Archive: January 2025

Past. Present. Future

Published by Angelica X Gardner on

It can be used for general readings and specific aspects. I recommend limiting the number of aspects within this spread. It may impact how specific the reading can go.
Past. Present. Future - tarot spread shared by Angelica X Gardner
Spread author: The Complete Tarot & Oracle Journal

The next 4 Years

Published by Angelica X Gardner on

The next 4 Years - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
General: You are unwilling to take the steps that will move you to a better place. Perhaps you're deceiving yourself or stalling due to fear, but delaying only worsens things. Stop making excuses and choose a course of action.

Ten of Swords: Money: Represents a time of recovery after hardship or loss. A new cycle is beginning and better times may wait around the corner, but you must take the first step.
Career: You still feel insecure about your future, but to reach a more satisfactory place, you'll have to take a risk. Stop letting the past prevent you from embracing new possibilities.
Love/Romance: You may still be smarting from a deception, disappointment, or betrayal, but at least you can see more clearly now. You may experience a new sense of freedom if a relationship has ended.

General: A promise of happiness and fulfillment. You've marshaled your energies during times of struggle and overcome obstacles. Now, you're on top and can expect recognition and rewards. You feel good about yourself and your accomplishments. Sometimes, this card shows recovery from an illness or setback.

Six of Wands: Money: You can expect financial success. A long-term investment may pay off now or you may receive a raise/bonus.
Career: This can indicate getting a promotion, receiving respect for your efforts, or seeing a creative project come to fruition. Enjoy your well-deserved success.
Love/Romance: A time of happiness, love, and cooperation in a relationship. If you're seeking a partner, this card offers encouragement for true love.

General: You may conflict with an established order, perhaps at work or with your family, religion, or ethnic group. If representing an actual person, they are overbearing, chauvinistic, or self-righteous. Conversely, this individual can be cowardly, indecisive, or lack confidence. Sometimes, it shows a loss of power or status and subsequent feelings of weakness or vulnerability.

4 – The Emperor: Money: You may lack the acumen to make or manage money successfully, or a lack of self-confidence may prevent you from getting ahead financially. The reverse Emperor may indicate a situation in which you must stand up to adversaries and protect what's yours.
Career: You may feel pressured to accept responsibilities you don't want or feel capable of handling. Perhaps you lost a job through downsizing, or you lack the energy required to reach your goals. This can also indicate a need for more experience, drive, or skill. If you're trying to please someone else or fit a role that's been dictated to you, it may be time to take the reins yourself.
Love/romance: Coldness, criticism, or an overly controlling nature. One person in the relationship is the boss who calls all the shots. This can also mean immaturity, lack of commitment, or infertility.

General: A new beginning, one full of passion and rich with promise. You're ready to express yourself in a new, dynamic way. You want to be seen in a new light. You're bringing your creativity to bear in an exciting endeavor, and you're psyched about the possibilities opening up before you. This is known as the "Go for it" card.

Ace of Wands: Money: Suggesting profits coming from a creative venture. It can also mean investing your resources and energy in a new enterprise you feel passionate about.
Career: You're expressing yourself passionately through a creative endeavor, perhaps even forging a new identity. You're totally focused on your objective, and your enthusiasm will help you achieve success.
Love/romance: The Ace of Wands promises new love of a highly romantic, joyful, and passionate kind. It can also mean loyalty, commitment, and a strong sense of purpose - perhaps of a creative nature in an existing partnership.

General: This is the "wake up" card. You're gaining self-awareness, judging your actions, choices, and life situation by determining what you want to keep and what to let go of. This is a time of coming clean to yourself, assessing the good, bad, and the ugly, so you can chart your course from here on with greater clarity and maturity.

20 – Judgement: Money: You're facing a choice in a financial matter - your choice will impact the present and your future, too. You may look for advice from others, but only you can decide.
Career: Your current work situation no longer meets your needs, but you're reluctant to make a change because you're not clear about what the future holds. It can also mean a bad decision of yours or someone else's has adversely affected you, or you may be judging yourself and others too harshly. (If I know you, it's likely the latter).
Love/romance: You're facing a decision about a relationship. The Judgement in the upright position also suggests you're becoming more tolerant and less judgmental of yourself and others.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 2 Majors
  • 3 Minors
  • 2 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Four
  • 1 Six
  • 1 Ten
Walter H.
Over the next four years, your immediate future will be full of pivotal moments in almost every major aspect of your life! While your career can anticipate some high points, you'll need to do some soul-searching to find what gives you purpose and makes you truly happy. Looks like you'll be doing that deep dive sooner rather than later.

Financially, you have some moves to make, and no one can make them for you. Start at the foundation of how you were raised to view money and those who have it. From there, determine what it is you would like money to help you accomplish. Finally, you will need to (pardon my French) shit or get off the pot with key decisions you are weighing during this time.

