Published by ROSE TEDFORD-KERNS on
1 β The Magician:
Keywords (reversed card): Manipulation, Lack of focus, Misuse of power, Self-doubt, Trickery
Affirmation: I have the power to manifest my desires and create positive change in my life.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Magician suggests a misuse of power, manipulation, or lacking confidence in one's abilities. It may indicate a need to reassess goals, overcome self-doubt, or be cautious of deceptive influences that could hinder progress.
Elements: Air
Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Gemini.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Associated crystals: Quartz, Citrine, Fire opal, Agate, Tiger's eye, Garnet
King of Swords:
Keywords: Intellectual power, Analytical thinking, Authority, Leadership, Integrity
Affirmation: I express my thoughts and ideas with clarity and authority, leading with wisdom, fairness, and integrity.
Meaning: King of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, leadership, and the ability to make wise decisions. It represents a period when you are able to take charge of a situation, apply logic and reason, and communicate your thoughts effectively. The card suggests that you possess strong analytical skills, intellectual maturity, and the ability to see the bigger picture. It encourages you to embrace your leadership qualities, assert your authority when necessary, and make decisions based on fairness and integrity. The King of Swords brings a sense of wisdom, objectivity, and the potential for effective leadership.
Elements: Fire of Air
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the astrological sign of Taurus or Gemini.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Nine of Pentacles:
Keywords: Abundance, Self-sufficiency, Luxury, Independence, Security
Affirmation: I am self-sufficient and grateful for the abundance and luxury that surrounds me.
Meaning: Nine of Pentacles signifies financial stability, independence, and enjoying the rewards of your efforts. It represents a time when you have achieved a level of material abundance and can savor the luxuries that come with it. The card suggests that you have cultivated financial security and are able to enjoy the pleasures of life. It encourages you to appreciate your accomplishments, practice self-care, and bask in the comfort and freedom that comes from your achievements. The Nine of Pentacles brings a sense of abundance, fulfillment, and the potential for continued prosperity.
Elements: Earth
Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Virgo.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
12 β The Hanged Man:
Keywords: Surrender, Letting go, Perspective shift, Patience, New insights
Affirmation: I embrace surrender and see challenges as opportunities for growth and new perspectives.
Meaning: The Hanged Man signifies a voluntary suspension, a willingness to let go and surrender to a situation or higher wisdom. It suggests a time of pause or introspection, where you may need to sacrifice or let go of something in order to gain a new perspective or insight. The card invites you to embrace a different point of view, shift your priorities, and find inner stillness. It represents the potential for enlightenment and spiritual growth through surrender.
Elements: Water
Numerology: It is associated with the number 12. The number 12 in numerology is considered a highly spiritual and transformative number. It signifies the completion of a cycle and the potential for spiritual enlightenment. It represents self-sacrifice, surrendering old beliefs or attachments, and opening oneself to new insights and growth.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Neptune and the astrological sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
Yes / No Meaning: Maybe
Associated crystals: Beryl, Aquamarine, Iolite, Green calcite, Moss agate, Ametrine, Sodalite
Ten of Wands:
Keywords: Burden, Responsibility, Overwhelm, Hard work, Completion
Affirmation: I release burdens and delegate tasks, knowing that I can achieve success without carrying unnecessary weight.
Meaning: Ten of Wands signifies a time of heavy burdens, excessive responsibilities, or feeling overwhelmed by the demands placed upon you. It represents a situation where you may have taken on too much or where you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. The card suggests that you may be stretched to your limits and feeling the strain. It encourages you to reassess your priorities, delegate tasks, and seek support to lighten your load. The Ten of Wands reminds you that it is okay to ask for help and to release any unnecessary burdens that are holding you back.
