Archive: July 2023


Published by Amy on

gifts - tarot reading by Amy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Current State: This card represents your current state of personal growth. It offers insights into where you currently stand in your journey, highlighting your strengths, areas of growth, and any challenges or blockages that may be present.

Two of Pentacles: Meaning: Two of Pentacles signifies the need to find balance and flexibility in handling various areas of your life. It represents the juggling act of managing multiple responsibilities, projects, or demands. The card suggests that you have the ability to adapt, prioritize, and navigate through the complexities. It encourages you to embrace change, stay adaptable, and find creative solutions to maintain equilibrium. The Two of Pentacles brings a sense of harmony, resourcefulness, and the potential for successful multitasking.

Key Lesson: The second card focuses on a key lesson or theme that you need to learn or embrace for your personal growth. It offers insights into the specific area or aspect of your life that requires attention or further development. This card serves as a guidepost for your growth journey.

Nine of Wands: Meaning: Nine of Wands signifies resilience, courage, and the ability to overcome adversity. It represents a time when you have faced numerous challenges and are nearing the end of a difficult journey. The card suggests that you have the inner strength, experience, and wisdom to navigate through the final obstacles. It encourages you to hold your ground, stay resilient, and maintain your focus and determination. The Nine of Wands brings a sense of endurance, protection, and the potential for eventual success.

Action Steps: This card provides guidance on the practical action steps or strategies you can take to foster personal growth in the identified area. It offers insights into the specific actions, habits, or mindset shifts that can support your growth and help you move forward on your path.

10 – Wheel of Fortune: Meaning: The Wheel of Fortune signifies a turning point, luck, and unexpected changes. It represents the cyclical nature of life, where fortunes can rise and fall. The card suggests that you are at the mercy of fate or circumstances beyond your control. It encourages you to embrace change, be adaptable, and seize opportunities as they arise. The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that life is always in motion, and with patience and a positive mindset, you can navigate its shifts and find success.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Inner Strengths: The fourth card highlights your inner strengths or personal qualities that you can tap into to support your personal growth. It offers insights into the inner resources, talents, or attributes that can empower you on your journey. This card serves as a reminder of your inherent capabilities and resilience.

Ace of Swords: Keywords: Mental clarity, New ideas, Truth, Mental breakthrough, Intellectual power

Future Potential: The fifth card represents the potential outcomes or blessings that await you as you continue to focus on your personal growth. It offers insights into the positive shifts, opportunities, or rewards that can arise from your commitment to self-improvement. This card serves as a motivating force and reminder of the possibilities that await you.

Ten of Cups: Keywords: Harmony, Happiness, Emotional fulfillment, Love, Family

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Spread: Personal Growth

Psychic course

Published by Amy on

Psychic course - tarot reading by Amy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Present Spiritual Energy: This card represents the current state of your spiritual energy or your connection with the divine. It offers insights into where you currently stand on your spiritual journey and the energies that are influencing you at this time.

0 – The Fool: Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Meaning: The Fool signifies a fresh start, unlimited potential, and a sense of adventure. It represents embracing new opportunities with a childlike curiosity and open-mindedness. The card suggests taking risks, following your intuition, and stepping into the unknown without fear. It encourages you to trust in the process of life, embrace spontaneity, and approach situations with a sense of optimism and enthusiasm.

Guidance from Spirit: The second card focuses on the specific guidance or message from your spirit guides, higher self, or the divine realm. It offers insights, advice, or affirmations that can assist you in navigating your spiritual path. This card can provide clarity, encouragement, or reminders of your purpose.

Queen of Cups: Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Keywords: Emotional nurturing, Compassion, Intuition, Sensitivity, Empathy

Areas for Growth: This card sheds light on the areas of your spiritual journey that require attention or growth. It offers insights into the aspects of yourself or your practices that would benefit from further development or exploration. This card guides you towards personal growth and deepening your spiritual connection.

11 – Justice: Keywords: Fairness, Balance, Truth, Accountability, Integrity

Numerology: It is associated with the number 11. The number 11 in numerology is considered a master number that holds powerful spiritual energy. It represents a heightened level of intuition, spiritual awareness, and the potential for deep transformation. It symbolizes the connection between the conscious and unconscious realms and the alignment of one's actions with higher principles.

