A gentle reminder.

Published by Yohann on · 1

This week I was reminded as there is not such thig as a "light" reading. While getting fimiliar with the deck, I thought I would grab a spread, centering, and toss a quick reading. Although I was not serious, my spirit guide was and decided to give me one of the most meaningful readings I have had in a while.

This experiance has left me wiser to the ways of the divine energy and that our spirit guides are here to help...always.

Centering 202401

Published by Yohann on

Centering 202401 - tarot reading by Yohann
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What you see

7 – The Chariot: Keywords: Willpower, Determination, Control, Victory, Progress

Affirmation: I am focused, determined, and capable of overcoming any obstacles in my path.

Meaning: The Chariot signifies victory, self-discipline, and the ability to steer your life in the desired direction. It represents taking control of your circumstances, setting clear goals, and using your willpower to overcome obstacles. The card encourages you to focus your energy and forge ahead with confidence, resilience, and determination. It suggests that by harnessing opposing forces and maintaining balance, you can achieve your objectives and experience personal growth.

Associated crystals: Tiger’s eye, Pyrite, Chalcedony, Amber, Howlite, Leopard skin jasper, Staurolite

Numerology: It is associated with the number 7. The number 7 in numerology is considered a highly spiritual number. It represents a time of introspection and inner growth, where one delves into deeper levels of consciousness and seeks higher wisdom. It signifies the integration of intellect and intuition.

What you do

Ace of Swords: Keywords: Mental clarity, New ideas, Truth, Mental breakthrough, Intellectual power

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Meaning: Ace of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, breakthroughs, and the potential for new perspectives and ideas. It represents a period when you have the mental strength and clarity to see through illusions, uncover the truth, and make decisions based on rationality and logic. The card suggests that you have the power of insight and the ability to communicate your thoughts effectively. It encourages you to embrace new ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and harness the power of your mind to overcome challenges. The Ace of Swords brings a sense of mental clarity, truth, and the potential for victory in intellectual or analytical endeavors.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

What you feel or sensitive to

Page of Pentacles: Keywords: Manifestation, Opportunities, Study, Potential, Practicality

Affirmation: I embrace new opportunities for learning, growth, and manifestation of my goals and dreams.

Meaning: Page of Pentacles signifies the start of a new venture, learning a new skill, or pursuing practical goals. It represents a time of curiosity, diligence, and the willingness to work hard to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have the potential to bring your ideas into the physical realm and manifest your desires. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for growth, be open to learning, and take practical steps towards your goals. The Page of Pentacles brings a sense of enthusiasm, determination, and the potential for long-term success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, Gemini or Taurus.

What you think

2 – The High Priestess: Keywords: Intuition, Mystery, Inner wisdom, Spirituality, Divine feminine

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and connect with the wisdom of the universe.

Meaning: The High Priestess signifies deep inner knowing, intuition, and a connection with the divine feminine. It represents accessing hidden knowledge, trusting your instincts, and delving into the realms of the subconscious. The card suggests the need to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, and explore the depths of your psyche. It encourages you to embrace the mysteries of life, seek spiritual guidance, and tap into your innate wisdom.

Associated crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, Labradorite

Numerology: It is associated with the number 2. The number 2 in numerology signifies harmony and balance. It represents the ability to find equilibrium between opposing forces and to integrate different aspects of oneself. It is a number of cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition.

What or Who you are

13 – Death: Keywords: Transformation, Endings, Rebirth, Release, Transition

Affirmation: I release the old to make way for transformation and new beginnings.

Meaning: The Death card signifies the completion of a phase or a significant transformation in your life. It represents the need to let go of old patterns, attachments, or beliefs that no longer serve you. It can indicate the end of a relationship, a job, or a way of life, making room for new opportunities and growth. The Death card invites you to embrace change, accept endings, and trust in the cycle of life and transformation.

Associated crystals: Apache tear, Bloodstone, Snakestone, Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Amber, Zebra stone

Numerology: It is associated with the number 13. The number 13 in numerology holds significant transformative energy. It represents the completion of a cycle and the potential for rebirth and new beginnings. It symbolizes the shedding of old patterns, beliefs, or situations to make way for growth and renewal.

Got a new deck...thought I would give it a whirl...holycrapinoli...you never know when your spirit guide gives you a real message.
Centering 202401 - tarot reading by Yohann
Spread: Free-form spread

What can we do to ensure the farm has an ROI in 10 years?

