Archive: January 2024

Do I pursue him? What's in store for us?

Published by moonlight on

Do I pursue him? What's in store for us? - tarot reading by moonlight
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Past: The first card represents the influences, experiences, or events from your past that have shaped your present situation. It provides context and helps you understand how past choices and circumstances have contributed to your current state. This card can offer insights into patterns, lessons learned, or unresolved issues that might still be impacting you.

Six of Swords: Keywords: Transition, Moving on, Healing, Mental peace, Smooth sailing

Affirmation: I navigate through challenging times with grace and find peace as I transition to a better future.

Meaning: Six of Swords signifies a time of transition, healing, and moving on from challenging circumstances. It represents a period when you are making progress in leaving behind the difficulties and finding resolution to past problems. The card suggests that you are entering a period of greater stability and peace, where you can let go of the past and embrace a new chapter in your life. It encourages you to trust the journey, seek support when needed, and focus on the positive aspects of your future. The Six of Swords brings a sense of hope, progress, and the potential for finding inner peace and a brighter future.

Present: The second card represents your current circumstances, energies, and challenges. It reflects the opportunities, obstacles, or emotions you are currently experiencing. This card provides clarity on your present state of mind, relationships, or projects and allows you to assess where you currently stand.

Two of Wands: Keywords: Planning, Future vision, Personal power, Expansion, Partnership

Affirmation: I confidently make decisions that align with my long-term goals, knowing I have the power to create my desired future.

Meaning: Two of Wands signifies the need for planning, strategizing, and making decisions that will shape your future. It represents the initial stages of a new venture or project. The card suggests that you have a clear vision and a sense of personal power. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace opportunities for growth, and take calculated risks. The Two of Wands brings a sense of confidence, ambition, and the potential for success.

Future: The third card offers a glimpse into the potential outcomes or energies that may manifest in your future. It provides guidance and insights into the path ahead and the possible trajectory of events. While the future is not set in stone, this card helps you make informed decisions, take proactive steps, and align your intentions with the potential outcomes.

Nine of Swords: Keywords: Anxiety, Fear, Nightmares, Guilt, Mental torment

Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.

Meaning: Nine of Swords signifies a time of deep anxiety, nightmares, or emotional turmoil. It represents a period when you may be plagued by excessive worry, negative thoughts, or fear-driven imagination. The card suggests that you may be experiencing mental distress, feeling overwhelmed by concerns, or unable to find peace of mind. It encourages you to confront your fears, seek support from others, and practice self-compassion and self-care. The Nine of Swords brings a sense of acknowledging and addressing your anxieties, seeking assistance if needed, and finding ways to alleviate mental distress.

Spread: Past, Present, Future

Janaury 2nd - What does this month have in store for me?

Published by moonlight on

Janaury 2nd - What does this month have in store for me? - tarot reading by moonlight
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
The past

2 – The High Priestess: Keywords: Intuition, Mystery, Inner wisdom, Spirituality, Divine feminine

Affirmation: I trust my intuition and connect with the wisdom of the universe.

Meaning: The High Priestess signifies deep inner knowing, intuition, and a connection with the divine feminine. It represents accessing hidden knowledge, trusting your instincts, and delving into the realms of the subconscious. The card suggests the need to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, and explore the depths of your psyche. It encourages you to embrace the mysteries of life, seek spiritual guidance, and tap into your innate wisdom.

The present

Ace of Swords: Keywords: Mental clarity, New ideas, Truth, Mental breakthrough, Intellectual power

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Meaning: Ace of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, breakthroughs, and the potential for new perspectives and ideas. It represents a period when you have the mental strength and clarity to see through illusions, uncover the truth, and make decisions based on rationality and logic. The card suggests that you have the power of insight and the ability to communicate your thoughts effectively. It encourages you to embrace new ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and harness the power of your mind to overcome challenges. The Ace of Swords brings a sense of mental clarity, truth, and the potential for victory in intellectual or analytical endeavors.

Hidden Influences

1 – The Magician: Keywords: Manifestation, Personal power, Creativity, Willpower, Skill

Affirmation: I have the power to manifest my desires and create positive change in my life.

Meaning: The Magician signifies personal power, creativity, and the ability to manifest your desires. It represents the skillful use of your talents, resources, and inner potential to bring about positive change. The card suggests that you have the necessary tools at your disposal to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams. It encourages you to tap into your personal power, align your intentions with action, and take control of your life to create the outcomes you desire.

Obstacles that must be overcome

King of Pentacles: Keywords: Financial stability, Security, Mastery, Success, Leadership

Affirmation: I am a wise and prosperous leader, using my resources and influence for the benefit of all.

Meaning: King of Pentacles signifies a person who is reliable, responsible, and financially successful. It represents a time of stability, accomplishment, and the ability to manifest your goals in the material realm. The card suggests that you have achieved a level of financial security and mastery in your endeavors. It encourages you to continue to be practical, disciplined, and reliable in your approach to wealth and success. The King of Pentacles brings a sense of abundance, authority, and the potential for long-lasting material well-being.

Others' perspectives

15 – The Devil: Keywords: lust, greed, rage, primal instincts, secret,s the shadow, success in career and personal interests

Meaning: The Devil card does not indicate evil, but asks us to confront the shadowy, instinctual part of ourselves. Following the perfect balance of the angel in the Temperance card, the Fool is reminded of those parts of himself that are self serving and uncooperative, which he had tried to keep hidden away, even from himself. When this card appears in a spread, things that we don't like to admit about our own character and desires may be trying to break into our consciousness. We may encounter these unwelcome qualities in others or in our dreams. A neglected part of us needs to be heard. Perosonal gain and success in one's career is indicated by this card. We are advised to act in our own interests.

The best path to take

Two of Pentacles: Keywords: Balance, Adaptability, Prioritization, Juggling, Harmony

Affirmation: I find balance and harmony in managing my responsibilities and priorities with ease.

Meaning: Two of Pentacles signifies the need to find balance and flexibility in handling various areas of your life. It represents the juggling act of managing multiple responsibilities, projects, or demands. The card suggests that you have the ability to adapt, prioritize, and navigate through the complexities. It encourages you to embrace change, stay adaptable, and find creative solutions to maintain equilibrium. The Two of Pentacles brings a sense of harmony, resourcefulness, and the potential for successful multitasking.

The final outcome

Five of Pentacles: Keywords: Financial struggle, Poverty, Isolation, Hardship, Loss

Affirmation: I am resilient, and I trust that even in times of struggle, I am supported and guided towards abundance.

Meaning: Five of Pentacles signifies a time of financial or material hardship, feeling excluded, or experiencing a sense of loss. It represents a period when you may be going through financial struggles, health issues, or a feeling of being left out or rejected. The card suggests that it's important to seek support, whether it's financial assistance, emotional comfort, or practical help. It encourages you to remember that even in challenging times, there are resources and people who can offer assistance. The Five of Pentacles brings a sense of resilience, perseverance, and the potential for finding solace and support.

Spread: The Horseshoe Spread by Alice Ekrek
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