In the realm of love/romance, you will be required to bring "More passion! More footwork! More Energy!" You may have had a rough go at things up until now. Those days appear to be behind you. You should consider what it is that you want in your ideal partner. To manifest this person in your life, ...
Over the next four years, your immediate future will be full of pivotal moments in almost every major aspect of your life! While your career can anticipate some high points, you'll need to do some soul-searching to find what gives you purpose and makes you truly happy. Looks like you'll be doing that deep dive sooner rather than later.

Financially, you have some moves to make, and no one can make them for you. Start at the foundation of how you were raised to view money and those who have it. From there, determine what it is you would like money to help you accomplish. Finally, you will need to (pardon my French) shit or get off the pot with key decisions you are weighing during this time.

In the realm of love/romance, you will be required to bring "More passion! More footwork! More Energy!" You may have had a rough go at things up until now. Those days appear to be behind you. You should consider what it is that you want in your ideal partner. To manifest this person in your life, be sure you are embodying the qualities you are hoping to attract.
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The next 4 Years - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Spread: Free-form spread

Kye C. - General 3-card

Published by Angelica X Gardner on

Kye C. - General 3-card - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
First - May just be me, but this smacks of the men at work talking sideways because they believe their rank makes them untouchable to whom they speak.

King of Wands: Potential to run into delays or your success isn't as great as you hoped. If it's a real person it may be someone who's not available to you or who can't help you. He may not be dishonest or irresponsible, but his loyalties lie elsewhere.

This can point to unhealthy displays of masculine energy, such as abuse of power in a situation or acting like a bully. It can also mean a project will take longer than you'd planned, or you'll have to work harder than you'd expected. Perhaps some of the most creative aspects of an undertaking get scrapped by higher-ups.

Affirmation: I wield my power and influence with integrity, using my strength and leadership to create positive change.

Second - Keywords: Focus, beginnings, new ideas, opportunity, truth, clarity

Ace of Swords: This card indicates success through mental means or spiritual growth. You're using your intellect in a clear, focused way, devoting yourself to a goal. An opportunity is being offered to you from the divine realm—grab it. It can also point to a breakthrough or inspiration.

Starting a job that involves communication. You have an opportunity to use your intellect productively or to express your philosophical/spiritual views in your work. Clarity and focus will help you get ahead. Additionally, it can indicate starting a course of study that will further your career.

Affirmation: I embrace clarity of thought and make decisions that align with my highest good.

Third - Gave me the impression that this king sitting 'high on the hog' does not have things going as they thought they had.

King of Pentacles: You are uncovering new ideas for increasing or expanding your business. Clarity and insight on how to improve your money situation are finally emerging. This is a time for new beginnings in your career that may include starting a business or earning a promotion within an existing company.

Your job may bore you, but you aren't willing to do what's necessary to improve your situation. Laziness, lack of direction, indulgence, or feelings of unworthiness could be inhibiting your success.

Affirmation: I am a wise and prosperous leader, using my resources and influence to benefit all.

Fourth - Keep calm. This is just a transitional period. Keywords: Transformation, metamorphosis, an ending, sacrifice, loss, and rebirth.

13 – Death: The end or death of a cycle, you will need to mourn this. (This is regarding your 'Creative Through Christ' business.) Trying to hold on to something that is clearly over (for the time being) only causes trouble. Change can't be avoided. Death is the promise that new life follows disintegration. Think caterpillar into a butterfly (you mentioned a phoenix).

Symbolizes a transition in your career path, a job change, or a significant shift in your work arena. Old, outworn conditions that have held you back are breaking down to make room for new growth.

Affirmation: I release the old to make way for transformation and new beginnings.

Fifth - Think Gollum from Lord of the Rings, "The Precious". Keywords: Security, materialization, caution, possessiveness, greed, creative blocks

Four of Pentacles: You've been focusing too much on the material side of life. Emotional and mental stability are just as important as material stability, though you won't see the tangible results. Insecurity cannot be cured by amassing wealth and possessions. It's time to focus inward rather than outward.

*From me personally* Only give your energy to things you have the power to directly impact. Otherwise, give yourself a space to honor your feelings (perhaps journaling) without letting the external situation impact your inner peace. You can also allow those feelings to fuel your plans for the future so you can be the light in the darkness that may be clouding around you.

Affirmation: I am grounded and secure in my financial stability, and I welcome abundance into my life.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 1 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 2 Reversals
  • 1 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Four
  • 2 Kings
Kye C.
Kye C. - General 3-card - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Spread: Free-form spread

Random Fallouts

Published by Angelica X Gardner on

Random Fallouts - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
First to Fall

King of Cups: My book: The King of Cups regarding money can mean receiving money through creative means. Or it may suggest your emotions are influencing a financial matter. Sometimes it represents a financial backer.

Meaning: King of Cups signifies a time of emotional stability, wisdom, and compassion. It represents a period when you are able to navigate your own emotions with maturity and offer support and guidance to others. The card suggests that you possess a deep understanding of emotions, empathy, and the ability to maintain balance even in challenging situations. It encourages you to trust your intuition, approach emotional matters with compassion and understanding, and lead with a calm and nurturing demeanor. The King of Cups brings a sense of emotional mastery, wisdom, and the potential for creating a harmonious emotional environment.

