Personal Growth
The Personal Growth Tarot spread is a spread specifically designed to provide insights and guidance on your personal growth and development journey. It focuses on areas of self-improvement, self-awareness, and fostering positive change in various aspects of your life.

Current State: This card represents your current state of personal growth. It offers insights into where you currently stand in your journey, highlighting your strengths, areas of growth, and any challenges or blockages that may be present.
Key Lesson: The second card focuses on a key lesson or theme that you need to learn or embrace for your personal growth. It offers insights into the specific area or aspect of your life that requires attention or further development. This card serves as a guidepost for your growth journey.
Action Steps: This card provides guidance on the practical action steps or strategies you can take to foster personal growth in the identified area. It offers insights into the specific actions, habits, or mindset shifts that can support your growth and help you move forward on your path.
Inner Strengths: The fourth card highlights your inner strengths or personal qualities that you can tap into to support your personal growth. It offers insights into the inner resources, talents, or attributes that can empower you on your journey. This card serves as a reminder of your inherent capabilities and resilience.
Future Potential: The fifth card represents the potential outcomes or blessings that await you as you continue to focus on your personal growth. It offers insights into the positive shifts, opportunities, or rewards that can arise from your commitment to self-improvement. This card serves as a motivating force and reminder of the possibilities that await you.