Archive: March 2024

Sharing my “Divination Station”

Published by Shannon on

My little nook has gone through a couple of changes since the shot, but the essence is the same.
Trimmed down now, I have more room on the desk for proper spreads and not taking.
Sharing my “Divination Station” - blog post by Shannon

Cycle of Healing Spread

Published by Shannon on

This is a spread to help you look within yourself, find where you are in pain, and develop avenues towards restoration. We are all at different points in the cycle of healing and being hurt. While shuffling, think about your life in this current moment. What brings you joy, and what brings you pain? What do you need to let go of so that you can move forward? No need to think about a specific time period: the cards will point you towards what parts of you are ready to heal, and it will take as long as it needs to take.
The goal and the current-self card represent the same person at different points in the cycle.
Cycle of Healing Spread - tarot spread shared by Shannon
Current self: Where are you now?
Hurt: What parts of you, physical or mental, are in pain?
Heal: What parts of you are ready to heal? These may not be the same parts that are causing pain.
The Path: How do you heal and move forward?
Obstacle: What blocks your path? Ask how this obstacle could be released, avoided, or worked with.
Goal: Where you need to go, what you need to do, or be. Where does this path lead? If a negative card appears here, it may be a painful thing that needs to happen on your greater journey, not a final point. If this car appears reversed, often the 'goal' is to remove what is blocking the energy.
Spread author: Isabella Rotman
Joined Dec 2023
Tarot practitioner since December 2023.

I-Ching practitioner since 2020.


All that said, I am not particular with labels; only using them when I need to communicate where I am for my practice. 🔮♉

That said, I am a Taurus with ADHD, so the two pretty much cancel another out.
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