Elements: Fire
Numerology: It is associated with the number 10. The number 10 in numerology signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It represents the completion of a journey, the culmination of efforts, and the potential for transformation and growth. It symbolizes the inherent cycles of life, where ups and downs occur, and the opportunity for renewal arises.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
Yes / No Meaning: No
Published by ROSE TEDFORD-KERNS on
Ace of Swords:
Keywords (reversed card): Confusion, Mental block, Miscommunication, Lack of clarity, Mental chaos
Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ace of Swords' meaning can indicate confusion, mental blockages, or a lack of clarity in your thinking. It may suggest a need to clarify your thoughts, address any mental obstacles, or be cautious of engaging in debates or intellectual pursuits without careful consideration. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be experiencing mental fog or difficulty in making clear decisions. It encourages you to seek clarity, overcome any mental barriers, and strive for a deeper understanding of the truth.
Elements: Air
Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.
Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
17 β The Star:
Keywords (reversed card): Lack of faith, Disillusionment, Despair, Pessimism, Lack of renewal
Affirmation: I am filled with hope, inspiration, and unlimited possibilities.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Star may indicate a temporary loss of hope, lack of inspiration, or feeling disconnected from one's inner guidance. It suggests a need to reignite one's faith, seek support, and find a new sense of inspiration and purpose. It calls for self-care, rekindling optimism, and trusting the inner guidance to navigate through challenging times. It reminds us that even in moments of doubt, the light of hope is always within reach and can guide us towards brighter days.
Elements: Air
Numerology: It is associated with the number 17. The number 17 in numerology is considered a highly spiritual and transformative number. It signifies the potential for deep insight, inspiration, and the manifestation of dreams and desires. It symbolizes the connection to higher realms, the power of faith, and the alignment with one's true purpose.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Aquarius.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Associated crystals: Rock crystal, Turquoise, Moldavite, Tektite, Sugulite
9 β The Hermit:
Keywords: Introspection, Solitude, Wisdom, Guidance, Self-reflection
Affirmation: I embrace solitude and self-reflection to gain deeper understanding and inner wisdom.
Meaning: The Hermit signifies a time of introspection, soul-searching, and seeking answers from within. It suggests a period of solitude and reflection to gain deeper understanding and insight. The card encourages you to detach from the distractions of the external world and focus on inner wisdom, self-discovery, and personal growth. It represents a quest for truth, enlightenment, and self-awareness.
Elements: Earth
Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Virgo.
Yes / No Meaning: Maybe
Associated crystals: Peridot/Olivine, Bloodstone, Smoky quartz, Sapphire, Blue calcite, Blue tourmaline
4 β The Emperor:
Keywords (reversed card): Domination, Rigidity, Abuse of power, Lack of control, Weakness
Affirmation: I take charge of my life and create stability and order.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Emperor signifies a misuse of power, control issues, or a lack of stability, authority, and direction in one's life. It may suggest a need to reassess one's leadership style, be cautious of becoming overly controlling, or address any issues related to a lack of structure and discipline. It calls for a balance between assertiveness and flexibility, leading with wisdom and fairness rather than a dictatorial approach.
Elements: Fire
Numerology: It is associated with the number 4. The number 4 in numerology is considered a grounded and practical number. It represents a sense of order, discipline, and the ability to create a stable framework. It signifies a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the ability to manifest ideas into tangible results.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Aries.
Yes / No Meaning: Maybe
Associated crystals: Ruby, Carnelian, Topaz, Red jasper, Emerald
3 β The Empress:
Keywords (reversed card): Dependency, Neglect, Lack of abundance, Barrenness, Overindulgence
Affirmation: I nurture myself and create abundance in all areas of my life.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Empress warns against neglecting oneself or others, creative blockages, or feeling disconnected from the natural rhythms of life and nurturing energy. It may indicate a lack of self-care, difficulties in expressing creativity, or challenges in relationships. It calls for a reconnection with the nurturing aspects within oneself, embracing self-love, and cultivating harmony in all areas of life.
Elements: Earth
Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Taurus.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Associated crystals: Emerald, Rose quartz, Carnelian, Turquoise, Peridot/Olivine, Aventurine
Queen of Pentacles:
Keywords: Nurturing, Abundance, Practicality, Stability, Security
Affirmation: I am nurturing and abundant, providing a stable and loving environment for myself and others.
