The Hermit Tarot Card Meanings

By M-C

The Hermit
Jump to The Hermit Love, Career or Health meanings.

The Hermit Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Introspection, Solitude, Wisdom, Guidance, Self-reflection Isolation, Withdrawal, Loneliness, Ignorance, Lack of guidance

The Hermit Tarot Card Description

The archetype of the hermit is often depicted as a rugged, bearded figure who has chosen to leave society behind to embrace a life of solitude and challenge. Card 9 embodies this concept. The Hermit signifies a turning inward, away from societal pursuits of accumulation to concentrate on inner growth. He is on a quest for internal answers, which he believes will surface through peace and isolation. At some juncture in life, we start to challenge the evident truths around us. We feel the pull towards a more profound reality and set out on a search for it. This journey is typically a lone endeavor, as the real answers are found within, not in the external chaos of the world. The hermit depicted on Card 9 echoes the story of Diogenes, the Greek philosopher who famously searched for an honest man with a lantern. Diogenes embodies the quest for authenticity and truth, which the Hermit card suggests we can discover by shedding all distractions. In tarot readings, the Hermit often advises a retreat into solitude—a time for deep reflection where one minimizes distractions. Amidst bustling activity, he symbolizes the necessity of a calm, centered space to maintain balance. The card might also suggest that pulling back or isolating oneself could be beneficial at times. Furthermore, the Hermit represents various forms of seeking, particularly for a deeper understanding or the truth behind circumstances. The adage "Seek, and you shall find" aligns with the Hermit's role as a beacon of guidance. We are encouraged to seek wisdom from mentors and, in turn, to offer guidance to others as we advance on our paths.

The Hermit card symbolizes the journey into solitude and introspection to seek deeper truths and wisdom, often suggesting a need for reflection and withdrawal from societal distractions.

The Hermit Upright Meaning

The Hermit signifies a time of introspection, soul-searching, and seeking answers from within. It suggests a period of solitude and reflection to gain deeper understanding and insight. The card encourages you to detach from the distractions of the external world and focus on inner wisdom, self-discovery, and personal growth. It represents a quest for truth, enlightenment, and self-awareness.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning

In reverse, The Hermit warns against isolation, avoidance of self-reflection, and the need to seek external guidance or companionship to gain clarity and understanding. It may suggest a fear of introspection or a resistance to facing one's inner truths. It calls for a balance between solitude and social interaction, seeking the guidance of mentors or wise individuals, and finding a path of self-discovery that aligns with personal values and aspirations.

The Hermit Affirmation

I embrace solitude and self-reflection to gain deeper understanding and inner wisdom.

The Hermit Correspondances

Elements Earth
Numerology It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.
Astrology It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Virgo.
Yes / No Meaning Maybe
Crystals Peridot/Olivine, Bloodstone, Smoky quartz, Sapphire, Blue calcite, Blue tourmaline
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The Hermit Summary: Love

Upright Summary: Love Reversed Summary: Love
The Hermit suggests a period of introspection and self-discovery. You may need to spend some time alone to understand your true desires. One or both partners may require time for self-reflection. Introspection turned into isolation can prevent connection with others. Fear of rejection may cause withdrawal from social situations. Communication is key to prevent emotional disconnection in relationships.

The Hermit Upright Meaning: Love

Searching for Love:
When The Hermit appears upright in a love reading for those searching for love, it suggests a period of introspection and self-discovery. This card indicates that you may need to spend some time alone to understand your true desires and what you need in a partner. It's a time to reflect on past relationships, heal from any lingering wounds, and become more attuned to your inner self before seeking a new relationship.

In Relationships:
For those in a relationship, The Hermit upright can signify a need for solitude or personal space within the partnership. It suggests that one or both partners may require time for self-reflection to better understand their own needs and feelings. This period can be beneficial for the relationship, allowing both partners to grow individually, which in turn can strengthen the bond they share. Communication about the need for personal time is crucial to ensure mutual understanding and respect.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning: Love

The Hermit Reversed in Love: Searching for Love
When The Hermit card appears reversed in a love reading for those seeking a relationship, it suggests a time of introspection that has turned into isolation. Instead of using solitude as a tool for self-discovery, it may have become a barrier preventing connection with others. Fear of rejection or past hurts might be causing you to withdraw from social situations, making it difficult to meet potential partners. It's crucial to find a balance between inner reflection and opening up to new experiences.

The Hermit Reversed in Love: In Relationships
For those already in a relationship, The Hermit reversed indicates a period where one or both partners might be feeling disconnected. This card suggests that someone may be retreating emotionally, possibly due to unresolved issues or a need for personal space. Communication is key; addressing these feelings openly can prevent further isolation and help rekindle the bond. It’s a reminder that relationships require mutual effort and understanding to overcome periods of solitude and distance.

