

Published by Adriana on

14/11 - tarot reading by Adriana
Deck: 1909 Waite Smith (By A.E. Waite & P. Colman Smith)
Card Notes
Card Notes
What was this person's purpose in life?

Ten of Pentacles: Affirmation: I create a harmonious and prosperous legacy for future generations through my actions and values.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ten of Pentacles' meaning can indicate financial instability, family conflicts, or a lack of fulfillment in material matters. It may suggest a temporary setback or challenges in maintaining harmony within your family or community. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where your sense of security may be compromised or where there may be conflicts or tensions in your familial relationships. It encourages you to work towards resolving any issues, seeking support if needed, and reassessing your values and priorities.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 10. The number 10 in numerology signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It represents the completion of a journey, the culmination of efforts, and the potential for transformation and growth. It symbolizes the inherent cycles of life, where ups and downs occur, and the opportunity for renewal arises.

What were you to learn from this person's life?

Ten of Wands: Affirmation: I release burdens and delegate tasks, knowing that I can achieve success without carrying unnecessary weight.

Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Ten of Wands' meaning can indicate a release of burdens or a lightening of responsibilities. It may suggest finding ways to alleviate stress, delegate tasks, or let go of unnecessary obligations. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you can simplify your life or create more balance. It encourages you to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and focus on what truly matters.

Elements: Fire
When the Ten of Wands card is reversed, it indicates that you are truly burdened by circumstances which are not necessary in your life. Look around and see what is bothering you that will not positively impact yourself even if you rectify it. Drop them all and be a free being that can think soberly and do things accurately. Anything that does not add value in your life is not worth your time, so let it go.

What were you to learn from their death?

19 – The Sun: Affirmation: I shine brightly and radiate joy, bringing positivity and success into my life.

Meaning: The Sun signifies happiness, optimism, and the fulfillment of desires. It represents a period of clarity, vitality, and abundance in various aspects of your life. The card suggests that you are experiencing a time of growth, confidence, and inner radiance. It encourages you to embrace your authentic self, bask in the light of positivity, and seize opportunities with enthusiasm. The Sun card brings a sense of joy, vitality, and success.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 19. The number 19 in numerology is considered a powerful and fortunate number. It represents the culmination of efforts, the achievement of goals, and the manifestation of abundance. It symbolizes the alignment of one's true self with divine energy and the ability to radiate positivity and joy.
The Sun card presents an feeling of optimism and fulfillment. This card represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights. The Sun is the source of all the life on our planet, and it represents life energy itself. There is a child depicted in the card, playing joyfully in the foreground. A symbol of our innocence, it represents the happiness that occurs when you are in alignment with your true self. The child is naked, meaning that he has absolutely nothing to hide. The card also depicts the childhood innocence and absolute purity. This is particularly emphasized through the white horse upon which the child is riding. The horse here is also a symbol of strength and nobility.

What was the reason behind their death?

King of Swords: The King of Swords tarot card shows a king who sits on his throne while holding a double-edged sword that points upwards in his right hand. The King of Swords radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. He understands that power holds great responsibility.

The blue tunic that the king wears is a symbol of his spiritual understanding. The butterflies on the back of his throne are indicative of transformation.

The King of Swords appearing in a reading suggests that you should remain objective in your current situation - you must establish truth by sticking to the facts. The King of Swords and his intellectual power implies that you will need to use your intellect to make your point known and attain your goals. Besides your experience and education, you should be sharp and observant, to see deeply into problems that come your way.

As far as your personal life goes, the King of Swords urges you to use your intellect and logic to maneuver the path that lies ahead. You will need to confront the issue at hand and make a sober decision. The King of Swords implies that you should be able to look at any situation and make a decision with complete impartiality. He can also be an indicator of the high ethical standards that the King of Swords demonstrates.

How are you to use what you'll gain from them?

Queen of Swords: Affirmation: I embody mental clarity and emotional strength, making wise decisions rooted in truth and compassion.

Meaning: Queen of Swords signifies a time of mental clarity, objectivity, and the ability to communicate with precision. It represents a period when you are able to detach yourself emotionally from situations and make decisions based on logic and reason. The card suggests that you possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind, and the ability to see through illusions or deceit. It encourages you to embrace your independence, speak your truth, and assert your boundaries. The Queen of Swords brings a sense of wisdom, self-reliance, and the potential for making sound judgments.

Keywords: Mental clarity, Independence, Objectivity, Wisdom, Strength of character

Astrology: It is associated with the planets Mercury, Moon and Saturn and the astrological sign of Virgo or Libra.
The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision. This queen does have compassion, which is why she has her hand reaching outwards in offering, but she wants to connect to people using an understanding that is intellectual.

This card also means that you will need to become independent with your judgments. You must rely on the unbiased intelligence, which has you researching alternative viewpoints and thinking carefully on your decision. Compassion and empathy in these cases can distract you from your task, so you need you are trying to keep a strong objective view while avoiding getting emotions involved.

The Queen of Swords can also be about the way that we speak with others. This queen has the ability to tell people the way it is. This allows her to get her point across, so there is no confusion about what is being said. Above all, truth is important to her, so she feels no need to soften her comments, thoughts, or opinions. She also expects the same frankness from other people, so this means that you need to be clear with everything that is being said, even if it may hurt.

What do they want you to know?

