Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

By M-C

Six of Pentacles
Jump to Six of Pentacles Love, Career or Health meanings.

Six of Pentacles Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Generosity, Charity, Sharing, Fairness, Gratitude Stinginess, Selfishness, Inequality, Lack of fairness, Ingratitude

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The Six of Pentacles occupies an ambiguous space, bridging the stark poverty depicted in the Five of Pentacles with the wealth showcased in the Ten of Pentacles. This card navigates the vast continuum between these extremes—between possessing nothing and having everything, illustrating the complexities of wealth distribution. The imagery on the card features a prosperous man distributing coins to one beggar while another waits. He wields the scales of justice, seemingly arbitrating who is worthy of his charity and who is not. This scene encapsulates the dynamics of power: the act of giving and receiving, authority versus subservience, abundance versus need. Although it appears obvious who is affluent and who is not, appearances can be deceiving, and fortunes can shift rapidly. When interpreting the Six of Pentacles in readings, it invites a profound exploration of what it means to 'have'—in terms of material wealth, knowledge, power, and love. It challenges you to see beyond your current role as either giver or receiver. Consider the successful businessperson who faces sudden bankruptcy, the authoritarian invalid who controls through their frailty, the teacher who gains insight from her students, or the parent who exercises control through financial support. The Six of Pentacles prompts you to look beyond the surface and question the status quo. It’s crucial to reflect on your own situation, the dynamics at play, and the future implications. Who truly holds the power? What underlying factors are at play? This card often suggests that while you may receive what you desire, or conversely, find yourself yielding to others, the essence lies in questioning and understanding the deeper aspects of your circumstances.

The Six of Pentacles explores the complex interplay between wealth and poverty, challenging us to reconsider our roles in the dynamics of giving and receiving.

Six of Pentacles Upright Meaning

Six of Pentacles signifies a time of generosity, charity, and the willingness to share resources with others. It represents a balanced approach to giving and receiving, where you have the ability to provide support to those in need or to receive assistance when required. The card suggests that you have the means and the willingness to help others, whether through material resources, time, or expertise. It encourages you to embrace a spirit of compassion, fairness, and equality. The Six of Pentacles brings a sense of abundance, reciprocity, and the potential for creating positive change in the lives of others.

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

In reverse, Six of Pentacles' meaning can indicate a lack of balance in giving and receiving, or a misuse of resources. It may suggest situations of inequality, manipulation, or a feeling of being taken advantage of. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where there may be an imbalance or where boundaries may need to be set. It encourages you to assess the fairness of your exchanges and to ensure that you are not giving too much or allowing others to take advantage of your generosity.

Six of Pentacles Affirmation

I am generous and open-hearted, sharing my blessings and attracting abundance in return.

Six of Pentacles Correspondances

Elements Earth
Numerology It is associated with the number 6. The number 6 in numerology signifies a sense of harmony and balance. It represents the energy of love, nurturing, and the ability to create harmonious relationships. It is a number of cooperation, empathy, and compassion.
Astrology It is associated with the planet Moon and the astrological sign of Taurus.
Yes / No Meaning Yes
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Six of Pentacles Summary: Love

Upright Summary: Love Reversed Summary: Love
You may soon meet someone who will be very giving and supportive. It's a good time to reflect on how you can also be generous and supportive in return. Both partners are willing to support each other sharing responsibilities and benefits equally. Imbalance in giving and receiving. Potential for partners to take advantage of generosity. Issues of inequality and unfairness in existing relationships.

Six of Pentacles Upright Meaning: Love

Searching for Love:
When the Six of Pentacles appears upright in a love reading for someone searching for love, it signifies generosity and balance. This card suggests that you may soon meet someone who will be very giving and supportive. It's a good time to reflect on how you can also be generous and supportive in return, fostering a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship.

In Relationships:
For those already in a relationship, the Six of Pentacles upright represents a period of harmony and equal give-and-take. It indicates that both partners are willing to support each other, sharing responsibilities and benefits equally. This card encourages maintaining this balance to ensure a healthy and fulfilling relationship, where both partners feel valued and appreciated.

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Love

Searching for Love:
When the Six of Pentacles is reversed in a love context, it suggests an imbalance in giving and receiving. You may be overly generous with your time, emotions, or resources without receiving the same in return. This imbalance can lead to feelings of being undervalued or taken for granted.

Additionally, this card can indicate the need to be cautious about the intentions of those you meet. There may be potential partners who take advantage of your generosity or kindness. Ensure that any new relationships are based on mutual respect and reciprocity.

In Relationships:
In existing relationships, the reversed Six of Pentacles points to issues of inequality and unfairness. One partner might be contributing more to the relationship than the other, leading to resentment and dissatisfaction. Communication is crucial to address these imbalances and to restore harmony.

This card can also signify financial stress affecting the relationship. Disparities in financial contributions or disagreements over money management might be causing tension. It's important to work together to find a balanced approach to finances.

Finally, the reversed Six of Pentacles may suggest that one partner is using their resources or generosity to control or manipulate the other. This power dynamic can create a toxic environment, and it's important to recognize and address these patterns.

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Six of Pentacles Summary: Career

Upright Summary: Career Reversed Summary: Career
You might be in a position to help colleagues or subordinates. This card indicates financial stability and potential rewards. The Six of Pentacles suggests a mentoring role and positive relationships at work. Financial imbalance and selfish attitudes can lead to frustration. Dependence and manipulation create unhealthy power dynamics. Unfulfilled promises diminish trust and morale.

