

Published by Adriana on

T - tarot reading by Adriana
Deck: CBD Tarot de Marseille (By Dr. Yoav Ben-Dov,
Card Notes
Card Notes
What are my true feelings towards this person?

Four of Coins: overcoming jealousy, release from past lovers//
Past insecurities may be healing now, allowing you or your lover to be less jealous and possessive. The reversed 4 of Pentacles love meaning can therefore signal that the relationship can move forwards without being hindered by past wounds. If you’re single, it may be that you are ready to finally open your heart to new love, and have let go of something that has prevented you from letting your romantic life flourish.

What do I need to know about my crush?

Queen of Wands: selfish and demanding lover, jealousy, dominating lover, arguments

There’s a difference between being self-assured and self-centered. The reversed Queen of Wands tarot love meaning can represent someone whose fiery temper can occasionally go out of control, and whose fickleness and selfishness can mean that they quickly lose interest in you. They may have a hard time caring for your needs, while being demanding of satisfying their own. Should this not appear as a person entering your love life, this card can instead indicate you or your partner may at the moment be rather dominating and perhaps a touch neglectful of the other’s needs, or there may be explosive arguments in your relationship at the moment. Give yourself time to be gentle, to listen, and to address any feelings of insecurity that are lingering.

What can I learn about my crush’s body language?

Seven of Swords: lies revealed, end of playing games, dropping pretension

An end to lies and deception may be suggested by the reversed 7 of Swords tarot love meaning. Dishonesty always eventually comes to light, and this card signals that the truth is coming to surface now. If you’re the deceiver, it is in the long run more important to confess and admit to any wrongdoing. It is not easy to carry the weight of dishonesty; for it usually comes with constant anxiety of being found out. Those looking for love can be more willing to drop any pretensions or stop playing games. In the long run, this can bring you more fulfillment than having to consistently change yourself for love.

What kind of connection exists between us?

Knight of Wands: fearless, courageous lover, difficult to commit, rash, erratic relationship

Someone who is full of vitality and fearlessness may have just entered your love life with the Knight of Wands tarot love meaning. They are likely to be very impulsive, charming, and passionate. But their rash and volatile nature can make it difficult for them to settle down with one person. If this card doesn’t represent a person, it can instead point to a period in your love life that is exciting, but also erratic and adventurous. You may be more prone to taking risks at this time, which can pay off handsomely. Fear of rejection may not be a problem at this moment.

How can we connect better?

XVIIII - The Sun: happiness and love in relationship, positivity is attractive, feeling radiant

With the Sun comes light, life and warmth. The Sun tarot love meaning heralds much of the same in your relationship and your romantic life in general. There is happiness, celebration, and fulfillment in this card. Your relationship can be blossoming under this light, bringing the two of you closer together as you enjoy life’s blessings. There is likely harmony now, and you can use this time to create an even closer connection with your loved one. Should you be single, now is also the time to step out and let yourself shine. Your positivity and radiance can be magnetic now, and draw you the kind of romance that you’ve dreamed of.

How does this person treat me?

XV - The Devil: lust, hedonism, selfish disregard for lover’s feelings, obsession

Lust and temptation are symbolized by the Devil in a love tarot reading. There can be a sense of hedonism, and a selfish desire for gratification with this card. In less serious circumstances, it can also just simply mean a pursuit for all of life’s earthly pleasures. There is nothing wrong in having a bit of fun, but make sure that you are not hurting others or giving them wrong impressions when you do. If you’re only looking for hook-ups, it is up to you to communicate that with your dates. Make sure you avoid pressuring others if they decide your lifestyle isn’t something that suits them. Communication will be more important than ever now.

Alternatively, the Devil tarot love meaning can also signal addiction, and in the context of love and relationships, co-dependency. Over time, this can be destructive to the individuality and self of both partners. Be wary, and ensure that the two of you remain strong individuals within your relationship.

Do we share the same interests?