Three of Wands: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Three of Wands' meaning can indicate setbacks, delays, or missed opportunities. It may suggest a need to reassess your plans or to be patient in awaiting the results of your efforts. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any obstacles or barriers that may be impeding your progress. It encourages you to adjust your approach, seek alternative routes, and remain adaptable to changing circumstances.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 3. The number 3 in numerology is considered a highly creative and expressive number. It signifies the power of communication, expansion, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It represents a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities and collaborations that bring growth and expansion into my life.
However, the most common Three of Wands reversed meaning is a nudge to include planning for future changes, and to watch for better options in case that they show up. The figure on the Three of Wands knows this and always keeps his eyes open for how the future could change, and it is a worthy lesson to learn.

What is their greatest memory?

Two of Cups: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Two of Cups' meaning can indicate disharmony, disconnection, or difficulties in establishing or maintaining a meaningful relationship. It may suggest a lack of balance, disagreements, or an inability to effectively communicate and connect with another person. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where there may be underlying conflicts, misunderstandings, or unmet needs. It encourages you to prioritize open and honest communication, address any issues, and seek resolution or reconciliation if possible.

What do they need that you can do for them?

Eight of Cups: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Eight of Cups' meaning can indicate resistance to change, fear of the unknown, or a tendency to cling to what is familiar even if it no longer brings fulfillment. It may suggest a reluctance to let go of past experiences or relationships, or a fear of stepping into the unknown. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be holding onto what no longer serves you and preventing yourself from experiencing personal growth. It encourages you to embrace change, release attachments, and have faith in the journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Affirmation: I bravely release attachments that no longer serve me, allowing myself to grow and find new paths.

Elements: Water

Numerology: It is associated with the number 8. The number 8 in numerology is considered a powerful and influential number. It signifies material abundance, achievement, and the ability to manifest one's goals. It represents strength of character, resilience, and the capacity to take control of one's life.

How do they see you?

Page of Cups: Meaning (reversed card): In reverse, Page of Cups' meaning can indicate emotional immaturity, moodiness, or a tendency towards being overly sensitive or emotionally reactive. It may suggest a need to develop emotional resilience, discernment, or to seek a more balanced approach to your emotions. Reversed, the card advises you to reflect on any areas where you may be overly influenced by your emotions or allowing them to control your actions. It encourages you to cultivate emotional maturity, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and find a balance between sensitivity and stability.

Affirmation: I open myself to the wonders of life, embracing my intuition and allowing my creative gifts to flourish.

Keywords (reversed card): Emotional immaturity, Blocked intuition, Lack of inspiration, Emotional confusion
One Page of Cups reversal meaning is that you are undergoing a block in your creativity. There are things or projects that you find interesting, but you seem to do them for other reasons than for the joy of it. You may be doing them for money, for fame, or something else. A reversed Page of Cups could indicate that you should remember the joy that your projects brought you in the first place to reclaim your imaginative spirit.

Another Page of Cups reversal meaning is that it can symbolize a troubled person. One who is afraid of reality whether it’s emotional, financial, illness or something else. They find these issues difficult to face, perhaps leading to abuse of alcohol or drugs to escape. It could be an image of you or a loved one who is struggling with self-acceptance.

The Page of Cups could indicate that someone lacks inspiration, they are battling low self-worth, and they are easily depressed. What can you do to help inspire them to be their best self?

What advise/wisdom/secret can they share with you?

King of Pentacles: Meaning: King of Pentacles signifies a person who is reliable, responsible, and financially successful. It represents a time of stability, accomplishment, and the ability to manifest your goals in the material realm. The card suggests that you have achieved a level of financial security and mastery in your endeavors. It encourages you to continue to be practical, disciplined, and reliable in your approach to wealth and success. The King of Pentacles brings a sense of abundance, authority, and the potential for long-lasting material well-being.
Generally, this card reminds us to stay in control of our energy and our resources in pursuit of a larger goal. When it comes to work, the King of Pentacles may refer to a more established man who will pay a significant role in your career. This man can be wise and rational, but he may also be careless when passing judgment. He can be your biggest supporter, but be prepared to receive unsolicited and harsh criticism. In love, this can indicate that the person that you’ve been waiting for can come along and will love you for who you are.

With regards to finances, the King of Pentacles is one of the best cards to receive. This may mean that your financial situation is stable as a result of your wise investments and hard work. In case you are taking a gamble, be sure to initiate a calculated action.

How do they prefer to be contacted?

12 – The Hanged Man: Affirmation: I embrace surrender and see challenges as opportunities for growth and new perspectives.

Numerology: It is associated with the number 12. The number 12 in numerology is considered a highly spiritual and transformative number. It signifies the completion of a cycle and the potential for spiritual enlightenment. It represents self-sacrifice, surrendering old beliefs or attachments, and opening oneself to new insights and growth.

What last words do they have for you?

Ace of Pentacles: Meaning: Ace of Pentacles signifies the birth of a new opportunity, a fresh start, or the potential for material and financial success. It represents the seed of abundance and the promise of prosperity. The card suggests that you have the resources and support necessary to achieve your goals and manifest your desires. It encourages you to seize the opportunity, be grounded in practicality, and take steps towards building a solid foundation for your future. The Ace of Pentacles brings a sense of security, prosperity, and the potential for material well-being.

Affirmation: I am open to receiving abundant blessings and opportunities for prosperity in all areas of my life.

Elements: Earth

Numerology: It is associated with the number 1. The number 1 in numerology is often seen as the number of creation and self-expression. It represents the energy of individuality and taking action to bring about new opportunities and possibilities. It signifies the power to manifest one's goals and desires through focused intention and determination.

Spread: Dearly departed
Joined Aug 2023


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