Six of Pentacles Upright Meaning: Career

Generosity and Sharing:
The Six of Pentacles in an upright position signifies a time of generosity and sharing in your career. You might be in a position to help colleagues or subordinates, offering guidance, support, or even financial aid. This card highlights the importance of giving and receiving, fostering a balanced and harmonious work environment.

Financial Stability:
This card indicates that you are experiencing or will soon experience financial stability in your career. You might receive a bonus, raise, or some form of financial reward. This period of financial stability allows you to be more generous and supportive to others in your professional circle.

Mentorship and Support:
The Six of Pentacles suggests that you may find yourself in a mentoring role, guiding and supporting others in their careers. Your experience and wisdom are valuable, and sharing them can lead to mutual growth and success. This mentorship creates a positive ripple effect, benefiting both you and those you help.

Positive Work Relationships:
The card emphasizes the development of positive and supportive relationships at work. You are likely to be seen as a reliable and generous colleague, fostering trust and cooperation among your peers. These positive relationships contribute to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Career Advancement Through Generosity:
Your willingness to share your resources and knowledge can open new opportunities for career advancement. By helping others, you create a network of support that can lead to future collaborations and promotions. This card encourages a mindset of abundance and mutual success.

Balanced Approach:
The Six of Pentacles advises maintaining a balanced approach in your professional life. While it is important to be generous, it is equally important to ensure that you are not overextending yourself. Finding a balance between giving and receiving is key to sustained success and well-being in your career.

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Career

Financial Imbalance:
In your career, the reversed Six of Pentacles indicates a lack of balance in your financial situation. This could manifest as unfair distribution of resources or pay inequality within your workplace. You might feel that your efforts are not being adequately compensated, leading to frustration and resentment.

Selfish Attitude:
There could be a tendency to be overly self-centered, either on your part or from those around you. In a work environment, this means colleagues or superiors may be taking more than their fair share, leaving others to struggle. This selfish behavior can create a toxic atmosphere, hindering teamwork and collaboration.

Dependence and Manipulation:
The reversed Six of Pentacles can also point to a manipulative dynamic where one party is overly dependent on another. This dependency might lead to an unhealthy power balance, with the dependent party feeling obligated or trapped. It’s essential to recognize and address these dynamics to restore fairness and autonomy in your career.

Unfulfilled Promises:
Promises of promotions, bonuses, or pay raises may go unfulfilled, leaving you feeling deceived and undervalued. This lack of follow-through can diminish trust and morale, making it difficult to stay motivated. It's crucial to have clear and honest communication to avoid these pitfalls.

Advice for Improvement:
To overcome the challenges presented by the reversed Six of Pentacles, consider advocating for yourself and others to ensure fair treatment. Seek out transparency in financial matters and strive for a more equitable work environment. Addressing these issues head-on can lead to a more balanced and satisfying career.

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Six of Pentacles Summary: Health

Upright Summary: Health Reversed Summary: Health
Balanced health and well-being. Sharing and receiving support. Stable mental and emotional state. Imbalances may manifest as either overindulgence or neglect. Pay attention to your body’s signals. It's important to seek balance and possibly professional help.

Six of Pentacles Upright Meaning: Health

The Six of Pentacles in an upright position suggests balance and harmony in your health. You are likely to experience a period of stability where you can maintain your health and well-being effectively. It's a good time to focus on giving and receiving support within your health routines.

Physical Health:
This card indicates that your physical health is in a balanced state. If you've been dealing with health issues, expect improvements as a result of treatments or healthier habits. You might also find yourself in a position to help others with their health, whether through advice, support, or direct assistance.

Mental Health:
Mentally, the Six of Pentacles upright suggests a balanced state of mind. You are able to manage stress effectively and maintain a positive outlook. This card encourages you to share your mental health journey with others, as mutual support can be beneficial.

Emotional Health:
Emotionally, this card points to a harmonious state where you feel secure and balanced. You are likely to experience emotional generosity, either from yourself to others or vice versa. It is a good time to build stronger emotional connections and support networks.

Advice for Health:
The Six of Pentacles advises maintaining balance in all areas of your health. Be open to receiving help and don't hesitate to offer support to others. Balance your giving and receiving to ensure your own well-being isn't compromised.

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Health

When the Six of Pentacles appears reversed in a health reading, it can indicate imbalances. These imbalances may manifest as either overindulgence or neglect, leading to potential health issues. It's essential to strive for a balanced approach to maintain overall well-being.

Physical Health:
Physically, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests issues related to extremes. You might be overdoing certain activities or neglecting necessary ones, impacting your physical health. Pay attention to your body’s signals and ensure you’re not overextending yourself or ignoring important health routines.

Mental Health:
Mentally, this card reversed can indicate feelings of inadequacy or stress from imbalance. There might be a sense of being overwhelmed by the demands of others or feeling unsupported. It's important to seek balance and possibly professional help if these feelings persist.

Advice for Improvement:
To improve your health under the influence of this reversed card, focus on creating balance. Incorporate moderation in your diet, exercise, and mental health practices. Ensuring you neither overindulge nor neglect your needs is crucial for a harmonious state of health.

The Six of Pentacles reversed in a health reading highlights the need for balance. Pay attention to both physical and mental health signs. Strive for moderation to avoid the extremes that can harm your well-being.

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