Archive: July 2024

Daily Focus

Published by Michelle on

Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Theme of the Day: This card represents the overarching theme or energy that will influence your day. It sets the tone and highlights the primary focus or lesson you are likely to encounter. It can help you align your intentions and actions with the prevailing energy of the day.

Page of Cups: Explore with a curious mind. What aspects of creativity and feeling do I need to explore?

Trust your intuition and intuitive messages.

Lesson to Learn: The second card in this spread represents the lesson or insight you are meant to learn or be aware of during the day. It reflects a specific area of personal growth, challenges, or opportunities that you may encounter. This card encourages you to stay open-minded and receptive to the lessons that come your way.

Ace of Pentacles: This is not the right timing to start. Wait. Be patient.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch"

Action to Take: The third card suggests the action or approach you should consider taking to navigate the day effectively and make the most of the insights gained from the previous cards. It offers practical guidance on how to apply the lessons learned and make positive choices in alignment with your highest good.

19 – The Sun: Temporary setbacks... Let your inner child come out to play. Stop being so serious

Root of the Deck - shadow card The devil reversed

15 – The Devil: Ready to level up, but have to contend with shadows. Handle limiting beliefs.

Leg go of fear and anxiety as the ties that bind you

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 3 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Page
Chatting with Terry and it's going great, then he disappears. Chatting with Holden and he tells me hd is busy at a comedy club. Missing Ryan and suddenly thinking of him today. Is he missing me?

Both make me feel less than and looked over.

Be secure when this happens?

You will have positive romantic communications, but it's not the right time. Don't be discouraged, just let go of those difficult feelings of inadequacy.

Astro Oracle card:
Hold still, dig in, grow roots, and strengthen over time.
What feeds my soul?
Play the long game and tend my crops.
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Decks: Hanson-Roberts , Starcodes Astro Oracle
Spread: Daily Self-Reflection

Daily Focus

Published by Michelle on

Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Theme of the Day: This card represents the overarching theme or energy that will influence your day. It sets the tone and highlights the primary focus or lesson you are likely to encounter. It can help you align your intentions and actions with the prevailing energy of the day.

Four of Wands

Lesson to Learn: The second card in this spread represents the lesson or insight you are meant to learn or be aware of during the day. It reflects a specific area of personal growth, challenges, or opportunities that you may encounter. This card encourages you to stay open-minded and receptive to the lessons that come your way.

Knight of Wands

Action to Take: The third card suggests the action or approach you should consider taking to navigate the day effectively and make the most of the insights gained from the previous cards. It offers practical guidance on how to apply the lessons learned and make positive choices in alignment with your highest good.

Two of Pentacles

Jumper card

Ten of Cups: Is this the question I really want to ask?

Root of the Deck - Shadow Card

3 – The Empress

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 3 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Ten
  • 1 Knight
Am I really wanting to ask if I get happily ever after? True love? A happy life? Ten o cups jumped out of the deck.

I have been inwardly celebrating an achievement... More inner stability as a result of self work. I am celebrating this small milestone quietly and inwardly.

I want to use my charisma to shine in the world. New adventures await. It's time to let my creativity and sense if adventure guide me. Be a bit impulsive and just DO.

I am over invested and struggling to balance... Pick one thing and concentrate on it.

Make self love a priority. Get out in nature. Don't get anxious about your body image.

Oracle card:
Solar Calm
Appreciate the inner quiet of this time. Meditate and listen to the quieter voices. Be inspired by the muses and be quietly creative. Be patient if things are foggy. Let go of the outer world and listen to the quiet knowing within. Feel the call to connect to spirit, connection and build relationships.

🤖 AI Reading Prompts:

Am I really wanting to ask if I get happily ever after? True love? A happy life? Ten o cups jumped out of the deck.

I have been inwardly celebrating an achievement... More inner stability as a result of self work. I am celebrating this small milestone quietly and inwardly.

I want to use my charisma to shine in the world. New adventures await. It's time to let my creativity and sense if adventure guide me. Be a bit impulsive and just DO.

I am over invested and struggling to balance... Pick one thing and concentrate on it.

