Category: Spreads

Soul Contract Spread

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The Summum Bonum
Before laying the cards out, set the intention to honour the soul contract for the Highest Good. This does not mean staying in a toxic relationship; it means doing the healing work so that you both are free to move on. You can say a prayer and maybe light a candle for this healing intention if it feels right. Ask to be shown what you need to see to accomplish the end of suffering and complete liberation for both of you.
Soul Contract Spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
The nature of your karmic soul contract
Your main lesson
What you are already aware of (a pattern that you are in with this soul mate)
Shadow-work still needed (especially if there are lingering triggers around the relationship)
Past healing already accomplished (give yourself credit where credit is due as this will boost morale and help you complete the process)
The final step on the healing journey that signals that you are ready to cut cords
Spread author: Mimi

Progression and Outcome of SItuation

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Progression and Outcome of SItuation - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
The present - This card represents what is happening to the querent at the present time. It also reflects the querent’s state of mind and how they may be perceiving the situation
The Challenge - This card represents the immediate challenge or problem facing the querent. This is the one thing that, if resolved, would make life a lot easier. Even if you draw a ‘positive’ card in this position, consider it carefully as it will still represent a challenge.
Underlying Vibration - This card represents the events that have lead up to the present situation and may provide some indication of how the challenge came about.
Driving Force or Factors - This card reflects that which is within the subconscious realm of the querent and delves much deeper into the core foundation of the situation. It symbolises the underlying feelings and trends associated with the situation and can indicate what is truly driving the querent. This card may bring a surprise message to the querent, particularly if they are not deeply connected to their inner being
Influences for the Outcome - This card represents what is likely to occur that will influence the final outcome, simply the next step on the journey.
Lessons Learned - The lessons to be learned from the experience
Outcome - This card is representative of where the situation is headed and if/how the issue will be resolved. It assumes the outcome based on the querent continuing their current course of action.
Spread author: Michelle

Four Card Formation: Combination Reading

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I picked up this spread from the book, "Easy Tarot Combinations" by Josephine Ellershaw
Four Card Formation: Combination Reading - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
* The root card and main theme at the moment *What it's all about or how it began *Will in some way be connected and lead to events in card 2
*Events from card 1 brought this into being *May already be happening or just about to *Leads to card 3
*As the situation unfolds, this is what will happen next in the progression and chain of events *Leads to card 4
*Closes the sequence of where events lead in this situation - as far in time as we can foresee at the moment
Spread author: Josephine Ellershaw

Action plan spread

Published by TJ users Spreads on

Action plan spread - tarot spread shared by TJ users Spreads
Now: this is your starting point
Strength: This is what you already have, and can use as you move forward.
Challenge: this is what you will face, and by facing it, create the change you seek
Help: this is where you can find help it can be a person a technique, an area of study and activity or action, etc.
Outcome: this is the goal or outcome
Spread author: Barbara Moore
Joined Feb 2024
I collect all spreads created on TarotJournal so you can reuse them 😊
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