Category: Spiritual

Shadow work initial query

Published by Becky Menendez on

Shadow work initial query - tarot reading by Becky Menendez
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What am I repressing? What is the nature of my shadow?

Two of Pentacles: Meaning: Two of Pentacles signifies the need to find balance and flexibility in handling various areas of your life. It represents the juggling act of managing multiple responsibilities, projects, or demands. The card suggests that you have the ability to adapt, prioritize, and navigate through the complexities. It encourages you to embrace change, stay adaptable, and find creative solutions to maintain equilibrium. The Two of Pentacles brings a sense of harmony, resourcefulness, and the potential for successful multitasking.

What wound caused this?

Eight of Wands: In contrast, when reversed, the clear path becomes muddled. There may be outside influences or delays, or it may be that you are trying to manifest every idea that pops into your head. If you are feeling over-whelmed, take the time to meditate on what it is you truly want to focus your energy on.
Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Eight of Wands' meaning can indicate a temporary slowdown or obstacles impeding progress. It may suggest delays, miscommunications, or a need for patience in the face of unexpected challenges. Reversed, the card advises you to reassess your approach, be adaptable to changing circumstances, and find ways to overcome the obstacles that are hindering your progress. It reminds you to maintain patience and trust that the momentum will pick up again in due course.

“The Eight of Wands reversed suggests that you are charging ahead with an idea or plan, but you need to slow down and consider your next steps before continuing. You may miss something in your haste and be prone to making mistakes or poor decisions. Or, you may rush into things without a clear plan of where you are heading, instead of investing time into trivial tasks. Be careful of the ‘bright shiny object syndrome’ where, just as you get started on implementing one idea, another one comes to mind, and you switch your focus. The trouble is that with this approach, you never accomplish anything because you are jumping from one idea to the next and finishing none of them.”

Excerpt From
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings
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Advice to work with my shadow and grow.

12 – The Hanged Man: Keywords (reversed card): Stagnation, Indecision, Resistance to change, Narrow-mindedness, Lack of growth

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The Hanged Man may indicate resistance to change, avoiding self-reflection, or being stagnant in personal growth. It suggests a reluctance to let go of old patterns, perspectives, or attachments that are hindering progress. It calls for a willingness to release resistance, embrace change, and explore new perspectives in order to gain a fresh outlook and move forward on your spiritual journey.

“Reversed, this card can show that you know you need to hit the pause button, but you are resisting it. Instead, you fill your days with tasks and projects, keeping busy and distracting yourself from the actual issue that needs your attention. Your spirit and body are asking you to slow down, but your mind keeps racing. Stop and rest before it’s too late. The Universe will only dial up the volume if you ignore it, and as a result, you may end up crashing. So, as soon as you hear the call, clear your schedule and make the space so you can tune in and listen.”

“The reversal of the Hanged Man can indicate a time when you’re getting blocked, stuck or restricted because other people or other circumstances have left you on hold. While you feel resistant, it’s important that you surrender to ‘what is’ and let go of your attachment to how things should be. Be in flow with life, even if it’s not as you expected it (seriously, when does it ever go exactly as you expected!?), and loosen your grip.”

Excerpt From
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings
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Ideal outcome of this shadow work.

14 – Temperance: Keywords (reversed card): Imbalance, Excess, Impatience, Disharmony, Lack of healing

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Temperance suggests imbalance, excess, lack of moderation, or disharmony in one's life. It may indicate a need to regain balance and moderation, address extremes or addictive behaviors, or find a middle path in conflicting situations. It calls for self-reflection, cultivating patience, and seeking to restore harmony and equilibrium in order to experience a sense of inner peace and well-being.

“If you have recently experienced a period of excess, the reversed Temperance card is your invitation (or sometimes, your warning signal) to restore balance and moderation as soon as possible. You may have been over-eating, regularly drinking, buying things you can’t afford, arguing with loved ones, or engaging in negative thought patterns. These activities are taking you further away from who you are and what you are here to do. So, it is time to stop. As they say, “Everything in moderation!” Or, you may find you need 100% abstinence to break this negative cycle and bring your life back into balance again.
The reversed Temperance card can also be a sign you sense that something is ‘off’ in your life, creating stress and tension. Life is not flowing as easily as you had hoped or there’s a niggling voice from within going, “Wait a second! This doesn’t feel right!” You can ignore it and carry on with life as usual. But, heed Temperance’s warning: If you stay in this state for too long, that voice will just get louder and louder until you pay attention. Or, you can listen to it now and make the necessary adjustments[…]”

“Similarly, the reversed Temperance card can be a call for profound self-healing. By creating more balance and moderation in your life, you open the possibility for such healing to occur. Given the reversal of this card, you are doing it in a way that is personal and private to you, without the influence of others. You know you have what you need to heal yourself and create more ‘flow’ in your life.”

Excerpt From
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings
This material may be protected by copyright.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 3 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 1 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 Two
  • 1 Eight
This is confusing to me.
Shadow work initial query - tarot reading by Becky Menendez
Spread: Shadow work
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