Archive: November 2023

WEEKLY Nov 20-26

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WEEKLY Nov 20-26 - tarot reading by Kathy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Three of Swords: Separation from what we thought we had, this may be painful, but necessary part of the process.
My heart remains open and tender.

Keywords: Heartbreak, Sorrow, Loss, Pain, Emotional upheaval

Affirmation: I release pain and sorrow, allowing my heart to heal and find emotional liberation.


12 – The Hanged Man: Looking at life from a different perspective. Be patient, be open to new ideas.
A time to realign with my life purpose

Keywords: Surrender, Letting go, Perspective shift, Patience, New insights

Affirmation: I embrace surrender and see challenges as opportunities for growth and new perspectives.


Seven of Wands: I defend what I believe in. I am confident that I know what's right for me at this time in my life.

Keywords: Defense, Resilience, Courage, Standing tall, Confidence

Affirmation: I stand tall in the face of challenges, knowing my resilience and courage will lead me to victory.


Ten of Wands: I am taking on more than I can, and am burdened with this load. I will ask for assistance from other and also say no if it is something I don't need to take on.

Keywords: Burden, Responsibility, Overwhelm, Hard work, Completion

Affirmation: I release burdens and delegate tasks, knowing that I can achieve success without carrying unnecessary weight.


20 – Judgement: Awakening---
an opportunity for healing, forgiveness, and embracing your true potential.

Keywords: Rebirth, Redemption, Judgment, Awakening, Renewal

Affirmation: I release judgment and embrace self-acceptance and transformation.


Two of Cups: I embrace the relationships/partnerships in my life.
My heart leaps with joy when I connect with others,

Keywords: Connection, Partnership, Love, Harmony, Mutual attraction

Affirmation: I attract and nurture harmonious relationships filled with love, understanding, and joy.


Eight of Swords


6 – The Lovers

Spread: Relationship Repair

Weekly 11/13/23

Published by Kathy on

Weekly 11/13/23 - tarot reading by Kathy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Queen of Wands: Warmth--Leadership--Creativity

The Queen of Wands brings a sense of personal power, magnetism, and the potential for success.

Affirmation: I embody confidence, leadership, and creativity, utilizing my inner fire to inspire and nurture those around me.


Five of Pentacles: Poverty--Loss--Hardship

Feeling I am on the outside looing in at all others have, while it's actually there for me too. This is totally reenforced by the weekly care 4Cups.
The Five of Pentacles brings a sense of resilience, perseverance, and the potential for finding solace and support.

Affirmation: I am resilient, and I trust that even in times of struggle, I am supported and guided towards abundance.


Nine of Cups: WISH CARD---Emotional Contentment---Gratitude

My Dreams and wishes are coming true. I am fulfilled, grateful and content.

Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude and contentment, knowing that I deserve and attract all forms of abundance.


Ten of Cups: Family happiness, Contentment and Emotional Abundance.

The Ten of Cups brings a sense of joy, love, and the potential for lasting happiness in relationships and family life.

Affirmation: I create a harmonious and loving environment for myself and my loved ones, where joy and happiness abound.


Six of Swords: Moving on---smooth sailing ahead--

The card suggests that you are entering a period of greater stability and peace, where you can let go of the past and embrace a new chapter in your life.

Affirmation: I navigate through challenging times with grace and find peace as I transition to a better future.


Three of Wands: Planning--Waiting for my ship to come in--Expansion--Enterprise

The card suggests that you have laid a solid foundation and now have the opportunity to explore new territories.

Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities and collaborations that bring growth and expansion into my life.


Page of Cups: Love Notes---

The Page of Cups brings a sense of curiosity, emotional depth, and the potential for creative and intuitive growth.

Affirmation: I open myself to the wonders of life, embracing my intuition and allowing my creative gifts to flourish.

Weekly Overview

Four of Cups: Apathy

Not willing to see the opportunities that are there for me.

The Four of Cups brings a sense of self-reflection, contemplation, and the potential for new insights and possibilities.

Spread: Relationship Repair

Next Step

Published by Kathy on

Next Step - tarot reading by Kathy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The Present Situation: This card represents the current state of affairs or the central theme of the reading. It sets the foundation and offers insights into the key factors and influences shaping the situation.

