What do I need to focus on right now?

Published by Fiona on

What do I need to focus on right now? - tarot reading by Fiona
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The Present Situation: This card represents the current state of affairs or the central theme of the reading. It sets the foundation and offers insights into the key factors and influences shaping the situation.

Page of Wands: Keywords: Exploration, New beginnings, Curiosity, Creativity, Potential

Affirmation: I am open to new experiences, curiosity fuels my creativity, and I confidently explore my potential.

Meaning: Page of Wands signifies a period of excitement, inspiration, and the exploration of new possibilities. It represents the emergence of creative ideas, enthusiasm, and a sense of adventure. The card suggests that you are ready to embark on a new journey or project, fueled by passion and curiosity. It encourages you to embrace your creativity, take risks, and follow your intuition. The Page of Wands brings a sense of optimism, potential, and the opportunity for growth.

Elements: Earth of Fire

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Challenge: The second card crosses over the first card, representing the immediate challenge or obstacle you are facing. It sheds light on the energies or factors that may be opposing or influencing the current situation.

Knight of Cups: Keywords: Romance, Charm, Emotional pursuit, Creativity, Idealism

Affirmation: I am open to love, following the guidance of my heart, and creating meaningful connections in my life.

Meaning: Knight of Cups signifies a time of romantic pursuits, creative inspiration, and emotional expression. It represents a period when you may be guided by your heart, seeking to connect deeply with others and express your emotions in a genuine and artistic way. The card suggests that you are passionate, sensitive, and attuned to the beauty and emotional nuances of life. It encourages you to follow your creative inspiration, express your feelings openly, and pursue your romantic or creative endeavors with enthusiasm. The Knight of Cups brings a sense of charm, romance, and the potential for deep emotional connections.

Elements: Air of Water

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Jupiter, Mars and Sun and the astrological sign of Libra or Scorpio.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Subconscious Influences: This card reveals the underlying subconscious influences or motivations that may be at play. It provides insights into the hidden or underlying aspects that are affecting your perception and actions.

Queen of Pentacles: Keywords (reversed card): Financial insecurity, Lack of abundance, Impracticality, Instability, Self-neglect

Affirmation: I am nurturing and abundant, providing a stable and loving environment for myself and others.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Pentacles' meaning can indicate codependency, overindulgence, or neglecting self-care. It may suggest a need to reassess your priorities, find balance in your nurturing role, or address any tendencies towards materialism or neglecting your own needs. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be giving too much at the expense of your own well-being. It encourages you to set healthy boundaries, practice self-care, and find a balance between giving and receiving.

Elements: Water of Earth

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the astrological sign of Sagittarius or Capricorn.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Recent Past: The fourth card represents the recent past and highlights the events or influences that have led up to the current situation. It offers insights into the factors that have brought you to this point.

Two of Cups: Affirmation: I attract and nurture harmonious relationships filled with love, understanding, and joy.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Two of Cups' meaning can indicate disharmony, disconnection, or difficulties in establishing or maintaining a meaningful relationship. It may suggest a lack of balance, disagreements, or an inability to effectively communicate and connect with another person. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where there may be underlying conflicts, misunderstandings, or unmet needs. It encourages you to prioritize open and honest communication, address any issues, and seek resolution or reconciliation if possible.

Elements: Water

Numerology: It is associated with the number 2. The number 2 in numerology signifies harmony and balance. It represents the ability to find equilibrium between opposing forces and to integrate different aspects of oneself. It is a number of cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Cancer.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Possible Future: This card represents the potential future outcomes or developments based on the current trajectory. It offers insights into the possibilities that may arise depending on your actions and choices.

Three of Cups: Affirmation: I celebrate the abundance of love, friendship, and joy in my life, creating cherished memories.

Keywords (reversed card): Isolation, Loneliness, Lack of celebration, Emotional imbalance, Lack of friendships

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Three of Cups' meaning can indicate social disconnection, isolation, or conflicts within a group. It may suggest a sense of loneliness, misunderstandings, or the need to reassess the dynamics of your social circle. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where there may be discord or misalignment in your relationships. It encourages you to seek opportunities for connection, mend any conflicts, or consider exploring new social circles where you can find a sense of belonging and support.

