
What clarity can be given about my unhealthy attachment?

Published by Yohann on

What clarity can be given about my unhealthy attachment? - tarot reading by Yohann
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Overall Situation

Five of Wands: Keywords: Competition, Conflict, Struggle, Growth, Challenges

Affirmation: I navigate competition and conflicts with grace and find growth and unity in collaboration.

Meaning: Five of Wands signifies a period of competition, disagreement, or conflicting interests. It represents challenges and obstacles that arise from differences of opinion or clashes of egos. The card suggests the need for cooperation, finding common ground, or seeking a resolution to the conflicts at hand. It encourages you to maintain an open mind, embrace healthy competition, and work towards harmonious solutions. The Five of Wands reminds you to stay focused, persevere, and navigate through challenges with determination.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 5. The number 5 in numerology signifies the energy of transformation and growth. It represents a period of change and adaptability, where new experiences and opportunities arise. It signifies the freedom to explore different paths and expand one's horizons.


King of Swords: Keywords: Intellectual power, Analytical thinking, Authority, Leadership, Integrity

Affirmation: I express my thoughts and ideas with clarity and authority, leading with wisdom, fairness, and integrity.

Meaning: King of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, leadership, and the ability to make wise decisions. It represents a period when you are able to take charge of a situation, apply logic and reason, and communicate your thoughts effectively. The card suggests that you possess strong analytical skills, intellectual maturity, and the ability to see the bigger picture. It encourages you to embrace your leadership qualities, assert your authority when necessary, and make decisions based on fairness and integrity. The King of Swords brings a sense of wisdom, objectivity, and the potential for effective leadership.

Numerology: No number associated with it.


Knight of Pentacles: Keywords: Hard work, Responsibility, Reliability, Perseverance, Efficiency

Affirmation: I am diligent, responsible, and focused on my goals, taking practical steps towards success.

Meaning: Knight of Pentacles signifies patience, dedication, and a steady progress towards your goals. It represents a time when you are willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have a strong work ethic and a focus on practical matters. It encourages you to stay committed, be reliable, and pay attention to the details of your work. The Knight of Pentacles brings a sense of responsibility, stability, and the potential for long-term success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.


Six of Wands: Keywords: Victory, Success, Recognition, Achievement, Triumph

Affirmation: I celebrate my victories and embrace the recognition and success that come from my hard work and determination.

Meaning: Six of Wands signifies a time of triumph, recognition, and accomplishment. It represents the successful completion of a project or the attainment of a goal. The card suggests that your efforts and hard work are being acknowledged and celebrated by others. It encourages you to embrace your achievements, bask in the limelight, and enjoy the sense of victory and validation. The Six of Wands brings a sense of confidence, pride, and public acclaim.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 6. The number 6 in numerology signifies a sense of harmony and balance. It represents the energy of love, nurturing, and the ability to create harmonious relationships. It is a number of cooperation, empathy, and compassion.


Page of Pentacles: Keywords: Manifestation, Opportunities, Study, Potential, Practicality

Affirmation: I embrace new opportunities for learning, growth, and manifestation of my goals and dreams.

Meaning: Page of Pentacles signifies the start of a new venture, learning a new skill, or pursuing practical goals. It represents a time of curiosity, diligence, and the willingness to work hard to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have the potential to bring your ideas into the physical realm and manifest your desires. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for growth, be open to learning, and take practical steps towards your goals. The Page of Pentacles brings a sense of enthusiasm, determination, and the potential for long-term success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.


18 – The Moon: Keywords: Intuition, Emotions, Subconscious, Reflection, Illusion

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and navigate through the unknown with grace and inner knowing.

Meaning: The Moon signifies intuition, dreams, and the exploration of the subconscious mind. It represents a time of heightened sensitivity, psychic insights, and intuitive guidance. The card suggests that there may be hidden truths or emotions at play that need to be acknowledged and embraced. It encourages you to trust your intuition, listen to your inner voice, and pay attention to the messages from your subconscious. The Moon card also indicates the need for patience, as clarity may come in its own time.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 18. The number 18 in numerology is considered a powerful number that combines the energy of independence and self-sufficiency from the number 1 with the spiritual insight and intuition of the number 8. It represents the exploration of one's inner depths and the connection to higher wisdom.

Associated crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Milk opal, Labradorite, Pyrite, Ammonite, Selenite

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 5 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Page
  • 1 Knight
  • 1 King
I am finding this reading challenging, even with the two clarifiers I threw. Knowing myself fairly well, I cannot see how these cards are helping me find my unhealthy attachment. The first clarifier, the page, seems to connect it to my new project. The second clarifier seems to indicate to trust my subconscious and it will come to me or become obvious in due time.

I could use any input or feedback, so feel free to comment (I have thick skin so don’t fear speaking your truth). I might suggest cleansing the deck could be needed because of the big readings I have been experiencing.
What clarity can be given about my unhealthy attachment? - tarot reading by Yohann
What clarity can be given about my unhealthy attachment? - tarot reading by Yohann
Spread: Clarity
Joined Dec 2023
its just easier to quote a song...

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
And stars fill my dream
I'm a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race
This world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait
All will be revealed

I read for myself and have a couple close friends I help find their life paths. I use 2 decks, the Rider Deck for daily energy readings and the light seer deck to help shine light on my path.

My opinion on reversals is:
card meanings and the alternates are inherently in each card.
direction of the card implies leaning in that direction. When considering the full spread and comparing overall card direction is an indication of the overall tone of the reading.

I believe spreads where the number of cards is a prime number are more effective.


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