
Sheila de Matos


Published by Sheila de Matos on

AMOR AFASTADO - tarot reading by Sheila de Matos
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Reading Stats
🤖 AI Interpretation:

In the landscape of your distant love, the cards reveal a path of personal empowerment, dynamic shifts, and a dance between new beginnings and endings. You are urged to trust your instincts and inner wisdom, leverage your creativity and leadership skills, and remain adaptable to changes. While challenges and introspection are required, the reading promises strength and potential for future prosperity.

My heart is open to transformation and I courageously embrace the changes that come my way.

Position 1: Queen of Wands
In this position, the Queen of Wands highlights your personal empowerment and charismatic presence in the context of your distant love. It suggests you have an innate ability to influence and inspire not just your romantic partner but those around you. Trust in this inner strength to bridge the distance, lead with confidence, and let your warmth act as a beacon of connection.

Position 2: Two of Pentacles
Here, the Two of Pentacles presents ...
AMOR AFASTADO - tarot reading by Sheila de Matos
Spread: Free-form spread
profile picture by Sheila de Matos
Joined Mar 2025


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