Elements: Water

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Yes / No Meaning: No

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mercury and the astrological sign of Cancer.

Near Future: The sixth card offers a glimpse into the immediate future, providing guidance on what is likely to unfold in the coming weeks or months. It helps you prepare for what's to come and make informed decisions.

Two of Swords: Keywords: Decision-making, Balance, Dilemma, Indecision, Stalemate

Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom to guide me through challenging decisions with grace and confidence.

Meaning: Two of Swords signifies a time of indecision, stalemate, or a need to find a balanced perspective. It represents a period when you may feel stuck or unsure about which direction to take. The card suggests that you may be avoiding making a decision or facing a difficult choice due to fear, uncertainty, or the desire to maintain peace. It encourages you to find a middle ground, gather information, and consider different perspectives before making a decision. The Two of Swords brings a sense of inner reflection, the potential for finding clarity, and the need to trust your intuition.

Elements: Air

Numerology: It is associated with the number 2. The number 2 in numerology signifies harmony and balance. It represents the ability to find equilibrium between opposing forces and to integrate different aspects of oneself. It is a number of cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Moon and the astrological sign of Libra.

Yes / No Meaning: Maybe

Self-Perception: This card represents your self-perception or how you see yourself in relation to the situation. It reflects your beliefs, attitudes, or self-image and how they influence your actions.

Nine of Swords: Keywords: Anxiety, Fear, Nightmares, Guilt, Mental torment

Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.

Meaning: Nine of Swords signifies a time of deep anxiety, nightmares, or emotional turmoil. It represents a period when you may be plagued by excessive worry, negative thoughts, or fear-driven imagination. The card suggests that you may be experiencing mental distress, feeling overwhelmed by concerns, or unable to find peace of mind. It encourages you to confront your fears, seek support from others, and practice self-compassion and self-care. The Nine of Swords brings a sense of acknowledging and addressing your anxieties, seeking assistance if needed, and finding ways to alleviate mental distress.

Yes / No Meaning: No

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Gemini.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.

Elements: Air

External Influences: The eighth card represents the external influences or people that are impacting the situation. It offers insights into the external forces or individuals that may be affecting the outcome.

Five of Swords: Affirmation: I choose my battles wisely and release the need for conflict, seeking resolution and harmony instead.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Five of Swords' meaning can indicate resolution, forgiveness, or a willingness to let go of past conflicts. It may suggest that you are finding ways to reconcile differences or seeking peaceful resolutions. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be actively working towards resolving conflicts, letting go of grudges, or seeking forgiveness. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of cooperation, prioritize healthy communication, and find common ground with others.

Elements: Air

Numerology: It is associated with the number 5. The number 5 in numerology signifies the energy of transformation and growth. It represents a period of change and adaptability, where new experiences and opportunities arise. It signifies the freedom to explore different paths and expand one's horizons.

Yes / No Meaning: No

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Aquarius.

Hopes and Fears: This card reveals your hopes and fears regarding the situation. It uncovers the underlying desires or concerns that are driving your emotions and decisions.

10 – Wheel of Fortune: Keywords: Destiny, Cycles, Change, Luck, Opportunity

Affirmation: I trust in the cycles of life, knowing that change brings new opportunities for growth and success.

Meaning: The Wheel of Fortune signifies a turning point, luck, and unexpected changes. It represents the cyclical nature of life, where fortunes can rise and fall. The card suggests that you are at the mercy of fate or circumstances beyond your control. It encourages you to embrace change, be adaptable, and seize opportunities as they arise. The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that life is always in motion, and with patience and a positive mindset, you can navigate its shifts and find success.

Elements: Fire

Numerology: It is associated with the number 10. The number 10 in numerology signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It represents the completion of a journey, the culmination of efforts, and the potential for transformation and growth. It symbolizes the inherent cycles of life, where ups and downs occur, and the opportunity for renewal arises.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Jupiter and the astrological sign of Pisces or Sagittarius.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Associated crystals: Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Aventurine, Sardonyx, Black opal, Amethyst, Rhodonite

Outcome: The final card represents the overall outcome or resolution of the situation. It provides insights into the potential outcome based on the influences and energies revealed in the previous cards.

