
Dream child spread

Published by Susie on

Dream child spread - tarot reading by Susie
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Current position

6 – The Lovers

The unconscious: Hidden influences or something unseen

12 – The Hanged Man: Keywords (reversed card): Stagnation, Indecision, Resistance to change, Narrow-mindedness, Lack of growth

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Hanged Man may indicate resistance to change, avoiding self-reflection, or being stagnant in personal growth. It suggests a reluctance to let go of old patterns, perspectives, or attachments that are hindering progress. It calls for a willingness to release resistance, embrace change, and explore new perspectives in order to gain a fresh outlook and move forward on your spiritual journey.

Outside influences or actions to be taken

18 – The Moon: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Moon card's meaning can indicate confusion, deception, or illusions. It may suggest a struggle to trust your intuition or to navigate through a period of uncertainty. Reversed, the card advises you to be cautious of false perceptions or hidden agendas. It encourages you to seek clarity, question assumptions, and bring light to the shadows within yourself or a situation. It may also indicate the need to confront fears or unresolved emotions.

Keywords (reversed card): Confusion, Fear, Misinterpretation, Lack of clarity, Dishonesty

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 3 Majors
  • 0 Minors
  • 2 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Six
Position 1: 6 – The Lovers

Your current position, reflected by The Lovers, highlights the significant presence of love and deep connections in your life at this moment. This could symbolize a pivotal period where choices made from the heart are of utmost importance, perhaps suggesting a need to evaluate the balance between personal desires and mutual benefits within a close relationship or partnership. This card's appearance emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the powerful impact your decisions will have on your life's path, suggesting that whatever is happening now necessitates a choice that could define the quality of your connections and direction forward.

Position 2: 12 – The Hanged Man (reversed)

The unconscious position, represented by The Hanged Man in reverse, indicates a resistance to introspection and a difficulty in letting go of outdated beliefs or situations that no longer serve your growth. This resistance may be hindering your ability to move forward, su...
Position 1: 6 – The Lovers

Your current position, reflected by The Lovers, highlights the significant presence of love and deep connections in your life at this moment. This could symbolize a pivotal period where choices made from the heart are of utmost importance, perhaps suggesting a need to evaluate the balance between personal desires and mutual benefits within a close relationship or partnership. This card's appearance emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the powerful impact your decisions will have on your life's path, suggesting that whatever is happening now necessitates a choice that could define the quality of your connections and direction forward.

Position 2: 12 – The Hanged Man (reversed)

The unconscious position, represented by The Hanged Man in reverse, indicates a resistance to introspection and a difficulty in letting go of outdated beliefs or situations that no longer serve your growth. This resistance may be hindering your ability to move forward, suggesting an unseen influence of stagnation that is affecting your journey. There's a call here to embrace change, to look at things from a new perspective, and to consider what attachments or perspectives are preventing you from evolving. Acknowledging and addressing these aspects could unlock the path to personal development and a more profound understanding of your desires and necessities.

Position 3: 18 – The Moon (reversed)

The final card, The Moon in reverse, in the position of outside influences or actions to be taken, warns of the potential for misunderstanding, deception, and the risk of losing one's way due to a lack of clarity. It suggests that now is the time to confront any illusions or fears head-on, urging a more careful examination of the environment around you for hidden truths. There may be external factors that are clouding your judgment or decision-making process, and it advises a need to question assumptions, seek truth, and trust your intuition to navigate through these deceiving times. By facing these uncertainties, you can uncover insights and guidance critical for making informed choices.

In summary, this "Dream Child" spread indicates a moment in your life marked by significant relationships and choices that could greatly influence your personal growth and path forward. There's a strong sense of being at a crossroads, with the potential for deep emotional and spiritual development. However, you're being cautioned about potential internal and external obstacles that may cloud your judgment or hold you back. A call for introspection, embracing change, and looking beyond surface appearances to understand the true nature of your situation is clear. By focusing on authenticity, questioning assumptions, and not fearing to face the shadows, you can make choices that align closely with your highest good and deepest truths.

**I embrace change and seek clarity as I navigate my choices with love and authenticity.**
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Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Mar 2024


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