Meaning: Queen of Pentacles signifies a person who is practical, nurturing, and abundant. It represents a time of stability, financial security, and the ability to provide for oneself and others. The card suggests that you are grounded in the physical world, taking a practical approach to life, and embodying qualities of generosity and nurturance. It encourages you to create a harmonious home environment, prioritize self-care, and cultivate abundance in all aspects of your life. The Queen of Pentacles brings a sense of nurturing, stability, and the potential for material and emotional well-being.
Elements: Water of Earth
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the astrological sign of Sagittarius or Capricorn.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Published by ROSE TEDFORD-KERNS on
Nine of Swords:
Keywords (reversed card): Inner peace, Healing, Release, Overcoming fears, Positive mindset
Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Nine of Swords' meaning can indicate relief from anxiety, release from mental anguish, or the start of healing from emotional pain. It may suggest that you are beginning to let go of worry, find new perspectives, or experience a decrease in anxiety levels. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you are actively working towards managing your fears, seeking help from trusted individuals, or practicing self-care to alleviate mental distress. It encourages you to embrace healing and cultivate a positive mindset.
Elements: Air
Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Gemini.
Yes / No Meaning: No
King of Swords:
Keywords: Intellectual power, Analytical thinking, Authority, Leadership, Integrity
Affirmation: I express my thoughts and ideas with clarity and authority, leading with wisdom, fairness, and integrity.
Meaning: King of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, leadership, and the ability to make wise decisions. It represents a period when you are able to take charge of a situation, apply logic and reason, and communicate your thoughts effectively. The card suggests that you possess strong analytical skills, intellectual maturity, and the ability to see the bigger picture. It encourages you to embrace your leadership qualities, assert your authority when necessary, and make decisions based on fairness and integrity. The King of Swords brings a sense of wisdom, objectivity, and the potential for effective leadership.
Elements: Fire of Air
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the astrological sign of Taurus or Gemini.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
0 β The Fool:
Keywords (reversed card): Recklessness, Lack of direction, Foolishness, Lack of planning
Affirmation: I embrace new beginnings with an open heart and a sense of adventure.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Fool warns against impulsive actions, lack of caution, and potential missed opportunities. It may indicate naivety, recklessness, or poor judgment, suggesting the need to approach situations with greater awareness and consideration of the potential consequences. It encourages to exercise wisdom and learn from past experiences.
Elements: Air
Numerology: It is associated with the number 0 (zero). Zero is considered a unique number that holds great potential and represents infinite possibilities. It is often seen as a symbol of beginnings, the void, and the blank canvas upon which everything is created.
Astrology: It is often associated with the planet Uranus and the astrological sign of Aquarius.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Associated crystals: Herkimer diamond, Lepidolite, Tourmaline, Agate, Turquoise
Queen of Cups:
Keywords (reversed card): Emotional instability, Self-neglect, Lack of empathy, Emotional manipulation, Moody
Affirmation: I embody compassion, intuition, and emotional strength, nurturing myself and others with love and kindness.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional instability, emotional manipulation, or difficulty in managing your own emotions or understanding the emotions of others. It may suggest a need to develop emotional boundaries, address any codependent tendencies, or work on improving your emotional well-being. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be neglecting your own emotional needs or struggling to create healthy emotional connections. It encourages you to prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and seek support when needed.
Elements: Water of Water
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Venus, Mercury and Sun and the astrological sign of Gemini or Cancer.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Three of Cups:
Keywords: Celebration, Friendship, Joy, Socializing, Abundance of emotions
Affirmation: I celebrate the abundance of love, friendship, and joy in my life, creating cherished memories.
Meaning: Three of Cups signifies a time of celebration, friendship, and joyful connections with others. It represents a sense of unity, shared experiences, and the enjoyment of social interactions. The card suggests that you are surrounded by supportive and uplifting individuals who bring positivity into your life. It encourages you to celebrate your accomplishments, cherish your relationships, and find joy in shared experiences. The Three of Cups brings a sense of camaraderie, celebration, and the potential for deepening bonds and creating lasting memories.
Elements: Water
Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Cancer.
