Archive: April 2024


Published by Jennifer Rhodes on

career - tarot reading by Jennifer Rhodes
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

Three of Cups


9 – The Hermit


16 – The Tower


15 – The Devil


2 – The High Priestess


King of Pentacles


5 – The Hierophant


18 – The Moon

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 6 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 1 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 King
AI Interpretation: - Individual Card read

In your career, there appears to be a remarkable journey unfolding. The initial presence of the Three of Cups suggests a phase of celebration and positive connections at work. However, the path quickly leads into introspection with The Hermit reversed, indicating perhaps a resistance to solitude or self-reflection that's necessary for your growth. The Tower implies that a significant shift or upheaval may soon challenge your professional life, demanding adaptation and the shedding of outdated structures. The appearance of The Devil warns against the traps of being overly attached to certain aspects of your job that may not serve your highest good. Despite these challenges, The High Priestess urges you to trust your intuition and seek deeper understanding. Subsequently, the King of Pentacles offers a reassuring sign of eventual stability and success through discipline and responsibility. The Hierophant encourages you to lean into traditional va...
AI Interpretation: - Individual Card read

In your career, there appears to be a remarkable journey unfolding. The initial presence of the Three of Cups suggests a phase of celebration and positive connections at work. However, the path quickly leads into introspection with The Hermit reversed, indicating perhaps a resistance to solitude or self-reflection that's necessary for your growth. The Tower implies that a significant shift or upheaval may soon challenge your professional life, demanding adaptation and the shedding of outdated structures. The appearance of The Devil warns against the traps of being overly attached to certain aspects of your job that may not serve your highest good. Despite these challenges, The High Priestess urges you to trust your intuition and seek deeper understanding. Subsequently, the King of Pentacles offers a reassuring sign of eventual stability and success through discipline and responsibility. The Hierophant encourages you to lean into traditional values or possibly seek guidance from mentors. Finally, The Moon closes your journey with a reminder to trust the process, listen to your intuition, and be patient, for not everything is as it seems at first glance. Your career path is undeniably intertwined with personal growth and self-discovery, and it's essential to embrace the changes, challenges, and opportunities that come your way.

Affirmation: I navigate my career path with intuition, adaptability, and an openness to growth and change.

Three of Cups
Your career reading begins with the Three of Cups, symbolizing a time of enjoyment, support, and positive collaboration in your professional environment. This card suggests that you have or will soon find a community at work that celebrates your achievements and supports your growth. It signifies the importance of building and maintaining good relationships with colleagues, as these connections will be foundational to your professional success and personal fulfillment.

The Hermit (reversed)
The Hermit reversed in your career spread points to a reluctance to step back and reflect on your professional journey. Perhaps you're avoiding the necessary introspection that could guide you to a deeper understanding of your true aspirations. This card urges you to find a balance between the hustle of your career and moments of solitude where insightful clarity about your path can emerge. Seeking guidance from a mentor or coach may be beneficial at this time.

The Tower
The Tower in your career spread indicates a significant, perhaps unforeseen, change on the horizon. This upheaval might feel disruptive and uncomfortable, yet it is a critical catalyst for your personal development. It encourages you to let go of outdated beliefs or practices, pushing you towards reinvention. Despite the initial shock, this card assures that the transformation will ultimately lead to a stronger foundation for your career.

The Devil
In your career, The Devil signifies being trapped by unhealthy attachments, possibly to a job, career path, or certain behaviors at work that do not serve your highest good. It highlights the importance of recognizing and breaking free from these bonds to reclaim your power and autonomy in your professional life. This card encourages you to critically examine how certain aspects of your work may be limiting your growth.

The High Priestess
The High Priestess in your spread suggests that your career path requires tapping into your intuition and accessing hidden knowledge within yourself. It emphasizes the importance of trusting your inner voice over external opinions when making career-related decisions. The High Priestess encourages you to explore the depths of your psyche for insights that can guide you in your professional journey, promising deeper fulfillment and alignment with your true purpose.