Make self love a priority. Get out in nature. Don't get anxious about your body image.

Oracle card:
Solar Calm
Appreciate the inner quiet of this time. Meditate and listen to the quieter voices. Be inspired by the muses and be quietly creative. Be patient if things are foggy. Let go of the outer world and listen to the quiet knowing within. Feel the call to connect to spirit, connection and build relationships.

🤖 AI Reading Prompts:

Today's spread offers a window into the dynamics and influences shaping my day. As I reflect on each card and its meanings, I can see a map for aligning my focus and actions allowing me to navigate through any challenges or opportunities.

How can I restore harmony and stability in my life today?
For the Theme of the Day, the reversed Four of Wands tells me to look at areas in my life that might be out of balance. A real-world example could be addressing unresolved conflicts at work or home. I might spend time today having an honest conversation with a colleague or loved one to clear the air and restore harmony.

What bold action can I take to pursue my passions with enthusiasm?
With the Lesson to Learn as the Knight of Wands, I’m being asked to channel dynamic energy into my goals. A real-world example is starting on a new project that excites me or taking a risk that aligns with my dreams, like signing up for a course that boosts my career or hobby.

How can I regain a sense of balance and prioritize effectively?
The Action to Take with the reversed Two of Pentacles reminds me to simplify and reorganize. A real-world example could be creating a structured plan for the day’s tasks, delegating where possible, and setting clear boundaries to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This might mean setting aside dedicated time for different activities and ensuring I stick to the schedule.

🤖 AI Interpretation:

Today's reading emphasizes the need for balance, reflection on our actions, and embracing the love and support around us. It highlights the disruption in stability, urges dynamic energy for growth, and advices on managing life's priorities better. The overarching theme asks us to be mindful of our foundation and relationships while staying aligned with our true selves.

Position 1: Four of Wands (reversed)
The overarching theme of your day revolves around a disruption in harmony or stability. You may encounter delays in celebrating your achievements or feel a certain instability in your personal or professional life. It is a calling to assess areas requiring attention, address underlying issues for restoring balance, and exercise patience as you work towards creating a solid foundation. This reflection might reveal the need for a step back to reevaluate and realign your goals.

Position 2: Knight of Wands
The lesson you are meant to learn today lies in the Knight of Wands, which signifies dynamic energy and the urge to pursue your passions. This card encourages you to harness your ambition and take bold actions towards your goals. It's a time to embrace opportunities for growth and step outside of your comfort zone with enthusiasm and determination. Allow the spirited energy of the Knight of Wands to drive you forward, embracing the adventures that await and the rapid progress they promise.

Position 3: Two of Pentacles (reversed)
In terms of the action to take, the reversed Two of Pentacles highlights the need to manage conflicting priorities and regain a sense of equilibrium. You may feel overwhelmed or disorganized, struggling to keep everything balanced. This card advises simplifying your life, delegating tasks, or reassessing your priorities to establish boundaries and restore stability. Reflect on areas that require more focused attention and take steps to regain control and harmony in your daily routine.

Position 4: Ten of Cups
The Jumper card, the Ten of Cups, represents emotional fulfillment and deep happiness within your relationships. Despite the challenges highlighted by other cards, it reminds you of the love and support available to you. Cultivate and appreciate the strong connections you have, acknowledging the sense of unity and contentment they bring. This card invites you to nurture these relationships, fostering harmony and experiencing the emotional well-being they offer.

Position 5: The Empress (reversed)
The root of the deck, The Empress in reverse, brings attention to potential neglect of self-care and creative blockages. It may indicate feeling disconnected from your nurturing energy and the natural rhythms of life. This card urges a reconnection with self-love and harmony, addressing any difficulties in expressing creativity or challenges in relationships. Embrace the nurturing aspects within yourself, allowing them to flourish and bring balance to all areas of your life.