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The Hermit Summary: Career

Upright Summary: Career Reversed Summary: Career
You may need to take a step back to reflect on your professional path. This is a time to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of everyday work life. The Hermit card emphasizes the importance of long-term planning and thoughtful consideration. Feeling isolated or disconnected from your work. Overworking can lead to burnout. Stagnation or lack of progress might require exploring new opportunities.

The Hermit Upright Meaning: Career

Introspection and Analysis:
The Hermit card in an upright position often signifies a period of introspection and analysis in one's career. It suggests that you may need to take a step back to reflect on your professional path and assess where you are heading.

Seeking Solitude:
This card indicates a need for solitude and isolation to gain clarity and insight into your career goals. It's a time to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of everyday work life to focus on personal and professional growth.

Guidance and Mentorship:
The Hermit also represents the role of a mentor or guide. You may find yourself seeking advice from a more experienced colleague or becoming a mentor to someone else, providing wisdom and support.

Inner Wisdom:
Trusting your inner wisdom is crucial at this stage. The Hermit encourages you to listen to your intuition and inner voice when making career decisions.

Long-term Planning:
This card emphasizes the importance of long-term planning and thoughtful consideration. It's a reminder to avoid hasty decisions and instead, focus on carefully planning your career steps.

The Hermit signifies a journey of self-discovery, where understanding your true professional desires and aspirations becomes paramount. This period of reflection can lead to significant personal and career breakthroughs.

Patience and Persistence:
The upright Hermit advises patience and persistence in your career endeavors. It's a signal that success may come slowly but surely through consistent effort and dedication.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning: Career

The Hermit reversed in a career reading suggests it's time to re-evaluate your professional path. You might be feeling isolated or disconnected from your work. Take a step back to assess your goals and ambitions.

This card can indicate that you're working too hard and need to take a break. Burnout is a real risk when the Hermit appears reversed. Ensure you're balancing work with personal time to avoid exhaustion.

You might feel stuck or uninspired in your current role. The reversed Hermit suggests a period of stagnation or lack of progress. Consider exploring new opportunities or learning new skills to reignite your passion.

Feeling disconnected from your colleagues or work environment is another sign. The Hermit reversed points to a lack of community or support. Try to build stronger relationships with your team or seek out new networks.

Lack of Direction:
There could be a sense of wandering without a clear direction. The reversed Hermit advises finding a mentor or guide. Clarifying your career path can help you regain focus and motivation.

Isolation can be a major theme with the reversed Hermit. You might feel like you're going it alone without much support. Reach out to peers or professional groups to combat this feeling.

Personal Growth:
Despite the challenges, this card also highlights the need for personal growth. Use this time to develop self-awareness and understand what you truly want from your career. Self-reflection can lead to significant insights.

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The Hermit Summary: Health

Upright Summary: Health Reversed Summary: Health
Taking time for solitude can benefit physical health. The Hermit encourages mental clarity through introspection. Emotional and spiritual growth are highlighted by self-reflection. Neglecting health can lead to serious issues. Seeking external help is crucial. Stay connected and engage in physical activity.

The Hermit Upright Meaning: Health

Physical Health:
The Hermit card in an upright position often signifies a time for rest and reflection, which can be essential for physical health. It suggests taking a step back from busy routines and focusing on recuperation. This could be a period where you feel the need to withdraw from strenuous activities to focus on healing and wellness.

Mental Health:
For mental health, The Hermit indicates a need for solitude and introspection. It encourages taking time away from external distractions to reconnect with your inner self. This can lead to profound insights and a clearer mind, helping you to better manage stress and anxiety.

Emotional Health:
Emotionally, The Hermit represents a journey of self-discovery. It suggests that you may need to spend time alone to understand your emotions deeply. This period of introspection can help you identify what truly matters to you and lead to emotional healing and growth.

Spiritual Health:
Spiritually, The Hermit is a call to seek deeper meaning and understanding. It indicates a time of spiritual exploration and self-reflection. Engaging in meditation or other spiritual practices can provide guidance and a sense of inner peace.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning: Health

Neglecting Health:
The Hermit Reversed suggests you may be ignoring your health and well-being. This could be due to isolation or withdrawal from social connections that can provide support and encouragement.

You might feel overwhelmed by health issues or by the amount of information available about health. This can lead to confusion and inaction, preventing you from taking the necessary steps to improve your health.

Seeking External Help:
It is a reminder to seek help from others. Consulting a healthcare professional or a support group can provide clarity and guidance.

Mental Health:
Isolation and withdrawal can negatively impact your mental health. It is crucial to stay connected with others and maintain a support network.

Physical Activity:
Lack of physical activity may be a concern. Engage in regular exercise to boost both physical and mental health.

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