King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles suggests a period of stability and success is within reach on your career path. Your disciplined, practical approach will soon manifest in material rewards and financial security. This card encourages you to continue leveraging your reliability and responsibility to achieve your professional goals. It foretells a phase where your hard work and perseverance pay off, bringing a sense of abundance and well-being to your career.

The Hierophant
The Hierophant in your career spread signals the value of traditional paths, perhaps pointing towards higher education, training, or seeking advice from established authorities in your field. It encourages you to embrace structure and discipline, suggesting that adherence to conventional standards and wisdom could be beneficial to your professional development. This card also hints at the importance of finding a mentor or joining institutions that align with your career aspirations.

The Moon
The Moon concludes your career reading with a potent reminder to trust the process, even when the path forward is not entirely clear. It indicates that your career journey is unfolding in ways that might not be immediately understandable, requiring you to lean into your intuition and patience. Hidden truths and inner emotions may be influencing your career decisions, so it's crucial to remain open to intuitive insights and guided by your subconscious.

AI Card Combinations: - flow combo read

In the first pairing, the Three of Cups and The Hermit (reversed), there's a compelling narrative about someone emerging from a period of solitude or inner reflection. The Three of Cups signifies celebration, reunion, and community, suggesting you are or soon will be reconnecting with old friends or collaborators to celebrate successes or simply enjoy life's pleasures. The reversed Hermit indicates you've finished a journey of self-discovery or are feeling the need to end your isolation, eager to share your insights with those around you. This combination urges you to embrace community and open up to the joy it can bring.

Pairing The Hermit (reversed) with The Tower reveals a tumultuous but necessary transition. The sudden upheaval symbolized by The Tower could pull you out of a period of introspective solitude (The Hermit reversed) faster than anticipated. This pairing suggests that while you were in a phase of self-reflection, external circumstances are propelling you into action, possibly without warning. It's a call to embrace change, acknowledging that even though it may be abrupt, it serves your growth.

When examining The Tower and The Devil together, the forecast is intensive. The Tower's representation of catastrophic change paired with The Devil's warning about bondage and addiction points to a significant breakdown of structures or beliefs due to unhealthy attachments or behaviors. This transformative and unavoidable shift calls for introspection about what truly binds you and the necessity of freeing yourself from it to rebuild on healthier grounds.

The combination of The Devil and The High Priestess suggests a dichotomy between hidden knowledge and the chains that keep you from acknowledging it. The Devil signifies materialism and physical pleasures that may be distracting you from your inner voice or truth (The High Priestess). This pairing prompts a need to pierce through the veil of distractions and dive deep into your subconscious, urging a balance between the material and spiritual realms.

The connection between The High Priestess and the King of Pentacles highlights a need for balance between intuition and practicality. The High Priestess encourages you to trust your instincts and acknowledge your inner wisdom, while the King of Pentacles speaks to achieving success and security through hard work and realism. Together, they imply that achieving your goals requires both a deep trust in your intuition and a practical approach to bring them to fruition.

Linking the King of Pentacles with The Hierophant suggests a strong emphasis on tradition, structure, and conformity to established societal or personal values. This pairing indicates that your path to success involves not only hard work and a practical mindset (King of Pentacles) but also adherence to certain traditions or teachings (The Hierophant). It's a call to evaluate how established beliefs or systems can aid in achieving your material or spiritual goals.

Lastly, pairing The Hierophant with The Moon speaks to the journey from conventional wisdom to the exploration of the subconscious and the unknown. While The Hierophant may represent established beliefs and teachings, The Moon suggests that part of your growth lies in stepping into the unknown and embracing uncertainty. This combination urges you to balance adherence to tradition with the exploration of your innermost fears and intuition, aiming for a deeper understanding of yourself beyond what is traditionally accepted or expected.
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Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Apr 2024
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