation once I am in it but more about making the most of finding that new path.
How can I make the most of a slight pivot?
How can I make the most of a whole new path?
What should I know to help me make the right decision?
Spread author: Hermit's Mirror

Soul Contract Spread

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The Summum Bonum
Before laying the cards out, set the intention to honour the soul contract for the Highest Good. This does not mean staying in a toxic relationship; it means doing the healing work so that you both are free to move on. You can say a prayer and maybe light a candle for this healing intention if it feels right. Ask to be shown what you need to see to accomplish the end of suffering and complete liberation for both of you.
Soul Contract Spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
The nature of your karmic soul contract
Your main lesson
What you are already aware of (a pattern that you are in with this soul mate)
Shadow-work still needed (especially if there are lingering triggers around the relationship)
Past healing already accomplished (give yourself credit where credit is due as this will boost morale and help you complete the process)
The final step on the healing journey that signals that you are ready to cut cords
Spread author: Mimi

Progression and Outcome of SItuation

Published by TJ users Spreads on

Progression and Outcome of SItuation - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
The present - This card represents what is happening to the querent at the present time. It also reflects the querent’s state of mind and how they may be perceiving the situation
The Challenge - This card represents the immediate challenge or problem facing the querent. This is the one thing that, if resolved, would make life a lot easier. Even if you draw a ‘positive’ card in this position, consider it carefully as it will still represent a challenge.
Underlying Vibration - This card represents the events that have lead up to the present situation and may provide some indication of how the challenge came about.
Driving Force or Factors - This card reflects that which is within the subconscious realm of the querent and delves much deeper into the core foundation of the situation. It symbolises the underlying feelings and trends associated with the situation and can indicate what is truly driving the querent. This card may bring a surprise message to the querent, particularly if they are not deeply connected to their inner being
Influences for the Outcome - This card represents what is likely to occur that will influence the final outcome, simply the next step on the journey.
Lessons Learned - The lessons to be learned from the experience
Outcome - This card is representative of where the situation is headed and if/how the issue will be resolved. It assumes the outcome based on the querent continuing their current course of action.
Spread author: Michelle
Joined Feb 2024
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