Page of Cups

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 9 Minors
  • 5 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 4 Cups
  • 3 Swords
  • 2 Twos
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Five
  • 1 Nine
  • 1 Ten
  • 2 Pages
  • 1 Knight
  • 1 Queen
🤖 AI Interpretation:

In this reading, the cards suggest that I am at a pivotal moment filled with potential and creativity, but I am challenged by the need for emotional balance and deep self-reflection. My current excitement and momentum may be hindered by unresolved emotional and relational dynamics from the past, whereas stepping forward involves making clear and balanced decisions while managing my anxiety. The reading indicates a cycle of change where success may come through adaptability, resolution of past conflicts, and emotional growth. My focus should be on overcoming indecision, seeking harmonious relationships, and finding emotional stability.

I am open to change and embrace my journey with courage and balance.

Position 1: Page of Wands
In my present situation, I find myself invigorated and alive with new ideas and possibilities. The Page of Wands signifies this fresh and exciting phase I’m navigating—a time when my passion and curiosity are strong allies, ...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

In this reading, the cards suggest that I am at a pivotal moment filled with potential and creativity, but I am challenged by the need for emotional balance and deep self-reflection. My current excitement and momentum may be hindered by unresolved emotional and relational dynamics from the past, whereas stepping forward involves making clear and balanced decisions while managing my anxiety. The reading indicates a cycle of change where success may come through adaptability, resolution of past conflicts, and emotional growth. My focus should be on overcoming indecision, seeking harmonious relationships, and finding emotional stability.

I am open to change and embrace my journey with courage and balance.

Position 1: Page of Wands
In my present situation, I find myself invigorated and alive with new ideas and possibilities. The Page of Wands signifies this fresh and exciting phase I’m navigating—a time when my passion and curiosity are strong allies, urging me to explore and take bold steps. This card tells me that I am ready to embrace adventure and creativity, encouraging an optimistic and open-hearted approach as I chart a new course forward.

Position 2: Knight of Cups
The challenge I face lies in the energies of the Knight of Cups—an indicator that my emotional or romantic pursuits may be somewhat out of sync with the new path I am paving. While this card suggests deep passion and creativity, it also highlights the need to balance these emotional impulses with practical considerations and avoid allowing them to overshadow my current goals. Successfully navigating this challenge means harmonizing my heart’s desires with rational action and ensuring that my endeavors are supported by both inspiration and structure.

Position 3: Queen of Pentacles (reversed)
Subconsciously, the reversed Queen of Pentacles reveals that I may be struggling with neglecting self-care or becoming overly entangled in codependent relationships. This card suggests that I might be giving too much of myself while sacrificing personal well-being, indicating a need to reassess my priorities and establish healthier boundaries. Addressing these hidden aspects involves nurturing my own needs as I support others, finding balance between giving and receiving to foster a healthier self.

Position 4: Two of Cups (reversed)
In my recent past, the reversed Two of Cups points to past disharmony or breakdowns in communication within relationships, which may have influenced my current situation. This card reflects challenges in establishing meaningful connections, perhaps due to misunderstandings or unmet emotional needs. As I move forward, I need to acknowledge these past influences, strive for open dialogue, and seek to restore balance and understanding in my interactions.

Position 5: Three of Cups (reversed)
Looking into the possible future, the reversed Three of Cups suggests potential for social disconnection or unresolved conflicts that could affect my path. It calls me to evaluate the dynamics within my circle, urging me to mend any disputes or seek out new communities where I can truly belong. To manifest a positive outcome, I must intentionally create environments of support and kinship, enhancing the network that sustains me.

Position 6: Two of Swords
In the near future, the presence of the Two of Swords indicates approaching decisions that require careful consideration and balanced perspectives. I may encounter situations demanding clarity and resolution, wherein avoiding conflict might no longer be viable. This card urges me to approach decisions with courage and insight, trust my intuition, and balance different viewpoints to achieve clarity and peace of mind.

Position 7: Nine of Swords
How I perceive myself in this situation is reflected in the Nine of Swords, highlighting my internal struggles with anxiety and overwhelming thoughts. I recognize that my fears are coloring my self-view, amplifying my worries, and preventing me from seeing my true potential. Addressing these fears openly and seeking support or self-care practices will help me transform this perception into one more aligned with strength and self-compassion.