X - The Wheel of Fortune: external events affecting relationship, love life out of control

There are times, that no matter how much we try, the world will not bend to one’s will. Life may have thrown an unexpected wrench into your plans, and there is not much that you can do other than remember that this too will pass. It is likely that some external factor may be affecting your relationships right now, and you may have to adapt to it, and accept it with patience rather than attempting to control this situation. Other aspects of your life may be demanding right now, as your romantic life may have to take a pause. If you are in a partnership, try and tackle these problems as a team and communicate openly.

What should I do to gain confidence?

XIII - Death: resisting change in relationship, failure to change negative emotional patterns

The Death tarot card love meaning in reverse can signal strong resistance to change when it comes to your approach and attitude to relationships and romance. This can come in the form of hanging onto a relationship that is stagnant and no longer helping either of you grow as individuals. There may also be dependence on the relationship, or you may only remain together because you feel comfortable, obligated or scared of being alone.

On the other hand, old relationships can also be revived. If you are single, Death reversed in a love tarot reading can suggest that you must avoid negative patterns and dynamics to be able to truly engage in a loving relationship. You may have self-esteem issues, savior complexes, or wounds that you need to heal in order to find a partner that will love and respect you, and one you can love and respect in return.

Is my crush interested in me?

Three of Cups: short but exciting romance, third party coming in between you

Should you be single, the 3 of Cups tarot love meaning indicates that your romantic life may be fun and exciting, but perhaps short lived. Relationships started at this time can quickly fizzle once the two of you get to know one another better. If you’re already in a relationship, be wary of any third party that is trying to do harm to your partnership. Sometimes, this can come in the form of nasty gossip, or perhaps someone attempting to insert themselves between the two of you.

What should I do with my feelings?

XII - The Hanged Man: love can’t be rushed, avoid romantic pressure, sacrifice for love

n general, the Hanged Man is about sacrifice, new perspectives and waiting for the right time. For singles, the upright Hanged Man tarot love meaning indicates that things cannot be rushed. Regardless of how much you throw yourself into your romantic pursuits, or message your date all the right things, it may not be up to you if the other party isn’t ready. Instead of trying to force or pressure a relationship to come into fruition, use this time to see how your perspective changes when you’re alone. This same thing applies within relationships as well. Timing may be an issue when it comes to having important discussions, or taking your relationship to the next level.

Alternatively, the concept of sacrifice may play an important role in your relationships, or potential relationships now. Help may be needed, and these can be moments in which your commitment is tested, but can also bring the two of you closer together.

Is there a possibility for romance to blossom between us?

Ace of Cups: sadness, separation, vulnerability, insecurity in the way of love

Some sadness and emotional upset can be signaled by the reversed Ace of Cups tarot love meaning. This may have stemmed from an argument or even a break up, leaving you to feel alone and vulnerable. This card can also simply mean feeling a bit somber about your current relationship, or perhaps having a temporary loss of faith. Something is blocking you from being able to experience, give and receive true love. You may not be meeting your partner, or others in general, with an open heart. It is likely that insecurity is playing a strong role; we must all be able to love ourselves before we can truly love another person. Try and look inward, and give yourself the love that you want before seeking it in another.

Will pursuing this person prove to be worth it in the end?

VIIII - The Hermit: pause in love life to introspect, self-understanding in love

Love, being one of life’s greatest mysteries, can be a great teacher. It requires all of us to truly know ourselves, our needs, our fears and our insecurities. The Hermit tarot love meaning can signal that we may need some time alone in order to develop some insight about our selves before forming a strong romantic relationship with another person. This period may feel a bit lonely, but it will place you on the right path to finding a love that you are meant to have. If you’re already in a relationship, this soul-searching is something that the two of you may want to do together. Both of you may want to think about what you expect out of a relationship, and what may make you happier. The initial talks may be uncomfortable, but will prepare a strong foundation for tackling the future ahead.

Spread: Crush tarot reading
Joined Aug 2023


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