Interviewing the Luna Sol Tarot Deck

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Interviewing the Luna Sol Tarot Deck - tarot reading by Lee
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What work are we meant to do together?

Ten of Wands: I also drew the Ace of Disks, reversed.

We are meant to do work together that will help me simplify my life or create more balance. Furthermore, the work that we're meant to do together will encourage me to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and focus on what truly matters.

Ace of Disks (Reversed)- "A new enterprise is beginning, and this card indicates its inevitable success. The outcome is set, but the actions you need to take to achieve that outcome are still open. Be confident knowing where you need to get to is achievable." Maybe the reversed meaning of the card is that I'm feeling as if I'm not going to reach my outcome, so the work that we're meant to do together will reassure me and help me reach that outcome.

What are you here to teach me about myself?

10 – Wheel of Fortune: I'm moving on from a painful cycle to a more harmonious one with new understanding and faith. This deck is here to teach me to focus on what I can control in order for me to find peace within the uncertainty of change and to let go of anything I can't control.

What are you here to teach me about the world?

King of Cups: This deck is here to teach me how to support others and provide guidance to others in the world.

What card best describes you as a deck?

Page of Cups: The Page of Cups describes the deck as having a sense of curiosity, emotional depth, and the potential for creative and intuitive growth.

What card best describes me at this time?

0 – The Fool: At this time, I'm being challenged by my fear of change or am experiencing hesitation to step out of my comfort zone.

This card may indicate naivety, recklessness, or poor judgment, suggesting the need to approach situations with greater awareness and consideration of the potential consequences. It encourages me to exercise wisdom and learn from past experiences.

The Luna Sol Tarot Deck
Spread: Interviewing Your Deck

Making a Decision

Published by Lee on

Making a Decision - tarot reading by Lee
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Option 1 (M)- one of the choices within a decision that needs to be made.

Five of Pentacles: Option 1 (M) represents a period of recovery, finding assistance, or overcoming difficulties. It may suggest a shift towards a more positive outlook, improved financial circumstances, or a sense of belonging. This option encourages me to seek opportunities for healing, reach out for assistance when needed, and actively work towards improving my situation.

Option 2 (W)- the other option, which could include the choice to take no action.

Two of Cups: Two of Cups represents my (unhealthy) relationship/connection with Option 2 (W).

Option 1 (M) Energy- the energy surrounding the first option.

Three of Swords: The energy surrounding the first option indicates healing, release, or a gradual recovery from emotional pain caused by moving on from my unhealthy relationship with (W).

Option 2 (W) Energy- the energy surrounding the second option.

21 – The World: The energy surrounding Option 2 (W) advises me to reflect on any areas of my life that may require further attention or alignment regarding this option. It encourages me to explore what may be holding me back from fully embracing the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents by choosing this option. Continuing this cycle by choosing this option wouldn't be favorable, as this cycle is ready to be completed, even if I'm not ready to accept it.

Fears- my fears surrounding change.

Four of Swords: I fear self-reflection and taking time to stop and rest surrounding change. However, finding my inner peace will help me sustain productivity in the long run. This card is advising me to take some time to reflect on any areas where I may be failing to prioritize my wellbeing.

Blessings- the blessings that come from making the decision.

17 – The Star: The blessings that would come from making the decision would be me reigniting my faith, seeking support, and finding a new sense of inspiration and purpose. This card calls for me to make the best choice for my self-care, rekindling optimism, and trusting my inner guidance to navigate through challenging times that would come from not choosing Option 2 (W).

This decision reading was done with my Hush Tarot deck.

Option 1 (M) represents a period of recovery, finding assistance, or overcoming difficulties. It may suggest a shift towards a more positive outlook, improved financial circumstances, or a sense of belonging. This option encourages me to seek opportunities for healing, reach out for assistance when needed, and actively work towards improving my situation. The energy surrounding the first option indicates healing, release, or a gradual recovery from emotional pain caused by moving on from my relationship with (W).

Two of Cups represents my unhealthy relationship with Option 2 (W). The energy surrounding Option 2 (W) advises me to reflect on any areas of my life that may require further attention or alignment regarding this option. It encourages me to explore what may be holding me back from fully embracing the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents by choosing this option. Continuing this cycle wouldn...
This decision reading was done with my Hush Tarot deck.

Option 1 (M) represents a period of recovery, finding assistance, or overcoming difficulties. It may suggest a shift towards a more positive outlook, improved financial circumstances, or a sense of belonging. This option encourages me to seek opportunities for healing, reach out for assistance when needed, and actively work towards improving my situation. The energy surrounding the first option indicates healing, release, or a gradual recovery from emotional pain caused by moving on from my relationship with (W).

