Archive: October 2023


Published by Adriana on

T - tarot reading by Adriana
Deck: Aquatic Tarot (Watercolors by Andreas Schröter 1995-2004, CC License)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What needs to be said at this moment

Ten of Swords: Keywords: Painful ending, Betrayal, Failure, Rock bottom, Transformation

Affirmation: I let go of the past and embrace new beginnings, rising above challenges and embracing personal growth.

Meaning: Ten of Swords signifies a time of deep crisis, hitting rock bottom, or experiencing a profound sense of defeat. It represents a period when you may feel overwhelmed by circumstances, betrayed, or emotionally exhausted. The card suggests that you have reached the end of a difficult chapter, and while it may be painful, it also signifies the opportunity for a fresh start. It encourages you to acknowledge your pain, release any attachments to the past, and be open to new beginnings. The Ten of Swords brings a sense of closure, the potential for transformation, and the opportunity to rise above adversity.

here is a sense of betrayal that is indicated here, for the character is stabbed in the back. This seems to be a reminder that despite how much we try, we cannot control everything - there are things that are beyond our ability to change. Here, this situation is unavoidable.

The tale of the suit of swords is a powerful metaphor, one that ends in tragedy. The swords are a symbol of the intellect, of intelligence and logic, and yet we find the final culmination of this suit a complete and total defeat of the spirit. We must realize that the swords are a weapon that can have immense potential for destruction or for good. The story as it unfolds from the ace to the ten is one where an untrained individual uses this weapon for faulty reasons - makes many mistakes, and then spends an entire lifetime attempting to run away from the power that he misused.

This person believes the swords are external to him when they are part of him, and when they inevitably return, he once again suffers. His pain is not the pain of his circumstances usually, but the pain of fear, of anxiety, of not being able to be a master of his surroundings. After the hopelessness of the nine of swords, what could have happened? Were you overwhelmed by the pressure? Or did you take the final sword upon yourself and admit defeat?

The Ten of Swords depicts that situation where your mentality is ‘poor me’, you feel like there is nothing you can do. Pause and remember that as with the death card, the end of something means a new beginning. Let go of what you have lost, and focus on the new path forward because that is where your life is meant to go. A good example is a break-up with your partner - though it could be intensely painful, it could also be the beginning of a new sense of independence.

Only with acceptance, can you truly heal, and move forward. The worst has happened, and despite how it looks, it can only get better from here.

What is the other partner´s state of mind

Six of Cups: Keywords (reversed card): Stuck in the past, Resisting change, Lack of growth, Naivety, Unresolved childhood issues

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be holding onto nostalgia or resisting growth and change. It encourages you to find a balance between cherishing the positive aspects of the past and embracing the opportunities and joys of the present moment.

The Six of Cups reversed can mean that you are clinging to the past. You should explore your memories, but you should not allow yourself to remain there. While you may find it comforting to be in the security of home, you must also learn to forge your own path. The past should be used as a guide for the future. Learn to focus on the present, and truly be aware.

You may be living in the past instead of the present, with the reversed 6 of Cups tarot love meaning. It is likely that a past relationship has been limiting you from opening yourself to love and making room in your heart for someone else. You may believe that you will never meet someone like your ex again, or that the love you once had was something of legend. It can be rather unfair for current or potential partners to be with someone who lives this way. Exes are exes for a reason; you may be only seeing the happy memories, and not the tumultuous ones. Let the past go. Otherwise you may be blocking out all possibility of love again, and you may never know whether the love that you are meant have was even greater than the one you lost.

Reversed Love Meaning
unable to move on, clinging to past loves, failure to live in present

How are my emotions affecting this situation

Three of Swords: Keywords (reversed card): Healing, Acceptance, Emotional recovery, Release, Moving on

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Three of Swords' meaning can indicate healing, release, or a gradual recovery from emotional pain. It may suggest that you are starting to move past the heartbreak or sorrow that you have experienced. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be actively working towards healing, seeking support, or finding ways to mend your emotional wounds. It encourages you to be patient with yourself, engage in self-care, and take the necessary steps towards emotional recovery.

Reversed Love Meaning
forgiving one another, moving on after pain, separation

With the reversed 3 of Swords tarot love meaning, lovers may find themselves settling their conflicts and forgiving one another. There is a desire here to heal, and move past old wounds, while looking forwards towards the future. For singles, this often means finally getting over past heartbreak, in order to be fully present in your dating life again. However, this card can also sometimes instead suggest the very opposite. Wounds may not be healing, but they may be repressed, so they fester and create resentment. Partners may not be able to forgive one another for past hurts. Sometimes, in these cases, it can be better for both to move on.

Don’t focus too much on what happened, renew your emotions and gather your courage. The reversed Three of Swords card is here to let you know that all difficult moments pass - they are not there to stay, and when we fall, we can also rise again.