I navigate my day with balance, enthusiasm, and appreciation for the love that surrounds me.
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Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Decks: Hanson-Roberts , Starcodes Astro Oracle
Spread: Daily Self-Reflection

Daily Focus

Published by Michelle on

Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Theme of the Day: This card represents the overarching theme or energy that will influence your day. It sets the tone and highlights the primary focus or lesson you are likely to encounter. It can help you align your intentions and actions with the prevailing energy of the day.

Seven of Cups

Lesson to Learn: The second card in this spread represents the lesson or insight you are meant to learn or be aware of during the day. It reflects a specific area of personal growth, challenges, or opportunities that you may encounter. This card encourages you to stay open-minded and receptive to the lessons that come your way.

Queen of Cups

Action to Take: The third card suggests the action or approach you should consider taking to navigate the day effectively and make the most of the insights gained from the previous cards. It offers practical guidance on how to apply the lessons learned and make positive choices in alignment with your highest good.

5 – The Hierophant

Root of the Deck - Shadow Card

10 – Wheel of Fortune

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 1 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 2 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Ten
  • 1 Queen
Imagine what is possible and open your heart to be kinder, gentler and less judgemental. Break freek from anger.

People who scream loudly that they are "educating"... Ard they really? Are they just angry, or moreso... Just insecure in themselves, their knowledge, and authority.

You don't have to feel inferior to loud people being mean. Be yourself and come at the world with love.

Shadow card: This is a turning point to start acting and seeing the world and sharing the love and goodness in your heart. Do not let others make you feel ashamed of or miserly with your goodness. Give of yourself without sacrificing yourself.

Astro Oracle:
Live by your philosophy. Care about responsibilities and reputation, but also free yourself from other's opinions and think outside the box. Know the pattern and riff on it with your own intention. Be authentic. Cultivate allies.

Astro oracle jumpers:
Solar Flares
Solar flares magnify the energy on any cards pulled. Change is in the air,...
Imagine what is possible and open your heart to be kinder, gentler and less judgemental. Break freek from anger.

People who scream loudly that they are "educating"... Ard they really? Are they just angry, or moreso... Just insecure in themselves, their knowledge, and authority.

You don't have to feel inferior to loud people being mean. Be yourself and come at the world with love.

Shadow card: This is a turning point to start acting and seeing the world and sharing the love and goodness in your heart. Do not let others make you feel ashamed of or miserly with your goodness. Give of yourself without sacrificing yourself.

Astro Oracle:
Live by your philosophy. Care about responsibilities and reputation, but also free yourself from other's opinions and think outside the box. Know the pattern and riff on it with your own intention. Be authentic. Cultivate allies.

Astro oracle jumpers:
Solar Flares
Solar flares magnify the energy on any cards pulled. Change is in the air, it will come fast and with energy, but I must be mindful and consciously manifest it into action with compassion, thoughtfulness and logistics

Third House
Improve communication... Both inner dialogue and seeking understanding with others. Get out of your head for a new perspective. Don't let rivalry with others make you small.

🤖 AI Reading Prompts:

Today's theme, symbolized by the Seven of Cups, suggests that I have numerous options and opportunities before me. I'll need to exercise discernment to navigate these choices effectively.

How can I best narrow down my options to focus on what's truly important?

Example: If I'm overwhelmed by different projects at work, I can list them out and prioritize based on deadlines and impact.

The Queen of Cups, representing the lesson to learn, encourages me to trust my feelings and extend empathy to myself and others throughout the day.

What can I do to stay emotionally balanced and supportive while making decisions?

Example: If a colleague needs advice, I can take a moment to genuinely listen and offer thoughtful guidance, ensuring I'm emotionally present.

In the action to take position, The Hierophant reversed advises me to question conventional wisdom and find my path.

How can I step away from traditional views and follow my intuition?

Example: If a typical solution isn't working for a problem, I can explore creative alternatives that align more closely with my personal values and insights.

🤖 AI Interpretation:

The overarching theme of my day revolves around exploration and discernment, as I navigate through multiple options and possibilities represented by the Seven of Cups. The lesson I am to learn centers on emotional maturity and empathy, embodied by the Queen of Cups, encouraging me to embrace my intuitive understanding. For action, The Hierophant reversed advises me to challenge conventional norms and seek my personal truth. Finally, the Wheel of Fortune as the shadow card reminds me of the inevitability of change and the need to adapt with a positive mindset.

