

Published by Talisa Swain on

Future - tarot reading by Talisa Swain
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The Present Situation: This card represents the current state of affairs or the central theme of the reading. It sets the foundation and offers insights into the key factors and influences shaping the situation.

Ace of Cups

Challenge: The second card crosses over the first card, representing the immediate challenge or obstacle you are facing. It sheds light on the energies or factors that may be opposing or influencing the current situation.

Seven of Pentacles

Subconscious Influences: This card reveals the underlying subconscious influences or motivations that may be at play. It provides insights into the hidden or underlying aspects that are affecting your perception and actions.

Ten of Wands

Recent Past: The fourth card represents the recent past and highlights the events or influences that have led up to the current situation. It offers insights into the factors that have brought you to this point.

Two of Cups

Possible Future: This card represents the potential future outcomes or developments based on the current trajectory. It offers insights into the possibilities that may arise depending on your actions and choices.

Three of Wands

Near Future: The sixth card offers a glimpse into the immediate future, providing guidance on what is likely to unfold in the coming weeks or months. It helps you prepare for what's to come and make informed decisions.

Four of Swords

Self-Perception: This card represents your self-perception or how you see yourself in relation to the situation. It reflects your beliefs, attitudes, or self-image and how they influence your actions.

14 – Temperance

External Influences: The eighth card represents the external influences or people that are impacting the situation. It offers insights into the external forces or individuals that may be affecting the outcome.

6 – The Lovers

Hopes and Fears: This card reveals your hopes and fears regarding the situation. It uncovers the underlying desires or concerns that are driving your emotions and decisions.

Knight of Cups

Outcome: The final card represents the overall outcome or resolution of the situation. It provides insights into the potential outcome based on the influences and energies revealed in the previous cards.

Five of Wands

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 8 Minors
  • 4 Reversals
  • 3 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 3 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Ten
  • 1 Knight
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests a journey towards emotional fulfillment and deeper connections, but highlights challenges around patience and self-care. Subconscious burdens and past harmonious interactions set the stage for possible reassessments in plans, urging a balanced, thoughtful approach to forthcoming challenges. Anticipate a journey marked by romantic inclinations but tempered by the need for collaboration and compromise.

I am open to love, balance, and growth in all aspects of my life.

Position 1: Ace of Cups
The present moment brims with the promise of new emotional beginnings. I feel a surge of creativity and an openness to deep emotional experiences. With this card, the foundation is an invitation to embrace love, intuition, and emotional fulfillment, setting a beautiful stage for what lies ahead.

Position 2: Seven of Pentacles (reversed)
My immediate challenge is the creeping sensation of impatience and dissatisfaction. Despite the new emotional begi...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests a journey towards emotional fulfillment and deeper connections, but highlights challenges around patience and self-care. Subconscious burdens and past harmonious interactions set the stage for possible reassessments in plans, urging a balanced, thoughtful approach to forthcoming challenges. Anticipate a journey marked by romantic inclinations but tempered by the need for collaboration and compromise.

I am open to love, balance, and growth in all aspects of my life.

Position 1: Ace of Cups
The present moment brims with the promise of new emotional beginnings. I feel a surge of creativity and an openness to deep emotional experiences. With this card, the foundation is an invitation to embrace love, intuition, and emotional fulfillment, setting a beautiful stage for what lies ahead.

Position 2: Seven of Pentacles (reversed)
My immediate challenge is the creeping sensation of impatience and dissatisfaction. Despite the new emotional beginnings, there's a sense of stagnation or lack of progress. I need to recalibrate, reflect on my efforts, and perhaps take a different approach to nurture this fresh emotional state fully.

Position 3: Ten of Wands
Subconsciously, I am burdened with heavy responsibilities and overwhelming pressures. These hidden burdens are influencing my current state, potentially hindering my ability to embrace the new emotional opportunities present in my life. It's a call to reassess my priorities and find ways to delegate or release some of these responsibilities.

Position 4: Two of Cups
The recent past holds a significant partnership or emotional bond that has influenced my current situation. This connection was filled with harmony and mutual support, offering a sense of emotional balance. This past interaction has set the groundwork for the emotional openness I'm experiencing now.

Position 5: Three of Wands (reversed)
Looking towards the possible future, I must be cautious of setbacks and delays. There might be obstacles that impede my progress, suggesting a need to be patient and adaptable. I should consider reassessing my plans and being open to alternative paths to avoid missed opportunities.

Position 6: Four of Swords (reversed)
In the near future, I see a tendency to resist much-needed rest and self-care. Despite feeling fatigued or burnt out, I may push myself further instead of taking the necessary breaks. This card urges me to prioritize my well-being, ensuring I recharge to maintain balance in my endeavors.

Position 7: 14 – Temperance
I perceive myself as someone striving for balance and moderation. I recognize the importance of patience and the need to integrate different aspects of my life to achieve harmony. This self-perception guides me to practice adaptability and seek inner peace and stability.

Position 8: 6 – The Lovers
Externally, there are significant influences of love and partnership affecting my situation. Deep connections and the power of choice are elements impacting my journey. I am encouraged to make decisions grounded in love and authenticity, fostering healthy relationships.

Position 9: Knight of Cups
My hopes and fears revolve around romantic pursuits and emotional expression. I hope to connect deeply with others and follow my creative inspirations, but there's a fear of being overly sensitive or getting lost in emotional nuances. This card encourages me to embrace my passions with open-heartedness and charm.

Position 10: Five of Wands (reversed)
Ultimately, the outcome hints at a decrease in conflict and the easing of tensions. There will be opportunities to find common ground, reach compromises, and resolve previous conflicts. By learning from past challenges, I can foster a more collaborative and harmonious approach to my relationships and endeavors.
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Spread: Celtic Cross
Joined Aug 2024


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