Position 8: Five of Swords (reversed)
Externally, the reversed Five of Swords suggests that there is a movement towards resolution and healing in my environment. Others may be willing to reconcile past disagreements or conflicts, offering a chance to restore harmony and cooperation. I am encouraged to embrace this energy by letting go of grudges, fostering healthy communication, and contributing to mending relationships around me.

Position 9: Wheel of Fortune
My hopes and fears are encapsulated by the Wheel of Fortune, a card that speaks to the unpredictable nature of change and life's cyclical turns. I hope for positive transformations and the opportunity to seize new beginnings, but fear the uncertainty these changes might bring. Embracing this card’s wisdom requires recognizing life’s ebb and flow, trusting the journey, and allowing myself to be flexible and resilient in the face of fate’s shifts.

Position 10: Page of Cups (reversed)
As the outcome, the reversed Page of Cups hints at the necessity for developing emotional maturity and stability. I may face challenges of sensitivity or reactivity that I need to address to for genuine progress. This card encourages me to seek emotional grounding, balance my feelings with practical approaches, and channel my sensitivity constructively, paving the way for personal growth and purposeful action.
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What do I need to focus on right now? - tarot reading by Fiona
Spread: Celtic Cross

What do I need to focus on over the new few months?

Published by Fiona on

What do I need to focus on over the new few months? - tarot reading by Fiona
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes

3 – The Empress: Keywords: Nurturing, Abundance, Fertility, Sensuality, Creativity

Affirmation: I nurture myself and create abundance in all areas of my life.

Meaning: The Empress signifies nurturing love, creativity, and the abundance of life. It represents the qualities of fertility, motherhood, and a strong connection with nature. The card suggests a time of creative inspiration, sensual pleasure, and the cultivation of nurturing relationships. It encourages you to tap into your own creativity, embrace your sensual nature, and express love and compassion towards yourself and others.

Elements: Earth

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Astrology: It is associated with the planet Venus and the astrological sign of Taurus.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Associated crystals: Emerald, Rose quartz, Carnelian, Turquoise, Peridot/Olivine, Aventurine


King of Swords: Keywords: Intellectual power, Analytical thinking, Authority, Leadership, Integrity

Affirmation: I express my thoughts and ideas with clarity and authority, leading with wisdom, fairness, and integrity.

Meaning: King of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, leadership, and the ability to make wise decisions. It represents a period when you are able to take charge of a situation, apply logic and reason, and communicate your thoughts effectively. The card suggests that you possess strong analytical skills, intellectual maturity, and the ability to see the bigger picture. It encourages you to embrace your leadership qualities, assert your authority when necessary, and make decisions based on fairness and integrity. The King of Swords brings a sense of wisdom, objectivity, and the potential for effective leadership.

Elements: Fire of Air

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the astrological sign of Taurus or Gemini.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes


King of Pentacles: Keywords (reversed card): Financial loss, Instability, Greed, Lack of success, Mismanagement

Affirmation: I am a wise and prosperous leader, using my resources and influence for the benefit of all.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, King of Pentacles' meaning can indicate financial insecurity, mismanagement, or a lack of responsibility. It may suggest a need to reassess your approach to wealth and success, or to address any tendencies towards greed or materialism. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be neglecting your financial responsibilities or overemphasizing material gain. It encourages you to seek balance, practice financial prudence, and consider the long-term consequences of your actions.

Elements: Fire of Earth

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Mars, Sun and Venus and the astrological sign of Leo or Virgo.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes


Knight of Cups: Keywords: Romance, Charm, Emotional pursuit, Creativity, Idealism

Affirmation: I am open to love, following the guidance of my heart, and creating meaningful connections in my life.

Meaning: Knight of Cups signifies a time of romantic pursuits, creative inspiration, and emotional expression. It represents a period when you may be guided by your heart, seeking to connect deeply with others and express your emotions in a genuine and artistic way. The card suggests that you are passionate, sensitive, and attuned to the beauty and emotional nuances of life. It encourages you to follow your creative inspiration, express your feelings openly, and pursue your romantic or creative endeavors with enthusiasm. The Knight of Cups brings a sense of charm, romance, and the potential for deep emotional connections.