I trust in my ability to navigate through choices with wisdom and adaptability.

Theme of the Day: Seven of Cups

Today's theme is marked by a multitude of options and possibilities, each holding its own allure. As the Seven of Cups suggests, my imagination will be fertile and my dreams expansive, offering numerous paths to explore. While this offers a wealth of opportunities, I must be mindful to exercise discernment and carefully consider the feasibility and consequences of each option. It is a day for creative exploration, but also one where I need grounding to avoid being overwhelmed by the many choices before me.

Lesson to Learn: Queen of Cups

The lesson for today speaks to the importance of emotional maturity and empathy, as signified by the Queen of Cups. I am encouraged to stay in touch with my emotions and trust my intuition. By offering compassion and support to others, and navigating my own emotional landscape with grace, I can create a nurturing environment. This card reminds me of the deep potential for forming emotional connections and understanding others on an intuitive level.

Action to Take: The Hierophant (reversed)

The action to take today involves embracing an unconventional approach and questioning established norms, as indicated by The Hierophant in reverse. I am invited to break away from conformity and explore personal truth through intuitive insights and personal experiences. By seeking alternative perspectives and challenging rigid beliefs, I can forge a spiritual path that resonates authentically with me. This departure from dogma will empower me to find guidance and meaning on my own terms.

Root of the Deck - Shadow Card: Wheel of Fortune

At the root of today's energies lies the Wheel of Fortune, reminding me that life is ever-changing and unpredictable. This card signifies that I am at a turning point, where luck and fate play a significant role. Embracing change and being adaptable will be key to navigating these shifts successfully. With patience and a positive mindset, I can seize the opportunities that arise and turn the wheels of fortune in my favor.
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Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Decks: Hanson-Roberts , Starcodes Astro Oracle
Spread: Daily Self-Reflection

Daily Focus

Published by Michelle on

Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Theme of the Day: This card represents the overarching theme or energy that will influence your day. It sets the tone and highlights the primary focus or lesson you are likely to encounter. It can help you align your intentions and actions with the prevailing energy of the day.

Nine of Swords

Lesson to Learn: The second card in this spread represents the lesson or insight you are meant to learn or be aware of during the day. It reflects a specific area of personal growth, challenges, or opportunities that you may encounter. This card encourages you to stay open-minded and receptive to the lessons that come your way.

Queen of Swords

Action to Take: The third card suggests the action or approach you should consider taking to navigate the day effectively and make the most of the insights gained from the previous cards. It offers practical guidance on how to apply the lessons learned and make positive choices in alignment with your highest good.

Seven of Wands

Root of the Deck - Shadow Card

Six of Wands

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 0 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 3 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Queen
Let go of anxiety about being productive and focus on healing. Engage your mind today, and let go of being defensive. Accept defeat with grace.

You are healing, let go of trying so hard and pushing yourself to work when you should rest.

Astro oracle card:
Do not burn yourself up for another's cause, not withold your warmth, but share what you have to offer.
Retreat to clear yourself, your energy fields, your environment. Reclaim your temple.
Share yourself rather than sacrifice yourself. Your hard work may be taken for granted unless you know your worth.
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Spread: Daily Self-Reflection

Daily Focus

Published by Michelle on

Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Theme of the Day: This card represents the overarching theme or energy that will influence your day. It sets the tone and highlights the primary focus or lesson you are likely to encounter. It can help you align your intentions and actions with the prevailing energy of the day.

King of Pentacles

Lesson to Learn: The second card in this spread represents the lesson or insight you are meant to learn or be aware of during the day. It reflects a specific area of personal growth, challenges, or opportunities that you may encounter. This card encourages you to stay open-minded and receptive to the lessons that come your way.

King of Wands

Action to Take: The third card suggests the action or approach you should consider taking to navigate the day effectively and make the most of the insights gained from the previous cards. It offers practical guidance on how to apply the lessons learned and make positive choices in alignment with your highest good.

