Archive: July 2024

Four Card Formation: Combination Reading

Published by TJ users Spreads on

I picked up this spread from the book, "Easy Tarot Combinations" by Josephine Ellershaw
Four Card Formation: Combination Reading - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
* The root card and main theme at the moment *What it's all about or how it began *Will in some way be connected and lead to events in card 2
*Events from card 1 brought this into being *May already be happening or just about to *Leads to card 3
*As the situation unfolds, this is what will happen next in the progression and chain of events *Leads to card 4
*Closes the sequence of where events lead in this situation - as far in time as we can foresee at the moment
Spread author: Josephine Ellershaw

Action plan spread

Published by TJ users Spreads on

Action plan spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
Now: this is your starting point
Strength: This is what you already have, and can use as you move forward.
Challenge: this is what you will face, and by facing it, create the change you seek
Help: this is where you can find help it can be a person a technique, an area of study and activity or action, etc.
Outcome: this is the goal or outcome
Spread author: Barbara Moore
Joined Feb 2024
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