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Five of Swords:
Keywords (reversed card): Resolution, Fairness, Letting go, Reconciliation, Collaboration
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Five of Swords' meaning can indicate resolution, forgiveness, or a willingness to let go of past conflicts. It may suggest that you are finding ways to reconcile differences or seeking peaceful resolutions. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be actively working towards resolving conflicts, letting go of grudges, or seeking forgiveness. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of cooperation, prioritize healthy communication, and find common ground with others.
Page of Cups:
Keywords (reversed card): Emotional immaturity, Blocked intuition, Lack of inspiration, Emotional confusion
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Page of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional immaturity, moodiness, or a tendency towards being overly sensitive or emotionally reactive. It may suggest a need to develop emotional resilience, discernment, or to seek a more balanced approach to your emotions. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be overly influenced by your emotions or allowing them to control your actions. It encourages you to cultivate emotional maturity, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and find a balance between sensitivity and stability.
19 – The Sun:
Keywords (reversed card): Temporary setbacks, Lack of success, Unhappiness, Disillusionment
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Sun card's meaning can indicate temporary setbacks or a period of decreased energy and enthusiasm. It may suggest a lack of clarity or difficulties in maintaining a positive outlook. Reversed, the card advises you to assess any challenges or obstacles that are hindering your progress. It encourages you to find ways to reignite your passion, shift your perspective, and seek the silver linings in the situation. It reminds you that the sun will rise again, and the period of decreased energy is temporary.
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