Queen of Pentacles

Root of the Deck Shadow Work card.

19 – The Sun: Make your own little joys

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 3 Minors
  • 1 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Queen
  • 2 Kings
King Of Pents
Focus on money, security

King of Wands
Be creative, take creative steps

QoP rev
Don't be petty. Stay off social media?

Root - The Sun
Find some joy today

Star Codes Astro Oracle
#56 Progressions
This is not a small obstacle or opportunity, this is part of a complex pattern. Every choice you make changes how it unfolds.
Trust the tides and set your own sails.
🤖 AI Reading Prompts:

Reflect on Your Accomplishments and Strengths
Today, consider the aspects of your life where you have achieved stability and success, much like the King of Pentacles. Acknowledge your skills and reliability. For example, if you have been diligent in managing your finances, take a moment to appreciate your efforts and plan your next financial steps with confidence.

Practice Self-Leadership and Inspiring Others
Embrace the lesson of the King of Wands by stepping up as a leader in your activities or workplace. Exhibit ambition and confidence in your tasks. For instance, if you’re lead...
King Of Pents
Focus on money, security

King of Wands
Be creative, take creative steps

QoP rev
Don't be petty. Stay off social media?

Root - The Sun
Find some joy today

Star Codes Astro Oracle
#56 Progressions
This is not a small obstacle or opportunity, this is part of a complex pattern. Every choice you make changes how it unfolds.
Trust the tides and set your own sails.
🤖 AI Reading Prompts:

Reflect on Your Accomplishments and Strengths
Today, consider the aspects of your life where you have achieved stability and success, much like the King of Pentacles. Acknowledge your skills and reliability. For example, if you have been diligent in managing your finances, take a moment to appreciate your efforts and plan your next financial steps with confidence.

Practice Self-Leadership and Inspiring Others
Embrace the lesson of the King of Wands by stepping up as a leader in your activities or workplace. Exhibit ambition and confidence in your tasks. For instance, if you’re leading a team project, inspire your team with a clear vision and encourage them to bring their best ideas forward.

Recalibrate Self-Care and Boundaries
The reversed Queen of Pentacles suggests bringing attention to your well-being. Assess where you might be over-giving or neglecting your needs. For example, if you’ve been working long hours, it may be time to set boundaries and schedule activities that nurture your body and mind, like a relaxing evening or a favorite hobby.

🤖 AI Interpretation:

Today’s reading suggests a day of stability and assertive leadership but also a reminder to maintain balance in your nurturing roles and pursue self-care. By embracing these energies, you can harness the positivity and clarity in your life and align your actions with your highest good.

Affirmation: I am a beacon of stability and leadership, maintaining balance and nurturing my well-being.

Position 1: King of Pentacles
The theme of the day is represented by the King of Pentacles. This card signifies that today will be filled with stability, accomplishment, and financial security. You're entering a time where your practical and disciplined approach will help you manifest your goals in the material realm. Embrace this energy as it brings a sense of abundance and the potential for long-lasting well-being.

Position 2: King of Wands
The lesson to learn today comes from the King of Wands. This card highlights the importance of strong leadership and ambition. You are encouraged to harness your assertiveness and entrepreneurial spirit to take charge of situations and inspire those around you. Embrace your natural leadership qualities and confidently pursue your goals with determination and passion.

Position 3: Queen of Pentacles (reversed)
The action to take is suggested by the reversed Queen of Pentacles. This card advises you to reflect on areas where you might be neglecting your own needs in favor of others. It's essential to reassess your priorities and set healthy boundaries. Practicing self-care and finding a balance between giving and receiving will allow you to nurture yourself and avoid overindulgence or codependency.

Position 4: The Sun
The root of the deck and shadow work are illuminated by the Sun card. This signifies a deep need for happiness, optimism, and the fulfillment of your desires. Embracing your authentic self and basking in the light of positivity are key. This card invites you to seize opportunities with enthusiasm and joy, leading to a period of clarity, vitality, and success.
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Daily Focus - tarot reading by Michelle
Deck: Hanson-Roberts
Spread: Daily Self-Reflection
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