
Week 7/7-7/13

Published by Jordyn on

Week 7/7-7/13 - tarot reading by Jordyn
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

2 – The High Priestess


Three of Swords


Eight of Cups


Eight of Wands


16 – The Tower


Six of Pentacles


6 – The Lovers


Six of Swords

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 3 Majors
  • 5 Minors
  • 5 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 2 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Three
  • 3 Sixes
  • 2 Eights
🤖 AI Interpretation:

This week, it seems, is a journey filled with introspection, healing, and transformation. Sunday starts on a note of confusion, and by the week's end, a sense of progress and healing emerges. Each day brings unique challenges and learning opportunities, guiding me through emotional recovery, hesitation to let go, obstacles, transformative events, generosity, relationship issues, and finally, a new beginning.

I trust the journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Position 1: The High Priestess (reversed) - Sunday
On Sunday, I find myself disconnected from my intuition and inner wisdom. There seems to be confusion clouding my thoughts and a sense of detachment from my emotions. This card urges me to pause, dive deeper into my subconscious, and embrace the intuitive insights that I have been ignoring.

Position 2: Three of Swords (reversed) - Monday
Monday brings a glimmer of hope as the Three of Swords reversed indicates the beginning of emotional healing. I...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

This week, it seems, is a journey filled with introspection, healing, and transformation. Sunday starts on a note of confusion, and by the week's end, a sense of progress and healing emerges. Each day brings unique challenges and learning opportunities, guiding me through emotional recovery, hesitation to let go, obstacles, transformative events, generosity, relationship issues, and finally, a new beginning.

I trust the journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Position 1: The High Priestess (reversed) - Sunday
On Sunday, I find myself disconnected from my intuition and inner wisdom. There seems to be confusion clouding my thoughts and a sense of detachment from my emotions. This card urges me to pause, dive deeper into my subconscious, and embrace the intuitive insights that I have been ignoring.

Position 2: Three of Swords (reversed) - Monday
Monday brings a glimmer of hope as the Three of Swords reversed indicates the beginning of emotional healing. I am slowly mending from past heartbreaks and starting to release the pain that once held me captive. It is a day to focus on self-care, seek support, and allow myself the grace and patience needed for recovery.

Position 3: Eight of Cups (reversed) - Tuesday
Tuesday presents a challenge as I grapple with the fear of the unknown and a resistance to change. I may find myself clinging to familiar situations or relationships that no longer serve my growth. The card nudges me to reflect on what I need to release and encourages me to take brave steps towards personal transformation.

Position 4: Eight of Wands (reversed) - Wednesday
Wednesday brings a temporary slowdown, with obstacles and delays hindering my progress. Miscommunications and unforeseen challenges test my patience. However, this card advises me to reassess my approach and stay adaptable, trusting that momentum will return in due time.

Position 5: The Tower - Thursday
Thursday is marked by a significant, unexpected event that shakes the very foundation of my beliefs or situations. The Tower signifies that old structures that no longer serve me must collapse to make way for profound transformation. While this upheaval may initially feel chaotic, it brings the promise of growth and a stronger foundation.

Position 6: Six of Pentacles - Friday
Friday arrives with an air of generosity and balance. The Six of Pentacles suggests a day where I can either offer support to others or receive the assistance I need. Embracing compassion, fairness, and reciprocity not only aids those around me but also brings a sense of abundance and fulfillment.

Position 7: The Lovers (reversed) - Saturday
On Saturday, The Lovers reversed highlights conflicts and disharmony in my relationships or choices. It calls for deep introspection to align my actions with my true values and desires. Before making any crucial decisions, I need to reflect honestly on my needs and the potential consequences of my choices.

Position 8: Six of Swords - Overall
The overall theme of the week is one of transition and healing, as indicated by the Six of Swords. I am moving away from past challenges and stepping into a period of greater stability and peace. Trusting the journey, seeking support when needed, and focusing on a brighter future are key to finding the inner peace I seek.
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Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Jun 2024


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