Yes / No Meaning: No
Six of Wands:
Keywords (reversed card): Setbacks, Lack of recognition, Failure, Egoism
Affirmation: I celebrate my victories and embrace the recognition and success that come from my hard work and determination.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Six of Wands' meaning can indicate a temporary setback, lack of recognition, or a feeling of disappointment despite your efforts. It may suggest a delay in receiving the praise or success you were anticipating. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any factors that may be hindering the recognition you deserve. It encourages you to maintain confidence in your abilities, reassess your goals, and find alternative paths towards success. It reminds you that setbacks are temporary and that perseverance is key.
Elements: Fire
Numerology: It is associated with the number 6. The number 6 in numerology signifies a sense of harmony and balance. It represents the energy of love, nurturing, and the ability to create harmonious relationships. It is a number of cooperation, empathy, and compassion.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Jupiter and the astrological sign of Leo.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Four of Wands:
Keywords: Celebration, Harmony, Stability, Foundation, Achievements
Affirmation: I celebrate my achievements and create a stable foundation for continued success and harmony.
Meaning: Four of Wands signifies a time of celebration, harmony, and stability. It represents the successful completion of a project or the achievement of a significant milestone. The card suggests a period of joy, harmony, and coming together with loved ones to celebrate your accomplishments. It encourages you to appreciate the beauty and stability in your life and to take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The Four of Wands brings a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and a strong foundation.
Elements: Fire
Numerology: It is associated with the number 4. The number 4 in numerology is considered a grounded and practical number. It represents a sense of order, discipline, and the ability to create a stable framework. It signifies a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the ability to manifest ideas into tangible results.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Aries.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Queen of Cups:
Keywords (reversed card): Emotional instability, Self-neglect, Lack of empathy, Emotional manipulation, Moody
Affirmation: I embody compassion, intuition, and emotional strength, nurturing myself and others with love and kindness.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional instability, emotional manipulation, or difficulty in managing your own emotions or understanding the emotions of others. It may suggest a need to develop emotional boundaries, address any codependent tendencies, or work on improving your emotional well-being. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be neglecting your own emotional needs or struggling to create healthy emotional connections. It encourages you to prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and seek support when needed.
Elements: Water of Water
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Venus, Mercury and Sun and the astrological sign of Gemini or Cancer.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
10 β Wheel of Fortune:
Keywords (reversed card): Bad luck, Lack of control, Stagnation, Missed opportunities, Resistance to change
Affirmation: I trust in the cycles of life, knowing that change brings new opportunities for growth and success.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, the card suggests resistance to change, missed opportunities, or unfavorable circumstances due to a lack of adaptability or understanding of life's cycles. It may indicate a need to break free from stagnation, release attachment to rigid outcomes, and embrace the concept of personal responsibility and proactive action in shaping one's destiny. It calls for openness to change, surrendering to the natural flow of life, and finding the courage to embrace new possibilities.
Elements: Fire
Numerology: It is associated with the number 10. The number 10 in numerology signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It represents the completion of a journey, the culmination of efforts, and the potential for transformation and growth. It symbolizes the inherent cycles of life, where ups and downs occur, and the opportunity for renewal arises.
Astrology: It is associated with the planet Jupiter and the astrological sign of Pisces or Sagittarius.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes
Associated crystals: Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Aventurine, Sardonyx, Black opal, Amethyst, Rhodonite
Queen of Wands:
Keywords: Confidence, Leadership, Creativity, Warmth, Influence
Affirmation: I embody confidence, leadership, and creativity, utilizing my inner fire to inspire and nurture those around me.
Meaning: Queen of Wands signifies a time of personal empowerment, self-assurance, and the ability to lead with confidence. It represents your natural charisma, strong presence, and ability to inspire and influence those around you. The card suggests that you have a deep connection with your passions and are willing to take charge and make things happen. It encourages you to embrace your strengths, trust your intuition, and lead with authenticity and warmth. The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.
Elements: Water of Fire
Numerology: No number associated with it.
Astrology: It is associated with the planets Mars and Sun and the astrological sign of Pisces or Aries.
Yes / No Meaning: Yes