Spiritual Practices or Tools: The fourth card highlights the spiritual practices, tools, or rituals that can support your journey. It offers insights into the specific practices or tools that can enhance your spiritual connection, such as meditation, prayer, journaling, or energy work. This card provides guidance on how to nurture and expand your spiritual practices.

Page of Pentacles: Keywords: Manifestation, Opportunities, Study, Potential, Practicality

Affirmation: I embrace new opportunities for learning, growth, and manifestation of my goals and dreams.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Astrology: It is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, Gemini or Taurus.

Potential Outcome: The fifth card represents the potential outcome or the blessings that await you on your spiritual path. It offers insights into the positive shifts, opportunities, or rewards that can arise from aligning with your spiritual guidance. This card serves as a reminder of the greater purpose and the possibilities that await you.

Eight of Pentacles: Keywords: Diligence, Skill development, Mastery, Hard work, Craftsmanship

Affirmation: I am dedicated to honing my skills and craftsmanship, and I continuously grow in my chosen path.

Spread: Spiritual Guidance


Published by Amy on

Career - tarot reading by Amy
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
Dream Job: This card represents the essence of your dream job—the career or occupation that resonates with your passions, talents, and aspirations. It offers insight into the type of work that would bring you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Nine of Wands: Affirmation: I tap into my inner strength and perseverance, overcoming obstacles and remaining resilient in the face of challenges.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered a number of spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for enlightenment. It signifies the completion of a journey and the integration of higher knowledge and understanding.

Actions Needed to Achieve the Dream Job: This card provides guidance on the specific actions or steps you need to take to manifest your dream job. It offers advice and direction regarding the practical strategies, choices, or changes required to move closer to your desired career path.

Queen of Swords: Affirmation: I embody mental clarity and emotional strength, making wise decisions rooted in truth and compassion.

Qualities You Bring to the Table: This card highlights the unique qualities, strengths, or attributes you possess that are valuable in the pursuit of your dream job. It offers insight into your personal qualities, skills, or experiences that can contribute to your success or set you apart in your chosen field.

Knight of Wands: Meaning: Knight of Wands signifies a time of dynamic energy, ambition, and taking bold action. It represents the pursuit of your passions and goals with enthusiasm and determination. The card suggests that you are driven by a strong sense of purpose and are willing to take risks to achieve what you desire. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for growth, step outside of your comfort zone, and pursue your dreams with vigor. The Knight of Wands brings a sense of adventure, courage, and the potential for rapid progress.

Affirmation: I harness my energy and passion, fearlessly pursuing my goals and embracing new adventures.

Skills or Connections to Cultivate: This card suggests the skills, knowledge, or connections that you should focus on developing or nurturing to enhance your prospects of achieving your dream job. It provides guidance on the areas where you may need to invest your time, energy, or resources to expand your abilities or network.

Knight of Pentacles: Affirmation: I am diligent, responsible, and focused on my goals, taking practical steps towards success.

Meaning: Knight of Pentacles signifies patience, dedication, and a steady progress towards your goals. It represents a time when you are willing to put in the effort, work diligently, and take a methodical approach to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have a strong work ethic and a focus on practical matters. It encourages you to stay committed, be reliable, and pay attention to the details of your work. The Knight of Pentacles brings a sense of responsibility, stability, and the potential for long-term success.

Areas Needing Attention Before Making the Big Jump: This card highlights the aspects of your life that require attention or consideration before making a significant leap toward your dream job. It may point out any obstacles, challenges, or personal areas that need to be addressed or balanced to ensure a smoother transition or successful pursuit of your career aspirations.

Four of Pentacles: Affirmation: I am grounded and secure in my financial stability, and I welcome abundance into my life.

Meaning: Four of Pentacles signifies a need for security, stability, and control. It represents a desire to protect your material possessions, finances, or resources. The card suggests that you may be holding on tightly to what you have, seeking financial or emotional stability, or being cautious about taking risks. It encourages you to assess your relationship with money and possessions and find a balance between holding onto what you have and being open to new opportunities. The Four of Pentacles brings a sense of stability, protection, and the potential for financial security.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 4. The number 4 in numerology is considered a grounded and practical number. It represents a sense of order, discipline, and the ability to create a stable framework. It signifies a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the ability to manifest ideas into tangible results.

Just started this makes sense describes me to a T
Spread: Dream Job
Joined Jul 2023
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