Published by Yohann on

What can we do to ensure the farm has an ROI in 10 years? - tarot reading by Yohann
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Current Situation

Queen of Cups: Keywords (reversed card): Emotional instability, Self-neglect, Lack of empathy, Emotional manipulation, Moody

Affirmation: I embody compassion, intuition, and emotional strength, nurturing myself and others with love and kindness.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional instability, emotional manipulation, or difficulty in managing your own emotions or understanding the emotions of others. It may suggest a need to develop emotional boundaries, address any codependent tendencies, or work on improving your emotional well-being. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be neglecting your own emotional needs or struggling to create healthy emotional connections. It encourages you to prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and seek support when needed.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Current Challenges

Queen of Wands: Keywords: Confidence, Leadership, Creativity, Warmth, Influence

Affirmation: I embody confidence, leadership, and creativity, utilizing my inner fire to inspire and nurture those around me.

Meaning: Queen of Wands signifies a time of personal empowerment, self-assurance, and the ability to lead with confidence. It represents your natural charisma, strong presence, and ability to inspire and influence those around you. The card suggests that you have a deep connection with your passions and are willing to take charge and make things happen. It encourages you to embrace your strengths, trust your intuition, and lead with authenticity and warmth. The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Where to Find Help

Ace of Wands: Keywords: Creative potential, New beginnings, Inspiration, Energy, Passion

Affirmation: I embrace my creative potential and seize new opportunities with passion and enthusiasm.

Meaning: Ace of Wands signifies a surge of energy, passion, and creative potential. It represents the birth of a new idea, project, or opportunity that holds great promise. The card suggests that you are filled with enthusiasm, motivation, and a sense of purpose. It encourages you to seize the opportunity, take bold action, and channel your creative energy into manifesting your goals. The Ace of Wands brings a sense of empowerment, inspiration, and a fresh start.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

Long Term Gains

Three of Swords: Keywords (reversed card): Healing, Acceptance, Emotional recovery, Release, Moving on

Affirmation: I release pain and sorrow, allowing my heart to heal and find emotional liberation.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Three of Swords' meaning can indicate healing, release, or a gradual recovery from emotional pain. It may suggest that you are starting to move past the heartbreak or sorrow that you have experienced. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be actively working towards healing, seeking support, or finding ways to mend your emotional wounds. It encourages you to be patient with yourself, engage in self-care, and take the necessary steps towards emotional recovery.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Short Term Gains

Three of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Lack of progress, Delays, Lack of collaboration, Missed opportunities, Narrow vision

Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities and collaborations that bring growth and expansion into my life.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Three of Wands' meaning can indicate setbacks, delays, or missed opportunities. It may suggest a need to reassess your plans or to be patient in awaiting the results of your efforts. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any obstacles or barriers that may be impeding your progress. It encourages you to adjust your approach, seek alternative routes, and remain adaptable to changing circumstances.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.


9 – The Hermit: Keywords: Introspection, Solitude, Wisdom, Guidance, Self-reflection

Affirmation: I embrace solitude and self-reflection to gain deeper understanding and inner wisdom.

Meaning: The Hermit signifies a time of introspection, soul-searching, and seeking answers from within. It suggests a period of solitude and reflection to gain deeper understanding and insight. The card encourages you to detach from the distractions of the external world and focus on inner wisdom, self-discovery, and personal growth. It represents a quest for truth, enlightenment, and self-awareness.

Associated crystals: Peridot/Olivine, Bloodstone, Smoky quartz, Sapphire, Blue calcite, Blue tourmaline

Elements: Earth


Two of Swords: Keywords (reversed card): Indecisiveness, Lack of balance, Ignoring truth, Delayed decision, Stagnation

Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom to guide me through challenging decisions with grace and confidence.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Two of Swords' meaning can indicate resolution, making a decision, or gaining a new perspective. It may suggest that you have reached a point of clarity or have overcome the obstacles that were causing indecision. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may have previously avoided making a decision or confronted uncomfortable truths. It encourages you to be open to new perspectives, embrace change, and move forward with confidence.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 2. The number 2 in numerology signifies harmony and balance. It represents the ability to find equilibrium between opposing forces and to integrate different aspects of oneself. It is a number of cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition.