How can I alleviate this confrontation

Queen of Pentacles: ---
Meaning: Queen of Pentacles signifies a person who is practical, nurturing, and abundant. It represents a time of stability, financial security, and the ability to provide for oneself and others. The card suggests that you are grounded in the physical world, taking a practical approach to life, and embodying qualities of generosity and nurturance. It encourages you to create a harmonious home environment, prioritize self-care, and cultivate abundance in all aspects of your life. The Queen of Pentacles brings a sense of nurturing, stability, and the potential for material and emotional well-being.

Keywords: Nurturing, Abundance, Practicality, Stability, Security
The Queen of Pentacles is a worldly, practical, generous, hardworking and warm person, who has a talent both for business as well as a love of comfort and luxury. She enjoys making her home welcoming, always delighted to have guests. Single folks right now should be in a wonderful position to choose a partner that truly brings something into your life. f you’re already in a relationship, you may find that the two of you are enjoying a stable, fruitful and prosperous time in your life together. You can certainly afford to indulge a little and treat yourselves.

How should I focus my energy towards solving this issue

Nine of Swords: Meaning: Nine of Swords signifies a time of deep anxiety, nightmares, or emotional turmoil. It represents a period when you may be plagued by excessive worry, negative thoughts, or fear-driven imagination. The card suggests that you may be experiencing mental distress, feeling overwhelmed by concerns, or unable to find peace of mind. It encourages you to confront your fears, seek support from others, and practice self-compassion and self-care. The Nine of Swords brings a sense of acknowledging and addressing your anxieties, seeking assistance if needed, and finding ways to alleviate mental distress.

Affirmation: I cultivate inner peace and replace worry with trust, knowing that I am supported by the universe.

Keywords: Anxiety, Fear, Nightmares, Guilt, Mental torment
he suit of swords is one that is concerned with the mind, with logic, with intelligence, and with communication, but somehow the Nine of Swords was caught on the destructive end of the mind, the one which turns inward on itself, multiplies and festers. Questions are plaguing you, and you find yourself reciting all the possibilities - all the things that can happen to you. You are haunted by what could be.

There is a sense of repetition within this card, that some event which has troubled you before, and one which you managed to either repress or run away from, is coming back again. Sharing your grief does at least provide an outlet for your pain and may release you from carrying this burden alone. Is there anyone that you can feel comfortable speaking to?

In cases where it is less about trauma and more about general anxiety, analyze yourself and think if this is a feeling that is within your control or if there are other factors that contribute to your anxiety. Concentrate on the matters which you can control, and learn to ask for help.
Anxieties and fears can escalate with the 9 of Swords tarot love meaning. Some nightmare situation may be keeping you up at night. Oftentimes, this card suggests that the fears are not as terrible as they are in your head. You may be struggling with guilt, remorse, insecurity, trusting your partner, or mental health issues. You’ll need to understand for yourself whether these feelings are truly rational.

Anxiety may be causing you avoid looking at the problem and facing it head on, but if you took the effort to open your eyes, you may find that you can work through these issues. If you’re single, past relationships can be a source of remorse, sadness and regret, and these feelings must be worked through before going into another relationship.

How can this situation be realistically solved by parties involved

Page of Pentacles: Meaning: Page of Pentacles signifies the start of a new venture, learning a new skill, or pursuing practical goals. It represents a time of curiosity, diligence, and the willingness to work hard to achieve your ambitions. The card suggests that you have the potential to bring your ideas into the physical realm and manifest your desires. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for growth, be open to learning, and take practical steps towards your goals. The Page of Pentacles brings a sense of enthusiasm, determination, and the potential for long-term success.
Generally, the Page of pentacles refers to the kind of energy that you need to complete all that is needed for your work. It may point to the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem. In terms of work, the Page of Pentacles may signify that there are a lot of tasks you are responsible for, but your time to complete them is much too limited. This is not the time to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Assistance will be there for you, you just have to ask for it.

If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship. While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.

How can get my point of view across successfully?

2 – The High Priestess: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, The High Priestess indicates a lack of understanding or disregarding one's intuition and inner guidance. It suggests being out of touch with one's emotions or not trusting one's instincts. It may signify confusion, a disconnect from spiritual or intuitive insights, or a need to delve deeper into the subconscious to uncover hidden truths. It encourages the seeker to embrace their intuition and explore the depths of their inner wisdom.

Yes / No Meaning: Maybe

Keywords (reversed card): Hidden agendas, Lack of understanding, Manipulation of knowledge, Ignorance, Confusion
Reversed Love Meaning
ignoring intuition in romance, hiding true self with lover
The High Priestess is the guardian of your intuition, indicating that it can be a powerful indicator that you will need to trust your feelings when it comes to love and romance. Difficulties can develop when you ignore your intuition and follow only your conscious mind. The High Priestess love meaning can also signal that you must be careful to be truly honest. Avoid taking action or saying words to simply please your lover. This leads to nothing but resentment.

