
Centering 202401

Published by Yohann on

Centering 202401 - tarot reading by Yohann
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What you see

7 – The Chariot: Keywords: Willpower, Determination, Control, Victory, Progress

Affirmation: I am focused, determined, and capable of overcoming any obstacles in my path.

Meaning: The Chariot signifies victory, self-discipline, and the ability to steer your life in the desired direction. It represents taking control of your circumstances, setting clear goals, and using your willpower to overcome obstacles. The card encourages you to focus your energy and forge ahead with confidence, resilience, and determination. It suggests that by harnessing opposing forces and maintaining balance, you can achieve your objectives and experience personal growth.

Associated crystals: Tiger’s eye, Pyrite, Chalcedony, Amber, Howlite, Leopard skin jasper, Staurolite

Numerology: It is associated with the number 7. The number 7 in numerology is considered a highly spiritual number. It represents a time of introspection and inner growth, where one delves into deeper levels of consciousness and seeks higher wisdom. It signifies the integration of intellect and intuition.

What you do

Ace of Swords: Keywords: Mental clarity, New ideas, Truth, Mental breakthrough, Intellectual power

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Meaning: Ace of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, breakthroughs, and the potential for new perspectives and ideas. It represents a period when you have the mental strength and clarity to see through illusions, uncover the truth, and make decisions based on rationality and logic. The card suggests that you have the power of insight and the ability to communicate your thoughts effectively. It encourages you to embrace new ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and harness the power of your mind to overcome challenges. The Ace of Swords brings a sense of mental clarity, truth, and the potential for victory in intellectual or analytical endeavors.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

What you feel or sensitive to

Page of Pentacles: Keywords: Manifestation, Opportunities, Study, Potential, Practicality

Affirmation: I embrace new opportunities for learning, growth, and manifestation of my goals and dreams.

Meaning: Page of Pentacles signifies the start of a new venture, learning a new skill, or pursuing practical goals. It represents a time of curiosity, diligence, and the willingness to work hard to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have the potential to bring your ideas into the physical realm and manifest your desires. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for growth, be open to learning, and take practical steps towards your goals. The Page of Pentacles brings a sense of enthusiasm, determination, and the potential for long-term success.

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, Gemini or Taurus.

What you think

2 – The High Priestess: Keywords: Intuition, Mystery, Inner wisdom, Spirituality, Divine feminine

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and connect with the wisdom of the universe.

Meaning: The High Priestess signifies deep inner knowing, intuition, and a connection with the divine feminine. It represents accessing hidden knowledge, trusting your instincts, and delving into the realms of the subconscious. The card suggests the need to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, and explore the depths of your psyche. It encourages you to embrace the mysteries of life, seek spiritual guidance, and tap into your innate wisdom.

Associated crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, Labradorite

Numerology: It is associated with the number 2. The number 2 in numerology signifies harmony and balance. It represents the ability to find equilibrium between opposing forces and to integrate different aspects of oneself. It is a number of cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition.

What or Who you are

13 – Death: Keywords: Transformation, Endings, Rebirth, Release, Transition

Affirmation: I release the old to make way for transformation and new beginnings.

Meaning: The Death card signifies the completion of a phase or a significant transformation in your life. It represents the need to let go of old patterns, attachments, or beliefs that no longer serve you. It can indicate the end of a relationship, a job, or a way of life, making room for new opportunities and growth. The Death card invites you to embrace change, accept endings, and trust in the cycle of life and transformation.

Associated crystals: Apache tear, Bloodstone, Snakestone, Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Amber, Zebra stone

Numerology: It is associated with the number 13. The number 13 in numerology holds significant transformative energy. It represents the completion of a cycle and the potential for rebirth and new beginnings. It symbolizes the shedding of old patterns, beliefs, or situations to make way for growth and renewal.

Got a new deck...thought I would give it a never know when your spirit guide gives you a real message.
Centering 202401 - tarot reading by Yohann
Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Dec 2023
its just easier to quote a song...

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
And stars fill my dream
I'm a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race
This world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait
All will be revealed

I read for myself and have a couple close friends I help find their life paths. I use 2 decks, the Rider Deck for daily energy readings and the light seer deck to help shine light on my path.

My opinion on reversals is:
card meanings and the alternates are inherently in each card.
direction of the card implies leaning in that direction. When considering the full spread and comparing overall card direction is an indication of the overall tone of the reading.

I believe spreads where the number of cards is a prime number are more effective.


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