Elements: Air of Water

Numerology: No number associated with it.

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Jupiter, Mars and Sun and the astrological sign of Libra or Scorpio.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes


Ace of Wands: Keywords: Creative potential, New beginnings, Inspiration, Energy, Passion

Affirmation: I embrace my creative potential and seize new opportunities with passion and enthusiasm.

Meaning: Ace of Wands signifies a surge of energy, passion, and creative potential. It represents the birth of a new idea, project, or opportunity that holds great promise. The card suggests that you are filled with enthusiasm, motivation, and a sense of purpose. It encourages you to seize the opportunity, take bold action, and channel your creative energy into manifesting your goals. The Ace of Wands brings a sense of empowerment, inspiration, and a fresh start.

Elements: Fire

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 1 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Knight
  • 2 Kings
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests a journey of balancing nurturing creativity, intellectual clarity, emotional exploration, the careful management of resources, and the embracing of new beginnings. It speaks to the importance of cultivating relationships, asserting wise leadership, assessing financial habits, seeking emotional depth, and seizing fresh opportunities in the coming months. There is a call to engage with both heart and mind, nurturing both material and spiritual growth while remaining open to the new ventures that promise revitalization.

I embrace the balance of heart and mind, cultivating growth in creativity, wisdom, emotional depth, and new opportunities.

Position 1: The Empress
The Empress suggests that over the coming months, my focus should be on nurturing my creative soul and tending to the relationships that bring love and compassion into my life. This is a time for me to indulge in creative endeavors and allow my imagination to unfurl like the peta...
🤖 AI Interpretation:

The reading suggests a journey of balancing nurturing creativity, intellectual clarity, emotional exploration, the careful management of resources, and the embracing of new beginnings. It speaks to the importance of cultivating relationships, asserting wise leadership, assessing financial habits, seeking emotional depth, and seizing fresh opportunities in the coming months. There is a call to engage with both heart and mind, nurturing both material and spiritual growth while remaining open to the new ventures that promise revitalization.

I embrace the balance of heart and mind, cultivating growth in creativity, wisdom, emotional depth, and new opportunities.

Position 1: The Empress
The Empress suggests that over the coming months, my focus should be on nurturing my creative soul and tending to the relationships that bring love and compassion into my life. This is a time for me to indulge in creative endeavors and allow my imagination to unfurl like the petals of a blooming flower. I am encouraged to channel the abundance of life through kindness and care for myself and those I hold dear, creating an environment where growth and beauty can flourish naturally.

Position 2: King of Swords
The King of Swords urges me to step into a role of leadership where I apply logic and reason to navigate through my life's challenges. With mental clarity at my side, this is an opportune moment to make wise decisions and communicate my thoughts with precision and integrity. I must assert my authority when needed, displaying objectivity and fairness, while also recognizing the power of insightful guidance as I strive to see the broader perspective in all situations.

Position 3: King of Pentacles (reversed)
This card warns that I need to reassess my approach toward financial management, to avoid pitfalls of insecurity or mismanagement in the coming months. There's a cautionary note to reconsider any materialistic tendencies and focus on the responsibility that comes with handling wealth wisely. To ensure stability, I must practice financial prudence, while considering the long-term impacts of my actions, balancing desires for material success with mindful stewardship.

Position 4: Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups beckons me towards emotional exploration and creative inspiration, pointing to a period where my heart guides my pursuits. I am encouraged to express my emotions with authenticity and seek out romantic or creative connections that offer depth and beauty. With the charm and sensitivity of the Knight, I should embrace opportunities for emotional expression and inspiration that promises to enrich both my inner world and my interactions with others.

Position 5: Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is an inspiring omen of new beginnings, urging me to harness the energy and passion that fuels new projects and ideas. It is a call to be emboldened, to take decisive actions towards my goals with the fresh surge of enthusiasm that this card signifies. I am encouraged to welcome these opportunities with open arms, channeling my creative energy into manifesting vibrant, purpose-driven ambitions that will shape my future path.
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Spread: Free-form spread
Joined Jan 2025
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