Two of Cups represents my unhealthy relationship with Option 2 (W). The energy surrounding Option 2 (W) advises me to reflect on any areas of my life that may require further attention or alignment regarding this option. It encourages me to explore what may be holding me back from fully embracing the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents by choosing this option. Continuing this cycle wouldn't be favorable, as this cycle is ready to be completed, even if I'm not ready to accept it.

What I fear surrounding change is self-reflection and taking time to stop and rest. However, finding my inner peace will help me sustain productivity in the long run. This card is advising me to take some time to reflect on any areas where I may be failing to prioritize my wellbeing.

The blessings that would come from making the decision would be me reigniting my faith, seeking support, and finding my inner peace and purpose. This card calls for me to make the best choice for my self-care, rekindling optimism, and trusting my inner guidance in order to navigate through the temporary challenging times that would come from choosing Option 1 (M).

Basically, I need to choose Option 1 (M) for my mental and physical health, as continuing my unhealthy relationship with (W) is holding me back from reaching my full potential.
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Spread: Free-form spread

My Existing Relationship

Published by Lee on

My Existing Relationship - tarot reading by Lee
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
1. Me- my energy in the relationship

Five of Swords: Based on this card, my energy represents conflict and challenges. This representation of my energy in the relationship may be referring to the way that my personal challenges can impact the relationship and/or cause conflict.

Him- my partner's energy in the relationship.

11 – Justice: I also drew a reversed Strength card, which is relevant to his energy.

This card represents how logical and stoic/objectively calm my partner is in every situation. It represents him restoring our balance in the relationship and always using fair communication, along with his integrity.

The reversed Strength card represents his personal energy by referring to some personal struggles that he has with self-confidence.

The bridge- what connects us, for better or for worse.

Queen of Cups: In the relationship, our bridge is being equally loving, nurturing, and compassionate towards each other, while also demonstrating emotional intelligence.

Highest potential- the strongest aspect of our relationship. or an area that needs to be nurtured and strengthened.

Five of Wands: An area that needs to be nurtured and strengthened is finding solutions to conflicts in a timely manner during disagreements.

Lowest potential- the weak spot in the relationship, or an area that needs work.

Seven of Cups: According to this card, the weak spot in the relationship could be the way that our unreached dreams sometimes personally impact us, which then impacts the relationship.

This reading for my existing relationship was done using my Hush Tarot deck.

In my existing relationship, my energy represents conflict and challenges. This representation of my energy in the relationship could be referring to the way that my personal challenges sometimes impact the relationship and/or cause unnecessary conflict.

In my existing relationship, my partner's energy represents fairness and his consistent use of logic over emotions. As for my partner's personal energy, he personally struggles with self-confidence.

Our bridge in the relationship is being equally loving, nurturing, and compassionate towards each other, while also demonstrating emotional intelligence during conflicts.

An area that needs to be nurtured and strengthened is finding solutions to conflicts in a timely manner during disagreements.

Another weak spot in the relationship could be the way that our unreached dreams sometimes personally impact us negatively, which then negatively impacts the relati...
This reading for my existing relationship was done using my Hush Tarot deck.

In my existing relationship, my energy represents conflict and challenges. This representation of my energy in the relationship could be referring to the way that my personal challenges sometimes impact the relationship and/or cause unnecessary conflict.

In my existing relationship, my partner's energy represents fairness and his consistent use of logic over emotions. As for my partner's personal energy, he personally struggles with self-confidence.

Our bridge in the relationship is being equally loving, nurturing, and compassionate towards each other, while also demonstrating emotional intelligence during conflicts.

An area that needs to be nurtured and strengthened is finding solutions to conflicts in a timely manner during disagreements.

Another weak spot in the relationship could be the way that our unreached dreams sometimes personally impact us negatively, which then negatively impacts the relationship through irrational conflict (self-sabotage).
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Spread: Free-form spread

Interviewing my Hush Tarot Deck

Published by Lee on

Interviewing my Hush Tarot Deck - tarot reading by Lee
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

19 – The Sun: 1. What work are we meant to do together?

We are meant to do work together that offers me clarity and optimism after overcoming the darkness.


Four of Swords: 2. What are you here to teach me about myself?

This deck is here to teach me that I need to relax, calm my mind, and do some introspection in order to receive intuitive messages and ideas that lead to solutions.


Three of Pentacles: 3. What are you here to teach me about the world?

This deck is here to teach me to recognize and appreciate the contributions, collaboration, and potential for successful teamwork of others within the world.


King of Wands: 4. What card best describes you as a deck?

This deck embodies the qualities of natural leadership, authority, stability, and is capable of inspiring others to follow its vision.


Five of Cups: 5. What card best describes me at this time?

At this time, I'm in the process of acknowledging my feelings of sadness, releasing that pain and/or the pain of the past, and allowing healing and emotional renewal to fill my heart and soul.

Hush Tarot Deck
This 5-card interview reading is from my Hush Tarot deck.
Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Jun 2023
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