Affirmation: I embody emotional balance and wisdom, using my empathy and intuition to bring harmony to my life and relationships.

Second to Fall

Five of Swords

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 0 Majors
  • 2 Minors
  • 0 Reversals
  • 0 Wands
  • 0 Pentacles
  • 1 Cups
  • 1 Swords
  • 1 Five
  • 1 King
Spread: Free-form spread

Corbyn B.

Published by Angelica X Gardner on

Corbyn B. - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What does Corbyn need to let go of?

Seven of Wands: Signifies a time of confusion. You can't decide how to handle a challenge or which direction to take to accomplish your objective. A lack of clarity may sap your willpower and make you feel like giving up,

Advice in this position:
Avoid problematic people and watch your back. Don't get into arguments with coworkers, bosses, or clients now. Choose your battles carefully.

Bonus: You've been letting your anger get the better of you by acting hypervigilant about your beliefs when challenged. Journaling to process your feelings and then talking about them afterward is the move. Your feelings are valid and deserve to be expressed.

What does Corbyn need to embrace?

Three of Wands: You still have work to do before you go public with our ideas. Perhaps you could benefit from honing your skills. Some areas of an undertaking still need clarification, or you may need to win the support and blessing of others to advance.

Advice in this position: Suggests you're not ready yet to market your project/ideas. You feel passionate about what you're doing, but you still have to convince other people to get on board. For artistic people, this card advises, "Don't quit your day job yet."

What is the plan for Corbyn?

Eight of Pentacles: Plan to feel 'stuck in a rut' or burnt out in your current direction. Delays, obstacles, or confusion may interfere with your success. You may lack the necessary skills to accomplish your aims.

Advice in this position:
This feels more in line with your current career. You may hold unrealistic expectations and, therefore, feel disappointed when you don't get the job, promotion, or respect you seek based on your current abilities. Perhaps laziness, substandard skills, or a lack of focus is to blame. Your heart may not be in it.

Final advice from the Universe

Ace of Pentacles: You're overly concerned about money and possessions. This could be due to greed, hoarding, or an attachment to material goodies. This is causing you to miss out on things in life.

Advice in this position:
You may feel 'stuck in a rut', perhaps in a job that pays well but isn't stimulating. You're bored but unwilling to take a chance on something new. Sometimes, it can mean doors aren't open to you at present.

Reading Stats
Reading Stats
In your reading you have got:
  • 0 Majors
  • 4 Minors
  • 4 Reversals
  • 2 Wands
  • 2 Pentacles
  • 0 Cups
  • 0 Swords
  • 1 One
  • 1 Three
  • 1 Seven
  • 1 Eight
Corbyn B.
You have two directions you have been hesitant to make a decision on. One of which is due to a lack of clarity you feel you are missing at this time. You still have work to do before you can go public with your ideas. Perhaps you could benefit from honing your skills. Some areas of undertaking still need clarification, or you may need to win the support and blessing of others to advance. That said, you should plan to feel 'stuck in a rut' or burnt out for a little longer. Delays, obstacles, or confusion may interfere with your success. You may lack the necessary skills to accomplish your aims. Finally, you are overly concerned about money and possessions. It could be greed, hoarding, or an attachment to material goodies. This is causing you to miss out on other things in life.

Avoid problematic people and watch your back. Don't get into arguments with coworkers, bosses, or clients now. Choose your battles wisely. You are not yet ready to market your project/ide...
You have two directions you have been hesitant to make a decision on. One of which is due to a lack of clarity you feel you are missing at this time. You still have work to do before you can go public with your ideas. Perhaps you could benefit from honing your skills. Some areas of undertaking still need clarification, or you may need to win the support and blessing of others to advance. That said, you should plan to feel 'stuck in a rut' or burnt out for a little longer. Delays, obstacles, or confusion may interfere with your success. You may lack the necessary skills to accomplish your aims. Finally, you are overly concerned about money and possessions. It could be greed, hoarding, or an attachment to material goodies. This is causing you to miss out on other things in life.

Avoid problematic people and watch your back. Don't get into arguments with coworkers, bosses, or clients now. Choose your battles wisely. You are not yet ready to market your project/ideas. You feel passionate about what you're doing, but you still have to convince other people to get on board. For artistic people, "Don't quit your day job yet." You may be holding unrealistic expectations and, therefore, feel disappointed when you don't get the job, promotion, or respect you seek based on your current abilities. Perhaps laziness, substandard skills, or a lack of focus is to blame. (I think it's the fact that your heart may not be in your current job and others can pick up on it.) You may feel 'stuck in a rut,' perhaps in a job that pays well but isn't stimulating. You're bored but unwilling to take a chance on something new. Sometimes, it can mean doors aren't open to you at present.
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Corbyn B. - tarot reading by Angelica X Gardner
Spread: Free-form spread
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