Archive: January 2024

Will my ex (most recent breakup) and I get back together

Published by Mariam on

Will my ex (most recent breakup) and I get back together - tarot reading by Mariam
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Current State of the Relationship: This card represents the current state of the relationship and provides an overview of the existing challenges and issues.

Four of Pentacles

Root Cause of the Issues: This card delves into the underlying cause or source of the problems in the relationship. It offers insights into what needs to be addressed and healed.

5 – The Hierophant

Your Perspective: This card represents your perspective and emotions within the relationship. It helps you gain a deeper understanding of your own feelings, needs, and desires.

Page of Cups

Their Perspective: This card represents the perspective and emotions of your partner. It allows you to gain insights into their feelings, needs, and desires.

Nine of Swords

Steps for Healing and Reconciliation: This card provides guidance on the steps or actions that can be taken to begin the healing process and restore the relationship. It suggests ways to improve communication, understanding, and empathy.

Ace of Cups

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: This card focuses on your own personal growth and self-reflection within the context of the relationship. It encourages you to examine your own patterns, behaviors, and areas for self-improvement.

Queen of Cups

Outcome and Future Potential: This card offers insights into the potential outcome of your efforts to repair the relationship. It indicates the possibilities for growth, harmony, and renewed connection.

7 – The Chariot

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 5 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 3 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Page
  • 1 Queen
We broke up three days ago. We’ve been together for a year and have met each other’s family and friends. We all get along well.
I made the decision to break up because he seemed unsure of our relationship after multiple fights and his uncertainty made me insecure as well. I broke it off but is it the right decision?
Will my ex (most recent breakup) and I get back together - tarot reading by Mariam
Will my ex (most recent breakup) and I get back together - tarot reading by Mariam
Will my ex (most recent breakup) and I get back together - tarot reading by Mariam
Spread: Relationship Repair
Joined Jan 2024
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