What to focus on now

21 – The World: Keywords (reversed card): Incompletion, Stagnation, Lack of fulfillment, Disconnection, Lack of integration

Affirmation: I have achieved wholeness and completion, and I embrace the infinite possibilities before me.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The World card's meaning can indicate a temporary delay or a sense of being unfulfilled despite external achievements. It may suggest a need for further integration or a feeling of being disconnected from your purpose or the world around you. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas of your life that may require further attention or alignment. It encourages you to explore what may be holding you back from fully embracing the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents.

Associated crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Black pearl, Jet, Unakite, Larimar, Turquoise, Opal, Kunzite, Rhyolite

Numerology: It is associated with the number 21. The number 21 in numerology signifies the culmination of a journey and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. It represents the integration of diverse experiences, the merging of opposites, and the fulfillment of one's purpose or goals. It symbolizes a state of wholeness and harmony.

What to Focus on in the future

King of Wands: Keywords: Power, Influence, Strength, Inspiration, Leadership

Affirmation: I wield my power and influence with integrity, using my strength and leadership to create positive change.

Meaning: King of Wands signifies a time of strong leadership, ambition, and the ability to take charge of situations. It represents your assertiveness, entrepreneurial spirit, and the confidence to pursue your goals with determination. The card suggests that you possess natural leadership qualities and are capable of inspiring others to follow your vision. It encourages you to embrace your passion, assert your authority, and use your influence to create positive change. The King of Wands brings a sense of personal power, influence, and the potential for success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.


King of Cups: Keywords (reversed card): Emotional volatility, Lack of empathy, Emotional manipulation, Indecision, Moodiness

Affirmation: I embody emotional balance and wisdom, using my empathy and intuition to bring harmony to my life and relationships.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, King of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional volatility, manipulation, or an imbalance in managing your own emotions or the emotions of others. It may suggest a need to address any emotional reactivity, work on developing better emotional boundaries, or seek to bring more balance and stability to your emotional life. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be neglecting your own emotional well-being or struggling to navigate emotional situations effectively. It encourages you to prioritize self-care, develop emotional resilience, and seek support when needed.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

The business is unhealthy and stagnant. This is caused but the selling process and the way to save is by strong compassionate leadership and the constant flow of ideas. Pay heed to all ideas no matter the source but you do not have to act on every idea. The 4 court cards indicate several things but in this case I think it is in indication that the partners are the correct people for the job and the position of the card is where that member is the most effective or affected.

I would say this business is very emotional and volatile due to past behaviors. It is imperative to stay emotionally detached from the problems at the farm. Be compassionate but remember you do not have to solve everyone’s problems, sometimes you work around.

As a whole, the partners will be successful, but it will be a hard road which emotional attachment will occur. What business owner is not emotionally attached? It is important to recognize it when it happens and work to detach yourself. Relying on f...
The business is unhealthy and stagnant. This is caused but the selling process and the way to save is by strong compassionate leadership and the constant flow of ideas. Pay heed to all ideas no matter the source but you do not have to act on every idea. The 4 court cards indicate several things but in this case I think it is in indication that the partners are the correct people for the job and the position of the card is where that member is the most effective or affected.

I would say this business is very emotional and volatile due to past behaviors. It is imperative to stay emotionally detached from the problems at the farm. Be compassionate but remember you do not have to solve everyone’s problems, sometimes you work around.

As a whole, the partners will be successful, but it will be a hard road which emotional attachment will occur. What business owner is not emotionally attached? It is important to recognize it when it happens and work to detach yourself. Relying on family will help identify this situation.
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What can we do to ensure the farm has an ROI in 10 years? - tarot reading by Yohann
Spread: Business Strategy by Labyrinthos.com

Angel and Devil

Published by Yohann on

Do you remember the image where a devil and angel sits on your shoulder offer conflicting advice? I designed this spread to help clarify what to do in this situation. For me, this is where I need my spirit guides the most. Recent developments in my life found me searching for the right spread and could not find one that fit my specific scenario. So, I created one.

This spread is under development so if you decide to try, please provide feedback. The intention is to clarify the path but does not give the answer. This spread is about making an informed choice. For my upcoming reading I had all parties involved shuffle my deck because the choice I make effects them as well. Having their energy in the mix helps me understand how they will feel.
Angel and Devil - tarot spread shared by Yohann
Head: Energy your thoughts contain. The flow of ideas.
Heart: What energy do your feelings carry
Gut: Energy your reaction emits. aka gut reaction
Energy working against, Your personal challenge
Energy working for you, Luck factor
Devil: Bad advice you give yourself
Angel: Good advice you give yourself
Spread author: John "Yohann" Chaffee

What information do I need to know about the opprotunity?

