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4 – The Emperor: Focus on building a solid foundation for the year. Be focused and disciplined on my goals and focus for the year ahead. Prepare.
Three of Wands: Time to get uncomfortable and expand my horizons. Be willing to accept change and growth. This will help.
Page of Pentacles: You have everything you need to succeed, doubt and hesitation are trying to take over. Do not listen and hold back, move forward with the tools you already have to be successful.
Queen of Cups: Creativity will be fantastic this month. It's time to work on those creative endeavors you keep procrastinating and trust the process. Be open to the things around you.
13 – Death: This is a month of new opportunities and change. A lot of things happening, be willing and able to embrace. These things are for the good.
17 – The Star: Be true and trust yourself. Keep the energy from last month flowing and take action. This will be a busy but powerful time for you.
King of Swords: Time for inner reflection and to rebalance yourself. What is causing indecisiveness and misdirection? Why are you feeling stuck? What do you have now that can bring you back into focus on your power?
Five of Cups: Many things may have gone a direction you didn't like, but there are still opportunities waiting for you. Don't get so distracted by what didn't happen that you miss the open doors just waiting for you.
Queen of Pentacles: This is a time of balance and saving. With the balance of work, life, and responsibilities, everything flows as it should and feels fulfilling.
1 – The Magician: With reflection and a feeling of balance to your life, you are finally taking action on your goals and breathing reality to dreams.
Four of Swords: Bad habits creep up again and burn out could be on the horizon. Remember to take time to rest, step away if needed, and focus on yourself as well.
Two of Swords: You are focused on two options and riddled with hesitation again. Do not become so nearsighted that you miss all options available to you.
3 – The Empress: This years theme is guided by becoming more attuned to yourself and your own power. It's time to reconnect with yourself and get rid of those self-deprecating thoughts. You are powerful, and this year will prove it.
8 – Strength: Strength is a hidden influence of this year. You have the inner power to accomplish great things. Work with your inner self to recognize them.
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