
How can my teen change for the better?

Published by Kimberly on

How can my teen change for the better? - tarot reading by Kimberly
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
This card represents Sienna

Knight of Pentacles

What is Sienna's biggest obstacle to change?

King of Pentacles

What is getting in their way?

Two of Pentacles

What should Sienna prioritize before their birthday?

Knight of Wands

What message should Sienna contemplate for Litha?

Three of Wands

Are Sienna's priorities misaligned with their highest good?

20 – Judgement

Are Sienna's priorities misaligned with their highest good?

Three of Pentacles

Are Sienna's priorities misaligned with their highest good?

Queen of Wands

What can Sienna do to change for the better?

Nine of Wands

Shadow work prompt for Sienna

Six of Pentacles

What is Sienna's future if they focus their efforts on being their best self?

18 – The Moon

What is Sienna's future if they do not focus their efforts on change?

Four of Cups

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 10 Minors
  • 1 Reversals
  • 4 Wands
  • 5 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 2 Threes
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Nine
  • 2 Knights
  • 1 Queen
  • 1 King
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Sienna's journey towards self-improvement involves embracing patience and dedication while navigating the fine balance of external obstacles and internal desires. By prioritizing bold action and reflecting deeply, Sienna has the potential to align her priorities with her highest good. The reading reveals both the challenges and the profound opportunities for growth and self-awareness awaiting her, along with the insight to focus her efforts wisely to foster positive change.

Affirmation: "I embrace patience, courage, and reflection to align my actions with my highest good."

Position 1: Knight of Pentacles
This card represents Sienna, embodying patience, dedication, and steady progress towards her goals. Sienna is willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve her ambitions. Her strong work ethic and focus on practical matters ensure her reliability, stability, and potential for long-term success.

Position 2: King of P...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

Sienna's journey towards self-improvement involves embracing patience and dedication while navigating the fine balance of external obstacles and internal desires. By prioritizing bold action and reflecting deeply, Sienna has the potential to align her priorities with her highest good. The reading reveals both the challenges and the profound opportunities for growth and self-awareness awaiting her, along with the insight to focus her efforts wisely to foster positive change.

Affirmation: "I embrace patience, courage, and reflection to align my actions with my highest good."

Position 1: Knight of Pentacles
This card represents Sienna, embodying patience, dedication, and steady progress towards her goals. Sienna is willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve her ambitions. Her strong work ethic and focus on practical matters ensure her reliability, stability, and potential for long-term success.

Position 2: King of Pentacles
Sienna's biggest obstacle to change is becoming too entrenched in the stability and material success she has already achieved. The King of Pentacles highlights the danger of complacency, where her practical and disciplined approach might limit her willingness to take on new challenges or embrace significant change. Her fear of disrupting her financial security and current accomplishments may hold her back from exploring new paths.

Position 3: Two of Pentacles
What is getting in Sienna's way is the juggling act of managing multiple responsibilities and demands. The Two of Pentacles suggests she is trying to balance too many areas of her life, making it difficult to focus on personal growth. This constant need to adapt and find equilibrium may leave her feeling overwhelmed and unable to prioritize the changes she needs to implement.

Position 4: Knight of Wands
Before her birthday, Sienna should prioritize embracing dynamic energy, ambition, and bold action. The Knight of Wands encourages her to pursue her passions and goals with enthusiasm and determination, even if it means stepping out of her comfort zone. By taking risks and seeking opportunities for growth, she can initiate rapid progress and adventure in her life.

Position 5: Three of Wands
For Litha, Sienna should contemplate the message of progress, enterprise, and the manifestation of her goals and ambitions. The Three of Wands advises her to have confidence in her abilities and to embrace new opportunities with optimism. This card brings an exciting reminder that her hard work has laid a solid foundation, and she now has the potential for future success by expanding her horizons.

Position 6: Judgement
Sienna’s priorities at present may not entirely align with her highest good. The Judgement card indicates a moment of self-reflection where she must evaluate her past actions and make necessary amends. It's an opportunity for her to let go of old patterns and embrace a new chapter by listening to her inner voice and aligning her actions with her values.

Position 7: Three of Pentacles (reversed)
Reversed, the Three of Pentacles suggests that Sienna may be experiencing a lack of collaboration or challenges in working harmoniously with others. This misalignment can stem from poor communication, conflicts of interest, or a lack of shared goals. Sienna needs to reflect on any areas where cooperation is lacking and find ways to improve her approach to teamwork and collaboration.

Position 8: Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands indicates that Sienna’s personal empowerment and self-assurance are crucial to aligning her priorities with her highest good. By harnessing her natural charisma and leadership abilities, she can influence and inspire those around her effectively. Embracing her strengths, trusting her intuition, and leading with confidence are vital steps for her personal and collective success.

Position 9: Nine of Wands
To change for the better, Sienna must draw upon her resilience, courage, and determination. The Nine of Wands suggests she has faced many challenges and is near the end of a difficult journey. By holding her ground and maintaining her focus, she can overcome these final obstacles and experience eventual success, proving her inner strength and wisdom.

Position 10: Six of Pentacles
For her shadow work, Sienna should focus on embracing generosity, charity, and the willingness to share resources with others. The Six of Pentacles encourages her to consider how she can support those in need or receive assistance when appropriate. By fostering a spirit of compassion, fairness, and reciprocity, she can create positive change in her life and the lives of others.

Position 11: The Moon
If Sienna focuses her efforts on being her best self, her future holds heightened intuition, dreams, and exploration of the subconscious mind. The Moon card suggests she will uncover hidden truths and emotions, guiding her growth and self-awareness. Trusting her intuition and being patient for clarity will lead to profound personal insights and a deeper connection with her inner self.

Position 12: Four of Cups
If she does not focus her efforts on change, Sienna's future may involve a period of introspection, contemplation, and emotional withdrawal. The Four of Cups indicates she might feel dissatisfied with her current options, leading to a state of reflection and reassessment. This period could present opportunities for new insights and perspectives, but only if she chooses to explore her inner world and seek fulfillment actively.
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Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Apr 2024


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