Published by Yohann on

What information do I need to know about the opprotunity? - tarot reading by Yohann
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Head: Energy your thoughts contain. The flow of ideas.

Page of Swords: Keywords: Curiosity, Mental agility, New ideas, Intellectual pursuit, Communication

Affirmation: I embrace curiosity and expand my knowledge, seeking intellectual growth and insightful perspectives.

Meaning: Page of Swords signifies a time of intellectual curiosity, seeking knowledge, and embracing new ideas. It represents a period when you are open to learning, engaging in intellectual pursuits, and seeking the truth. The card suggests that you possess a keen mind and a thirst for knowledge, and you are willing to explore different perspectives or challenge established beliefs. It encourages you to embrace your curiosity, stay intellectually agile, and communicate your thoughts with clarity and honesty. The Page of Swords brings a sense of intellectual growth, the potential for fresh insights, and the opportunity to express your ideas with confidence.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Heart: What energy do your feelings carry

15 – The Devil: Keywords: Temptation, Materialism, Bondage, Addictions, Shadow self

Affirmation: I release negative attachments and embrace my freedom and inner light.

Meaning: The Devil card signifies the presence of unhealthy attachments, addictions, or patterns that are holding you back. It represents a sense of being trapped or controlled by external influences or negative behaviors. It serves as a reminder to examine your attachments and habits to determine whether they are serving your highest good or inhibiting your growth. It encourages you to break free from these patterns and regain control over your life.

Associated crystals: Black diamond, Black onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Charoite, Hematite, Pyrite, Tektite, Black tourmaline

Numerology: It is associated with the number 15. The number 15 in numerology signifies the energy of materialism and the potential for being ensnared in worldly attachments. It symbolizes the need for caution and self-awareness to avoid falling into destructive patterns or unhealthy habits.

Gut: Energy your reaction emits. aka gut reaction

Ace of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Blocked creativity, Lack of direction, Missed opportunities, Lack of passion

Affirmation: I embrace my creative potential and seize new opportunities with passion and enthusiasm.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ace of Wands' meaning can indicate a delay or a temporary blockage in the expression of your creative energy or the initiation of new projects. It may suggest a lack of motivation or a feeling of being stuck. Reversed, the card advises you to assess any internal or external obstacles that may be hindering your progress. It encourages you to rekindle your passion, find alternative avenues for creative expression, and overcome any setbacks or challenges.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

Energy working against, Your personal challenge

Knight of Cups: Keywords (reversed card): Moodiness, Emotional manipulation, Lack of commitment, Unrealistic expectations

Affirmation: I am open to love, following the guidance of my heart, and creating meaningful connections in my life.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Knight of Cups' meaning can indicate moodiness, emotional instability, or a tendency towards being overly idealistic or impractical. It may suggest a need to bring more balance to your emotional life, ground your romantic ideals, or consider the practicalities of your creative pursuits. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be caught up in fantasy or emotional extremes, and to seek a more stable and grounded approach. It encourages you to find balance between your emotions and your practical responsibilities.

Energy working for you, Luck factor

8 – Strength: Keywords: Courage, Inner strength, Resilience, Patience, Compassion

Affirmation: I have inner strength and courage to face any challenges that come my way.

Meaning: The Strength card signifies personal strength, self-confidence, and the ability to face challenges with grace and composure. It represents the capacity to harness your inner power, overcome obstacles, and maintain control over your emotions and impulses. The card encourages you to tap into your inner courage, patience, and compassion to navigate difficult situations. It also reminds you that true strength comes from a place of love and understanding.

Associated crystals: Cat's eye, Topaz, Tiger's eye, Chrysolite, Citrine, Diamond, Garnet, Herkimer diamond

Numerology: It is associated with the number 8. The number 8 in numerology is considered a powerful and influential number. It signifies material abundance, achievement, and the ability to manifest one's goals. It represents strength of character, resilience, and the capacity to take control of one's life.

Devil: Bad advice you give yourself

Four of Cups: Keywords: Contemplation, Discontentment, Emotional apathy, Soul-searching

Affirmation: I embrace gratitude and openness to the blessings and opportunities that surround me each day.