Two of Pentacles: Juggling--Balance

I'm juggling areas of my llife. At this point am able to handle all the areas, do I take on more than I should and then struggle with not doing anything well.

Affirmation: I find balance and harmony in managing my responsibilities and priorities with ease.

Challenge: The second card crosses over the first card, representing the immediate challenge or obstacle you are facing. It sheds light on the energies or factors that may be opposing or influencing the current situation.

Queen of Cups: Empathy, Intuition.

I have a tendency to worry about and care for others before doing the same for myself.

I continue to take on others concerns, as I continue to juggle many areas of life.

Affirmation: I embody compassion, intuition, and emotional strength, nurturing myself and others with love and kindness.

Subconscious Influences: This card reveals the underlying subconscious influences or motivations that may be at play. It provides insights into the hidden or underlying aspects that are affecting your perception and actions.

18 – The Moon: Intuition--Fluctuating emotions--Subconscious

Be aware of what i am feeling about  about this situation. Don't be impulsive and act too quickly. There's messages my subconscious knows, that I need to be aware of.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and navigate through the unknown with grace and inner knowing.

Recent Past: The fourth card represents the recent past and highlights the events or influences that have led up to the current situation. It offers insights into the factors that have brought you to this point.

Ace of Pentacles: New opportunities--Potential--Prosperity

Opportunites are out there. Recently finding out the part time contract job I have to augment my retirement, will be done the end of the year. I am feeling such loss and worry about that extra money for my extras.

Be aware of possible opportunities.

Affirmation: I am open to receiving abundant blessings and opportunities for prosperity in all areas of my life.

Possible Future: This card represents the potential future outcomes or developments based on the current trajectory. It offers insights into the possibilities that may arise depending on your actions and choices.

Six of Swords: Transition--Moving on--

New possibilities are lying ahead as I move aware from current feelings of unhappiness and despair.

Accept help from others, as i move forward.

Affirmation: I navigate through challenging times with grace and find peace as I transition to a better future.

Near Future: The sixth card offers a glimpse into the immediate future, providing guidance on what is likely to unfold in the coming weeks or months. It helps you prepare for what's to come and make informed decisions.

Five of Swords: Conflict--Betrayal

Be aware of conflicts with those I love and care about, don't be cruel.
As I move forward and make changes, am I doing what's best for all, or am I looking at what's best for me. I can see this happening as I have been caregiving the past few years for others and i have neglected myself.

Affirmation: I choose my battles wisely and release the need for conflict, seeking resolution and harmony instead.

Self-Perception: This card represents your self-perception or how you see yourself in relation to the situation. It reflects your beliefs, attitudes, or self-image and how they influence your actions.

8 – Strength: Inner Strength--Patience--

True strength comes from a place of love. I will win people over with kindness, patience and understanding.

Affirmation: I have inner strength and courage to face any challenges that come my way.

External Influences: The eighth card represents the external influences or people that are impacting the situation. It offers insights into the external forces or individuals that may be affecting the outcome.

Two of Wands: Planning for Future--Partnership

Planning for where I am headed. I have traveling far, but have more journeys ahead of me. Look at my options, and choose my best path.

Affirmation: I confidently make decisions that align with my long-term goals, knowing I have the power to create my desired future.

Hopes and Fears: This card reveals your hopes and fears regarding the situation. It uncovers the underlying desires or concerns that are driving your emotions and decisions.

7 – The Chariot: Control--Willpower

Use my strength to combine opposing energies and thoughts to combine to the best outcome. I steer my life in my desired direction.

Affirmation: I am focused, determined, and capable of overcoming any obstacles in my path.

Outcome: The final card represents the overall outcome or resolution of the situation. It provides insights into the potential outcome based on the influences and energies revealed in the previous cards.

Ace of Wands: New beginnings---Passion--Energy

Everything I dream of is possible by using my passion being open to new opportunities...They will be gone if I don't act on them.

Affirmation: I embrace my creative potential and seize new opportunities with passion and enthusiasm.

I continually help others, juggling so many things. Don't forget the need to care for myself, and not only others. Listen to my intuition. I know what's right for me when I listen to what my subconscious knows.
I have the strength to make movement in my life. I will need to pull my actions and thoughts together so I can make any changes, and grab the opportunities when they arise.

Anything is possible when I take my passion and energy and focus to steer my life where it is headed.
Spread: Celtic Cross
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