
What am I in situation cc? w...

Published by Keri M on

What am I in situation cc? w... - tarot reading by Keri M
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The Present Situation: This card represents the current state of affairs or the central theme of the reading. It sets the foundation and offers insights into the key factors and influences shaping the situation.

Queen of Swords

Challenge: The second card crosses over the first card, representing the immediate challenge or obstacle you are facing. It sheds light on the energies or factors that may be opposing or influencing the current situation.

Knight of Cups: Keywords: Romance, Charm, Emotional pursuit, Creativity, Idealism

Affirmation: I am open to love, following the guidance of my heart, and creating meaningful connections in my life.

Meaning: Knight of Cups signifies a time of romantic pursuits, creative inspiration, and emotional expression. It represents a period when you may be guided by your heart, seeking to connect deeply with others and express your emotions in a genuine and artistic way. The card suggests that you are passionate, sensitive, and attuned to the beauty and emotional nuances of life. It encourages you to follow your creative inspiration, express your feelings openly, and pursue your romantic or creative endeavors with enthusiasm. The Knight of Cups brings a sense of charm, romance, and the potential for deep emotional connections.

Subconscious Influences: This card reveals the underlying subconscious influences or motivations that may be at play. It provides insights into the hidden or underlying aspects that are affecting your perception and actions.

Three of Wands: Keywords: Exploration, Expansion, Enterprise, Progress, Collaboration

Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities and collaborations that bring growth and expansion into my life.

Meaning: Three of Wands signifies progress, enterprise, and the manifestation of your goals and ambitions. It represents the rewards of your hard work and the expansion of your horizons. The card suggests that you have laid a solid foundation and now have the opportunity to explore new territories. It encourages you to have confidence in your abilities, embrace the unknown with optimism, and continue to take calculated risks. The Three of Wands brings a sense of excitement, ambition, and the potential for future success.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Recent Past: The fourth card represents the recent past and highlights the events or influences that have led up to the current situation. It offers insights into the factors that have brought you to this point.

18 – The Moon

Possible Future: This card represents the potential future outcomes or developments based on the current trajectory. It offers insights into the possibilities that may arise depending on your actions and choices.

King of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Domination, Control-freak, Temperamental, Arrogance

Affirmation: I wield my power and influence with integrity, using my strength and leadership to create positive change.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, King of Wands' meaning can indicate a misuse or abuse of power, an excessive need for control, or a lack of direction. It may suggest difficulties in asserting your authority or a tendency to become dictatorial or overbearing. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be dominating or manipulating others. It encourages you to reassess your approach, listen to different perspectives, and consider the impact of your actions on those around you. It reminds you to lead with integrity, compassion, and respect for others' autonomy.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Venus, Moon and Mercury and the astrological sign of Scorpio or Sagittarius.

Near Future: The sixth card offers a glimpse into the immediate future, providing guidance on what is likely to unfold in the coming weeks or months. It helps you prepare for what's to come and make informed decisions.

8 – Strength: Keywords: Courage, Inner strength, Resilience, Patience, Compassion

Affirmation: I have inner strength and courage to face any challenges that come my way.

Meaning: The Strength card signifies personal strength, self-confidence, and the ability to face challenges with grace and composure. It represents the capacity to harness your inner power, overcome obstacles, and maintain control over your emotions and impulses. The card encourages you to tap into your inner courage, patience, and compassion to navigate difficult situations. It also reminds you that true strength comes from a place of love and understanding.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 8. The number 8 in numerology is considered a powerful and influential number. It signifies material abundance, achievement, and the ability to manifest one's goals. It represents strength of character, resilience, and the capacity to take control of one's life.

Self-Perception: This card represents your self-perception or how you see yourself in relation to the situation. It reflects your beliefs, attitudes, or self-image and how they influence your actions.

3 – The Empress: Keywords (reversed card): Dependency, Neglect, Lack of abundance, Barrenness, Overindulgence

Affirmation: I nurture myself and create abundance in all areas of my life.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Empress warns against neglecting oneself or others, creative blockages, or feeling disconnected from the natural rhythms of life and nurturing energy. It may indicate a lack of self-care, difficulties in expressing creativity, or challenges in relationships. It calls for a reconnection with the nurturing aspects within oneself, embracing self-love, and cultivating harmony in all areas of life.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

External Influences: The eighth card represents the external influences or people that are impacting the situation. It offers insights into the external forces or individuals that may be affecting the outcome.

Knight of Pentacles: Keywords (reversed card): Laziness, Irresponsibility, Lack of reliability, Resistance to change, Inefficiency

Affirmation: I am diligent, responsible, and focused on my goals, taking practical steps towards success.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Knight of Pentacles' meaning can indicate a lack of progress, stubbornness, or being overly cautious to the point of stagnation. It may suggest a need to break free from routine or to consider alternative approaches. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be too rigid or resistant to change. It encourages you to be open to new ideas, adapt your plans if necessary, and avoid getting stuck in repetitive patterns.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Moon and the astrological sign of Taurus or Aries.

Hopes and Fears: This card reveals your hopes and fears regarding the situation. It uncovers the underlying desires or concerns that are driving your emotions and decisions.

Four of Pentacles: Keywords (reversed card): Financial insecurity, Greed, Hoarding, Lack of generosity, Fear of change

Affirmation: I am grounded and secure in my financial stability, and I welcome abundance into my life.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Four of Pentacles' meaning can indicate a fear of change, possessiveness, or an excessive attachment to material possessions. It may suggest a reluctance to let go of what is familiar or a resistance to embracing new opportunities. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas of your life where you may be holding on too tightly or resisting change. It encourages you to let go of limiting beliefs or behaviors that may be hindering your growth and to cultivate a mindset of abundance and openness.