Meaning: Four of Cups signifies a period of introspection and contemplation. It represents a time when you may feel emotionally withdrawn, uninterested, or dissatisfied with the options presented to you. The card suggests that you are in a state of reflection, seeking deeper meaning or fulfillment. It encourages you to explore your inner world, reassess your priorities, and consider new perspectives or opportunities that may be arising. The Four of Cups brings a sense of self-reflection, contemplation, and the potential for new insights and possibilities.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 4. The number 4 in numerology is considered a grounded and practical number. It represents a sense of order, discipline, and the ability to create a stable framework. It signifies a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the ability to manifest ideas into tangible results.

Angel: Good advice you give yourself

Three of Cups: Keywords: Celebration, Friendship, Joy, Socializing, Abundance of emotions

Affirmation: I celebrate the abundance of love, friendship, and joy in my life, creating cherished memories.

Meaning: Three of Cups signifies a time of celebration, friendship, and joyful connections with others. It represents a sense of unity, shared experiences, and the enjoyment of social interactions. The card suggests that you are surrounded by supportive and uplifting individuals who bring positivity into your life. It encourages you to celebrate your accomplishments, cherish your relationships, and find joy in shared experiences. The Three of Cups brings a sense of camaraderie, celebration, and the potential for deepening bonds and creating lasting memories.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.


Nine of Swords: Keywords (reversed card): Inner peace, Healing, Release, Overcoming fears, Positive mindset

Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Nine of Swords' meaning can indicate relief from anxiety, release from mental anguish, or the start of healing from emotional pain. It may suggest that you are beginning to let go of worry, find new perspectives, or experience a decrease in anxiety levels. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you are actively working towards managing your fears, seeking help from trusted individuals, or practicing self-care to alleviate mental distress. It encourages you to embrace healing and cultivate a positive mindset.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.

Head: I have been at a crossroads for a long time. I have been looking for a change in the direction of my life. This opportunity provides this and my ideas are flowing continuously.

Heart: I have an addictive mindset. Over the last ten years several jobs I have held recently went poorly. I must stop letting my self-pity stop holding me back.

Gut: I believe this opportunity will rekindle my passion for life, living and simply enjoying a sunset or too. My gut is telling me this IS the correct thing to do.

Against: I will need to work on my attitude and the ability to shield my emotions from non-family members. Doing so will allow me to receive the necessary feedback and concentrate on the solution.

For: Strength of character, spirit, thought and ideas. All things I possess, and people seek out. This strength is not physical strength but the strength to motivate people to reach their potential. Every single member of this family will be challenged and look to me for stren...
Head: I have been at a crossroads for a long time. I have been looking for a change in the direction of my life. This opportunity provides this and my ideas are flowing continuously.

Heart: I have an addictive mindset. Over the last ten years several jobs I have held recently went poorly. I must stop letting my self-pity stop holding me back.

Gut: I believe this opportunity will rekindle my passion for life, living and simply enjoying a sunset or too. My gut is telling me this IS the correct thing to do.

Against: I will need to work on my attitude and the ability to shield my emotions from non-family members. Doing so will allow me to receive the necessary feedback and concentrate on the solution.

For: Strength of character, spirit, thought and ideas. All things I possess, and people seek out. This strength is not physical strength but the strength to motivate people to reach their potential. Every single member of this family will be challenged and look to me for strength.

Devil: This new opportunity will leave a vacuum in the level and complexity of challenges to deal with. The decreased level and complexity of challenges has been fueling my passion for ever and to suddenly be without could leave me feeling lost. The devil is whispers don't do it...

Angel: Family, community and enjoying the time spent together. All dreams, dreams I have wanted for a long time. I am being told to do it...

Advice: If I decide to take this challenge on, I will find inner peace and be content with life. Dare I say it is the life I want and deserve? I feel like I am being urged to seriously consider the opportunity.
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What information do I need to know about the opprotunity? - tarot reading by Yohann
Spread: Angel and Devil by John "Yohann" Chaffee
Joined Dec 2023
its just easier to quote a song...

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
And stars fill my dream
I'm a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race
This world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait
All will be revealed

I read for myself and have a couple close friends I help find their life paths. I use 2 decks, the Rider Deck for daily energy readings and the light seer deck to help shine light on my path.

My opinion on reversals is:
card meanings and the alternates are inherently in each card.
direction of the card implies leaning in that direction. When considering the full spread and comparing overall card direction is an indication of the overall tone of the reading.

I believe spreads where the number of cards is a prime number are more effective.
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