
What Do I Need To Know About My Life Now?

Published by Cosma Carpetbagger on

What Do I Need To Know About My Life Now? - tarot reading by Cosma Carpetbagger
Deck: Aquatic Tarot (Watercolors by Andreas Schröter 1995-2004, CC License)
Card Notes
Card Notes
This card represents the current state of your thoughts or the primary mental focus regarding the situation at hand.

18 – The Moon: Keywords: Intuition, Emotions, Subconscious, Reflection, Illusion.
It is associated with the planet Jupiter.

The second card in this spread represents your emotional state or your predominant feelings regarding the situation.

Eight of Swords: Keywords: Self-imposed restrictions, Feeling trapped, Negative thoughts, Limitations.
It is associated with the planet Jupiter.

The third card suggests the actions or steps you should consider responding to the situation.

Six of Swords: Keywords: Transition, Moving on, Healing, Mental peace, Smooth sailing.

It is associated with the planet Mercury.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Eight
In this reading about what I need to know about my life now, the cards suggest that I'm amidst an introspective phase, where my intuition and subconscious guide my thoughts. Emotionally, I feel constrained and limited by external circumstances or self-imposed beliefs.
However, the suggested actions point towards a journey of healing and transition, urging me to move towards a more stable and peaceful future.
The affirmation I draw from this reading is: "I trust my intuition, challenge my limitations, and embrace the journey towards a brighter future."
Spread: Thoughts, Feelings, Actions
Joined Nov 2024


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