Elements: Earth

Numerology: It is associated with the number 4. The number 4 in numerology is considered a grounded and practical number. It represents a sense of order, discipline, and the ability to create a stable framework. It signifies a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the ability to manifest ideas into tangible results.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Sun and the astrological sign of Capricorn.

Outcome: The final card represents the overall outcome or resolution of the situation. It provides insights into the potential outcome based on the influences and energies revealed in the previous cards.

Ace of Swords: Keywords (reversed card): Confusion, Mental block, Miscommunication, Lack of clarity, Mental chaos

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ace of Swords' meaning can indicate confusion, mental blockages, or a lack of clarity in your thinking. It may suggest a need to clarify your thoughts, address any mental obstacles, or be cautious of engaging in debates or intellectual pursuits without careful consideration. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be experiencing mental fog or difficulty in making clear decisions. It encourages you to seek clarity, overcome any mental barriers, and strive for a deeper understanding of the truth.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 3 Majors
  • 7 Minors
  • 7 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 2 Threes
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Eight
  • 2 Knights
  • 1 Queen
  • 1 King
πŸ€– AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests that I am currently facing a situation where I may be emotionally detached, harsh, or overly critical. There is a challenge to balance my emotions and intellect, while underlying motivations are driving me towards progress and ambitious pursuits. Recent confusion and illusions have paved the way for potential misuses of power, yet I have the strength to confront these challenges. Self-perception issues and external influences need addressing for a clearer path, while the outcome may hinge on overcoming mental barriers and seeking clarity.

I am open to embracing change and finding balance within myself.

Position 1: Queen of Swords (reversed)

The present situation indicates that I may be using my intellect as a shield, distancing myself from my emotions. I seem to be overly critical, either of myself or others, which has led to a certain level of emotional detachment. It is crucial to reflect on whether my harshness and critical attitude a...
πŸ€– AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests that I am currently facing a situation where I may be emotionally detached, harsh, or overly critical. There is a challenge to balance my emotions and intellect, while underlying motivations are driving me towards progress and ambitious pursuits. Recent confusion and illusions have paved the way for potential misuses of power, yet I have the strength to confront these challenges. Self-perception issues and external influences need addressing for a clearer path, while the outcome may hinge on overcoming mental barriers and seeking clarity.

I am open to embracing change and finding balance within myself.

Position 1: Queen of Swords (reversed)

The present situation indicates that I may be using my intellect as a shield, distancing myself from my emotions. I seem to be overly critical, either of myself or others, which has led to a certain level of emotional detachment. It is crucial to reflect on whether my harshness and critical attitude are causing friction in my situation, and to work towards balancing my rationality with empathy and emotional intelligence.

Position 2: Knight of Cups

The challenge in front of me is to allow my emotions to guide me constructively. While the Knight of Cups urges me to pursue emotional connections and creative inspirations with enthusiasm, the central theme suggests I'm struggling to integrate these aspects. This card challenges me to be more open-hearted and expressive, overcoming any fears of vulnerability to genuinely connect with others.

Position 3: Three of Wands

Subconsciously, I am driven by a desire for progress and the manifestation of my goals. My ambitions and hard work have built a foundation for future success, and there is a part of me that is excited about exploring new opportunities. However, the challenge lies in balancing this drive with emotional intelligence and empathy, ensuring that my pursuit of success does not come at the expense of my relationships or emotional well-being.

Position 4: 18 – The Moon (reversed)

In the recent past, I have faced confusion and possible deception, making it hard to trust my intuition. This period of uncertainty may have led me to question my perceptions and assumptions, contributing to my current emotional detachment. I need to bring clarity to these shadows and confront any fears or unresolved emotions that have stemmed from this time of confusion.

Position 5: King of Wands (reversed)

Looking towards the possible future, there is a risk of misusing power or becoming overly controlling if I don't address my current emotional state. The King of Wands reversed warns me of the dangers of becoming dictatorial or manipulative. It's essential to reassess my leadership approach, ensuring it is guided by integrity, compassion, and respect for others' autonomy to foster positive outcomes.

Position 6: 8 – Strength

In the near future, I will find the strength within myself to face these challenges gracefully. The Strength card indicates that I have the inner courage, patience, and compassion needed to maintain control over my emotions and impulses. By tapping into my personal strength and maintaining composure, I can navigate difficult situations effectively and emerge stronger.

Position 7: 3 – The Empress (reversed)

My self-perception is currently colored by a sense of neglect and disconnection from nurturing energies. There may be challenges in practicing self-care or expressing my creativity, possibly due to the critical self-judgment reflected in the present situation. To move forward, I need to reconnect with the nurturing aspects within myself, embrace self-love, and cultivate harmony in my life.

Position 8: Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

Externally, I am being influenced by people or circumstances that promote stagnation or excessive caution. There may be a tendency to stick rigidly to routines, which is preventing me from exploring new avenues or approaches. It's essential to be open to new ideas and adaptable, breaking free from the patterns that are causing this inertia.

Position 9: Four of Pentacles (reversed)

My underlying hopes and fears revolve around a fear of change and an excessive attachment to what is familiar. I may be resisting new opportunities because of a desire to hold on tightly to what I already have. To progress, I need to reflect on these limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of abundance and openness, allowing myself to grow and evolve.

Position 10: Ace of Swords (reversed)

The outcome suggests that I may encounter confusion or mental blockages if I don’t address the issues revealed in this reading. The Ace of Swords reversed warns against engaging in conflicts or making decisions without clarity. To ensure a positive outcome, I need to seek mental clarity, overcome any intellectual obstacles, and strive for a deeper understanding of the truth, allowing for clear and decisive action.
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Spread: Celtic Cross
Joined Jul 2024


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