Category: Spreads

Release + Let Go Spread

Published by Deena on

A spread to easily and effortlessly release and let go of those negative emotions- worry, anger, frustration, and disappointment.

The main idea with the release and let go spread is to first shine a light on the negative feelings that exist. By doing this, we give the feelings a name and allow ourselves to process in was a heathy way.

We then focus on how we can release and let go, rise above, and what good will eventually come of the situation. We can start to look for the new beginnings and bring positivity back into our lives again.

Release + Let Go Spread - tarot spread shared by Deena
What am I feeling right now?
Why am I feeling it so strong?
How can I release this feeling?
What is the feeling transforming into?
How can I rise above?
What is my new beginning?
What have I learned?
Spread author: @ Biddy tarot
Joined Jun 2024
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