How can I listen effectively to the other parties point of view?

Ace of Wands: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ace of Wands' meaning can indicate a delay or a temporary blockage in the expression of your creative energy or the initiation of new projects. It may suggest a lack of motivation or a feeling of being stuck. Reversed, the card advises you to assess any internal or external obstacles that may be hindering your progress. It encourages you to rekindle your passion, find alternative avenues for creative expression, and overcome any setbacks or challenges.

delays, blocks, lack of passion, lack of energy, hesitancy, creative blocks

How all parties involved end unnecessary drama?

Queen of Wands: Keywords (reversed card): Self-doubt, Manipulation, Jealousy, Impatience

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Queen of Wands' meaning can indicate a misuse or suppression of personal power, a lack of confidence, or manipulation of others. It may suggest difficulties in asserting your authority or standing up for yourself. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be holding yourself back or allowing others to overshadow your abilities. It encourages you to reclaim your power, nurture your self-confidence, and assert your boundaries. It reminds you to lead with integrity and authenticity, rather than relying on manipulation or control.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Regardless of its position (upright or reversed) the Queen of Wands symbolizes fertility, and all the feelings, emotions, and aspects that it brings. It may mean that there is someone who needs your help right now

The reversed Queen of Wands tarot love meaning can represent someone whose fiery temper can occasionally go out of control, and whose fickleness and selfishness can mean that they quickly lose interest in you. They may have a hard time caring for your needs, while being demanding of satisfying their own. Should this not appear as a person entering your love life, this card can instead indicate you or your partner may at the moment be rather dominating and perhaps a touch neglectful of the other’s needs, or there may be explosive arguments in your relationship at the moment.

How can parties acknowledge the ill feelings involved?

Knight of Pentacles: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Knight of Pentacles' meaning can indicate a lack of progress, stubbornness, or being overly cautious to the point of stagnation. It may suggest a need to break free from routine or to consider alternative approaches. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be too rigid or resistant to change. It encourages you to be open to new ideas, adapt your plans if necessary, and avoid getting stuck in repetitive patterns.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

eme. You may feel stuck in your own routine, and bored of everything that surrounds you. You may desire a change of scenery in order to avoid this tiring repetition. The Knight of Pentacles reversed could also indicate that you have totally ignored many serious aspects of your life.

dull relationship, homebody, neglecting relationship

In what way can I diffuse the situation on my end?

Ace of Pentacles: Yes / No Meaning: Yes
The reversed Ace of Pentacles Tarot Love Meaning can suggest that a relationship that once gave you a sense of stability may instead be making you feel anxious and vulnerable.
Sometimes, this can be alleviated with an honest discussion and a game plan moving forward. Other times, the material or practical worries that you are dealing with now can be temporary, and solved with some careful budgeting.If you’re not in a relationship, be wary of people that seem selfish, greedy or willing to take advantage of you. This card can also simply signal missed romantic opportunities.

What is the outcome once the fog of drama dissipates?

Page of Cups: Meaning: Page of Cups signifies a time of emotional exploration, artistic inspiration, and the awakening of intuitive abilities. It represents a period when you are open to new emotional experiences and willing to explore your creative side. The card suggests that you are in touch with your emotions, have a heightened sense of intuition, and are receptive to the beauty and magic of the world. It encourages you to embrace your creativity, listen to your intuition, and express your emotions in a healthy and authentic way. The Page of Cups brings a sense of curiosity, emotional depth, and the potential for creative and intuitive growth.

Yes / No Meaning: Yes

Affirmation: I open myself to the wonders of life, embracing my intuition and allowing my creative gifts to flourish.
One of the most important meanings within the Page of Cups is that you should be open to new ideas, especially ones that stem from intuitive inspiration. The card seems to state that such inspiration should be embraced, despite it being something that you may not expect. It could lead you to adventure and open many doors.

When you are being faced by difficult situations, and you have stopped chasing your dreams, the Page of Cups seems to say that you that you should tackle the issue from a totally different perspective. It symbolizes persistence as this is the only way that you can make your dreams come true. Listen to your intuition, follow your calling, and believe everything is possible.

For those that are afraid to reveal their emotions, the Page of Cups could mean that it is time to release and show those emotions. The creative you and the emotional you should both be expressed, no matter how insignificant they may seem. In most cases, some people cannot express themselves as they want to protect their ego. The Page of Cups indicates that it is alright to have a new beginning - to welcome the real you.

fresh perspective on relationship, awe and wonder at love and romance

The person represented by the Page of Cups tarot love meaning is someone who is intuitive, creative and emotional.

Spread: Drama Drama Drama
Joined Aug 2023
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