Daily Spread #2

Published by Raven on

Daily Spread #2 - tarot reading by Raven
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Ten of Swords: Meaning: Ten of Swords signifies a time of deep crisis, hitting rock bottom, or experiencing a profound sense of defeat. It represents a period when you may feel overwhelmed by circumstances, betrayed, or emotionally exhausted. The card suggests that you have reached the end of a difficult chapter, and while it may be painful, it also signifies the opportunity for a fresh start. It encourages you to acknowledge your pain, release any attachments to the past, and be open to new beginnings. The Ten of Swords brings a sense of closure, the potential for transformation, and the opportunity to rise above adversity.

Keywords: Painful ending, Betrayal, Failure, Rock bottom, Transformation


6 – The Lovers: Meaning: The Lovers card signifies partnership, love, and the power of choice. It represents deep connections, romantic relationships, or significant choices that have an impact on your life. The card suggests a harmonious union, mutual understanding, and a strong bond with a partner or loved one. It encourages you to listen to your heart, make choices based on love and authenticity, and foster healthy relationships.

Keywords: Love, Partnership, Union, Choices, Harmony


Six of Swords: Meaning: Six of Swords signifies a time of transition, healing, and moving on from challenging circumstances. It represents a period when you are making progress in leaving behind the difficulties and finding resolution to past problems. The card suggests that you are entering a period of greater stability and peace, where you can let go of the past and embrace a new chapter in your life. It encourages you to trust the journey, seek support when needed, and focus on the positive aspects of your future. The Six of Swords brings a sense of hope, progress, and the potential for finding inner peace and a brighter future.

Keywords: Transition, Moving on, Healing, Mental peace, Smooth sailing

The Lovers came through, Which could be Aphrodite? Though I think it's more likely the cards are telling me that I need to quit thinking of my past mistakes and focus on the things here and now. To take a step back and look at the things I accomplished like; "Oh my gosh, Yeah I actually did that!" instead of being like; "Well I could've done this thing better... even if it turned out okay."
Spread: Free-form spread

Daily Spread #1

Published by Raven on

Daily Spread #1 - tarot reading by Raven
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

1 – The Magician: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Magician suggests a misuse of power, manipulation, or lacking confidence in one's abilities. It may indicate a need to reassess goals, overcome self-doubt, or be cautious of deceptive influences that could hinder progress.

Keywords (reversed card): Manipulation, Lack of focus, Misuse of power, Self-doubt, Trickery


13 – Death: Meaning: The Death card signifies the completion of a phase or a significant transformation in your life. It represents the need to let go of old patterns, attachments, or beliefs that no longer serve you. It can indicate the end of a relationship, a job, or a way of life, making room for new opportunities and growth. The Death card invites you to embrace change, accept endings, and trust in the cycle of life and transformation.

Keywords: Transformation, Endings, Rebirth, Release, Transition


Eight of Swords: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Eight of Swords' meaning can indicate a breakthrough, liberation, or a newfound sense of freedom. It may suggest that you are starting to recognize the limitations you have placed upon yourself and are taking steps to overcome them. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be actively working towards freeing yourself from negative thoughts, self-doubt, or external constraints. It encourages you to embrace a mindset of empowerment, seek support if needed, and take action to break free from the perceived limitations.

Keywords (reversed card): Freedom, Empowerment, Breaking free, New perspectives, Self-belief

The cards tell me that I should try not to look at myself so negatively. That I should try and move pass this way of thinking because it's limiting my potential growth.
Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Dec 2023
Just a beginner starting on my journey.
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